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28 votes
2 answers

Significance of categorical predictor in logistic regression

I am having trouble interpreting the z values for categorical variables in logistic regression. In the example below I have a categorical variable with 3 classes and according to the z value, CLASS2 ...
user695652's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Qualitative variable coding in regression leads to "singularities"

I have an independent variable called "quality"; this variable has 3 modalities of response (bad quality; medium quality; high quality). I want to introduce this independent variable into my multiple ...
varin sacha's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How to do regression with effect coding instead of dummy coding in R?

I am currently working on a regression model where I have only categorical/factor variables as independent variables. My dependent variable is a logit transformed ratio. It is fairly easy just to run ...
Kasper Christensen's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Understanding dummy (manual or automated) variable creation in GLM

If a factor variable (e.g. gender with levels M and F) is used in the glm formula, dummy variable(s) are created, and can be found in the glm model summary along with their associated coefficients (e....
Bryan's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Why does the intercept column in model.matrix replace the first factor?

I'm trying to convert my factor column to dummy variables: ...
digitgopher's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How to implement dummy variable using n-1 variables?

If I have a variable with 4 levels, in theory I need to use 3 dummy variables. In practice, how is this actually carried out? Do I use 0-3, do I use 1-3 and leave the 4's blank? Any suggestions? ...
screechOwl's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

R linear regression categorical variable "hidden" value

This is just an example that I have come across several times, so I don't have any sample data. Running a linear regression model in R: a.lm = lm(Y ~ x1 + x2) <...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why does treatment coding result in a correlation between random slope and intercept?

Consider a within-subject and within-item factorial design where the experimental treatment variable has two levels (conditions). Let m1 be the maximal model and <...
statmerkur's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Encoding of categorical variables (dummy vs. effects coding) in mixed models

The model based on the experiment looks like this: ...
User33268's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What is the appropriate zero-correlation parameter model for factors in lmer?

When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no correlation parameters, as opposed to m1, for a ...
statmerkur's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Collapsing categorical data easily for regression in R

I have read an article from Christopher Manning, and saw an interesting code for collapsing categorical variable in an logistic regression model: ...
lokheart's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Categorical variable coding to compare all levels to all levels

I am trying to determine the best coding system for my categorical variables to use in a regression with categorical and continuous variables. I have been using this page as a resource but none of the ...
user70872's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Decision Tree - Splitting Factor Variables

I'm new to decision trees and I have some confusion about how factor variables and non-ordered character/string variables get handled in a split. Suppose I have a factor such as "tiny, small, medium, ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

In a multilevel linear regression, how does the reference level affect other levels/factors and which reference level ought to be selected?

In the diagram, Heavy smoker is the reference level as it is not shown with summary. How and what other categorical level should be used instead? Why? ...
Matthew's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to calculate the reference level interaction in regression in R?

I am very confused on calculating the reference level interaction in regression in R. Here is the sample code: ...
doraemon's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why do we omit the intercept when applying LASSO to categorical data?

I have a data set with 16 multi-level categorical predictors and one response variable, in order to fit LASSO to the data set on glmnet I transformed the ...
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I remove the intercept when I have one dummy variable that covers all the categories in a categorical variable?

I have a categorical variable that has $4$ categories, and I have two dummy variables, $x_1$ and $x_2$, that cover this categorical variable. The $x_1$ variable has values of only $1$ without any ...
user400487's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Variable for logistic regression is categorical and continuous so creates “missingness” in R

I am doing a logistic regression analysis using the glm command in R. It is to identify causes of valve narrowing beyond a certain threshold; 0=no narrowing, 1=narrowed. One of my variables is the ...
user2425547's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Multiple linear regression with lm() in R, why is the intersection dependent on the name of the "first" country

I have a question about the function lm() used for multiple linear regression analysis. Context: We have a dataset (that I cannot share) where $y$ is the proportion ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to convert a single dummy variable into a factor?

I have an R lecture script infront of me, where we are using logistic regression to try to predict the probability that an observation belongs to the target class (e.g. y_i = 1) or not (e.g. y_i = 0). ...
jjunk's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Which groups are reference groups in a regression model with interaction?

What are the reference groups in a regression model where there are interaction categories? Using the iris dataset in R, I've created a category with three levels ...
geoscience123's user avatar
3 votes
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Difference between dummy and factor variable?

I've just learnt about dummy variables. Say this is my data: Location Nest XXX Yes XXX No ZZZ Yes YYY Yes YYY No And I want to do multicolinearity tests/logistic regression in RStudio, so I don'...
Burton Guster's user avatar
3 votes
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Results of Type-3 Wald Chi-Square Different for GLMM with Different Contrast Coding

I have just completed a multilevel, longitudinal logistic regression testing, at four different time points, whether participants in an experimental group are more likely to have committed any drug-...
llewmills's user avatar
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Why are results different when using aov_ez{afex} and Anova{car}, Type III SS in R?

Hopefully, the answer to this question is simple. Why do I get different results when I am using Anova from the car package and the aov_ez from the afex package? ...
lisa_pala's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Categorical variable disappears in Poisson GLM summary?

For the variable SelfEthnicity there is meant to be 4 levels. I have made it so there should not be a reference category, but the R output still only shows 3 Ethnicities. ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Logistic regression in R: Handling mixed numerical and categorical variables

I'm attempting to fit a logistic regression model in R and need some guidance on handling both numerical and categorical variables simultaneously, especially when looking for significant explanatory ...
kabin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Interpreting the effects of dummy interactions

Warning This question is quite long, and maybe a lot of you will think it is too long. I however thought, and hope, that if this question gets a proper answer, it will actually be a really good post ...
Tom's user avatar
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Handling redundant factor variable levels for linear regressions in R

Say I have two factor variables, X and Y, each with 3 levels. However, X==3 if and only if Y==3, while such a connection doesn't hold for X,Y==1,2. In this case, while X and Y are not redundant, my ...
R S's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Helmert coding for mixed models in R

I am using R to analyse data from an experiment with six conditions. Condition has two dimensions: for cognitive load, I have two levels (load and ...
shleen's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Design matrix contrast coding for model selection and 'main effects' vs. 'simple main effects' interpretation in linear mixed effects model (R/Matlab)

My question is about contrast coding and planned contrasts in three-way interactions for a linear mixed effects model. Sample code is provided for R and Matlab as I can work in either one, but prefer ...
Anna's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

how to interpret classes dependence that are not the reference class in a linear model

If we run the three following codes: ...
FluidMechanics Potential Flows's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to include dummy variables for year? [closed]

I have the following multiple linear regression: reg <- lm(Y ~ x1 + x2 + d1 + d2, df) and in my dataset I have a series called "year" which contains, you ...
Brennan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Recreate `lm` Categorical Regression

Consider the code, which contains regression using lm of two categorical and one continuous variables without interaction using data from the correct model: ...
温泽海's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adding a Dummy Variable to glm in R?

I'm running a glm in R with two categorical variables, one of which is binary, the other of which can take on five values. I would like it so that my model returns an intercept value that reflects the ...
scoopfaze's user avatar
2 votes
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Interpretation of categorial predictor in poisson regression

I have performed a Poisson regression where my outcome/dependent variable is a count variable of how many technical devices someone ones (ranges from 1 to 9) and I have a bunch of predictor/...
deschen's user avatar
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Am I interpreting my lm() summary() results correctly in R?

(this question I originally posted in stack overflow) I want to know if I am interpreting the factor() function in R correctly. Suppose I have a variable with 10 ...
ineedhelp's user avatar
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Interpreting logistic regression coefficients of a variable overall and levelwise

Context Let Y be a logical vector and X1 a factor with 3 levels. Since Y is binary, logistic regression is used. ...
outofthegreen's user avatar
2 votes
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Dummy Variables vs Factor Usage in R for building Cox Regression

I'm aware that factors are the proper way to handle categorical variables but the explanation gets a little confusing when we start having factors with multiple levels. For example, let's say I have a ...
Ted Mosby's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there any theory governing factors vs flags

I'm doing some work in R using the gbm package. I'm curious about the repercussions of treating categorical variables as ...
screechOwl's user avatar
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When I change my reference level on my GLMER in R, why do the p-values change and why don't the estimates add up? Emmeans solution in answer

I am new to this. My study has three conditions (between subjects - low coordination, high coordination, high coordination with ostensive cues) and three repetitions of a game (within subjects - Game ...
Melissa D. Perring's user avatar
2 votes
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"Group mean centering" a dummy Variable in R for multilevel analysis: how can i do this?

have somebody an idea of how to group mean center a dummy Level 1 predictor in R? Enders & Tofighi (2007) describe a method to center a dummy variable through substracting the proportion of the ...
JoBen's user avatar
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The difference in interpretation between a country and a year dummy, a country-year dummy and both

I am trying to expand my knowledge about the different interpretations of combinations of fixed effects. I am using a pooled cross section dataset with observations at the firm level. The dataset ...
Tom's user avatar
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Setting contrasts for 10-level categorical variable

I have survey data on income and support for environmental protection. Income is a continuous variable that I have broken up into deciles. I have a hypothesis that support for protection ('Agree') ...
spindoctor's user avatar
2 votes
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regression models and dummy variables

I have a output variable and 1 categorical predictor and 3 continuous predictors. ...
user3022875's user avatar
2 votes
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Model overall effect of predictor within categories

I'm trying to fit a generalized linear model in R, but am quite new to regression, and struggling to work out how to have predictors nested within categorical variables. An example of my data: <...
rw2's user avatar
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Simple effects of categorical interaction

I have two two-level categorical variables, IV1 and IV2. I want to fit a linear model in R and find out the simple effect of IV1 on the DV at each level of IV2, separately. I'm not interested in the ...
user2034412's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple Factor Analysis with FactoMineR: error with categorical and dummy variables

I'm interested in using multiple factor analysis to analyze data collected from ceramic sherds. The data contains continuous variables (e.g., vessel rim diameter, vessel wall thickness) and ...
AlexB's user avatar
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0 answers

Dropped variable in regression output in R

I am running a linear regression trying to predict an outcome y that is a numeric, continuous variable based on a variable with three levels (A,B,C) and three more variables that represent the ...
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2 votes
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Some Confusions Regarding Variable Importance Extraction of Several Machine Learning Models

I'm trying to apply several machine learning algorithms in R using caret (decision trees, ensemble methods (bagging, boosting, ...
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we use as.factor to convert categorical variables having multiple levels for decision tree or we need to use model.matrix please help! [closed]

I am trying to build a decison tree model in R having both categorical and numerical variables.Some categorical variables have 3 levels , so can I just use as.factor and then use in my model? I tried ...
diyasini Majumdar's user avatar