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Where is the inflection point here in this elbow chart?

Where do you think is the inflection point on this chart?
pdxtrader8888's user avatar
1 vote
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How to cluster and visualise vectors of which the components are class indices?

Let's say I have a dataset $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}$ of $N$ samples wherein each sample $\boldsymbol{x}^{(i)}\in \mathcal{X}$, $i \in {1 \ldots N}$, is described by a set of $D$ features, such that $\...
Damiaan Reijnaers's user avatar
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1 answer

What graph is best suited for this data? (and how can I produce it in R)

I have this df object (9x19), ...
wantingtoimprove's user avatar
2 votes
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Algorithm for detecting collective outliers

What algorithm should I go for if I want to determine collective outliers within a dataset? By collective outliers, I mean a series of data points differ significantly from the trends in the rest of ...
Iamtrying's user avatar
0 votes
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Appropriate technique for grouping objects with multiple ratings each?

I've got a questionnaire in which I'm asking participants to rate 17 countries on eight different rating scales each (scale 1-7). I'm now interested in finding out which countries are similar to each ...
caminoodle's user avatar
1 vote
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Applying k-means over PCA

I have a dataset containing 20 columns and 200 rows. This is an unlabeled dataset and I applied PCA to this dataset for dimensionality reduction. After successfully using PCA, I received a dataset ...
Krishna's user avatar
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Visualizing and clustering user activity within tool ecosystem

I have a large amount of telemetry for a population of users using a tool suite. In many cases, users are working on a number of different tasks over the course of a day, and hopping back and forth ...
soandos's user avatar
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Graph/Network Clustering Models that Use Covariate Information

I have been reading about Clustering Models on Graph/Network data. For example, there seems to be a popular Clustering Model for Graph/Network data called Louvain Clustering (
stats_noob's user avatar
4 votes
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Generating "Random" Datasets with Statistical Patterns

Does anyone know if there any packages in common statistical computing software (e.g. R) that have the ability to simulate realistic random data with statistical patterns? It's quite straightforward ...
stats_noob's user avatar
1 vote
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Can the Response Variable ever be used in Clustering?

I have the following question: Can the response variable ever be used in a clustering algorithm? I understand that in general, clustering is considered to be an "unsupervised learning algorithm&...
stats_noob's user avatar
0 votes
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In NLP what does it mean when text data is clustered? What does each cluster represent?

I am reading about NLP and text analysis and am studying clustering of text data. I have a large csv file that is a collection of online responses. I am first converting each response to a TFIDF ...
StuckInPhDNoMore's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there an MDS/embedding algorithm that is more suitable to the goal of clustering a graph

I am testing ideas on clustering a particular graph. After testing a set of graph clustering/community detection algorithms I thought about mapping the graph to a vector space and using vector space ...
Jacques Wainer's user avatar
3 votes
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Visualise clusters and relationship with features; alternative to chord diagram

I've done some clustering, and now I want to visualise the relationships with some features. Ideally I want to create a chord diagram like the image below (source): The chord graph basically shows ...
sander's user avatar
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Does the N-dimensional hypervolume refer to the N attributes we have in the training sets?

If we have $N$ features in the feature set that is being used to train a machine learning model, does the $N$ here cause the data points to be in hyperspace provided that $N > 3$? I'm assuming that ...
learnerX's user avatar
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Best clustering approach when variable combination sizes vary

Let's say my dataset is as follows: ...
user3554199's user avatar
1 vote
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Unsupervised methods for a dataset that contains ordinal categorical variables casted as numerical

I'm fairly new to statistical learning. At the moment, I'm using the EU-SILC dataset to analyse the factors that determine the French income (x). It can be found here:
Zachary's user avatar
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Clustering methods recommandation

I tried to use K-means clustering method to create a plot based on the dataset below. The point I was trying to prove is there's non linear relationship between ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to plot categories after clustering

I am trying to plot the categories I have obtained via DBSCAN on a 30-dimensional dataset 12 categories, and I want to visualize them in a 2d plot. My procedure was to reduce that 30-dimensional ...
astro_xyz's user avatar
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What is the best k in kmeans clustering [duplicate]

I did clustering on a dataset of real-world patients and since the best way to choose the amount of clusters in KMeans clustering is Elbow method and the Silhouette method, I conducted those two and ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Clustering temporal data

I have a large collection of bus arrival times (a specific bus number at a specific stop). I am trying to determine the best way to cluster the data so I can see what time the bus usually shows up at -...
C Murphy's user avatar
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How can I visualize and cluster weighted graphs in python?

On any ecommerce website, you have options to apply filters to filter out products. For example: So I have data of how many users applied what filters tuples on the website. Which is fetched from ...
gndp's user avatar
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Dendrogram: Hierachical Clustering on Text data

I would like to use hierarchical clustering for my text data using sklearn.cluster library in Python. However, when I plot the dendrogram to inspect where I should ...
Darren Christopher's user avatar
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Is there a way to reduce high-dimensional feature space to an array of 2d tSNEs ordered along a chosen dimension?

Let's say we have 4096-d vectors (via a CNN fully-connected layer) and often we use tSNE to visualize the space, sometimes in combo with Jonker-Volgenant to assign it to a grid. When applied to image ...
kradeki's user avatar
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Algorithms for Graphs Clustering

Which methods is available for graph clustering? The most information by query "Graph clustering" concentrated on the finding set of nodes in the one large graph (or graph partition), but it isn't my ...
Simplex's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to plot data to visualize variance of lower cluster if there is >1

I have the following data: ...
Mucteam's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to represent the probability of a point belonging to a cluster?

I want to do a scatter plot with a two-dimensional dataset. Suppose I have only 3 clusters. Then, I could assign each cluster a color of these: red, green and blue. If soft-assignment was made, then ...
Tendero's user avatar
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Visualizing clustering on 2D binary data [duplicate]

I have a 2D binary array (size 1445 by 120), which I have clustered into 10 clusters using Python's AgglomerativeClustering method. Each of the 1445 samples is given a cluster index of a number from 0-...
Cynthia's user avatar
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Why SOM is better than clustering technique(e.g. hierarchical)?

I am using SOM for dimension reduction and visualization purpose (to put the same observations together). I am using kohonen r-package for the same. https://cran....
Artiga's user avatar
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Network modularity for exactly two communities

I have a number of empirical networks that tend to show bipolarization patterns, meaning that there are precisely two communities. In some networks, the two communities are very clearly separated (...
Philip Leifeld's user avatar
3 votes
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Dimensions of clustering results

My PhD research (computational organic chemistry) often generates large data sets (>10000 entires) of 'conformers' - where a conformer is basically the spatial arrangement of atoms in space. From ...
James's user avatar
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1 answer

Visualization on Cluster for Mixed Data

So, i'm working with fuzzy clustering for Mixed data. Then i want to do Visualization for clustering result. Here is my data ...
Jack shephard's user avatar
2 votes
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How to interpret LISA clustering maps?

I have produced a LISA clustering map showing the types of significant clustering of the proportion of part-time workers in London: However, as I understand it, 'low-high' describes an area of low ...
user9529602's user avatar
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Visualization problem of 15 attributes which is clustered into 2 cluster [duplicate]

I am new in python and clustering problem. I need some help for visualization of clustered data. I have some unlabeled data with 15 attributes and 30161 instances. I took 70% data for clustering and ...
IS2057's user avatar
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Visualizing neural network inferences

I know this is an ongoing and hard question to answer, but if anyone has experience in this then please share your knowledge. Suppose I have made a neural network with the task of predicting an ...
Sam's user avatar
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how to compare or cluster data

I need advice regarding further steps. I have dataset about computer and their activity during 24 h for several month. I want to find best fit between peers so one computer can relay on other for some ...
explorer's user avatar
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How to compare the distributions of variables within clusters?

I used K-means to cluster 15k data points composed of 5 quantitative features scaled between 0 and 1. I would like to compare the distributions of the features within each cluster, and also compare ...
Karl Alexius's user avatar
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How to cluster graphs with same topology, but different weights on the vertices?

I have N graphs, they all have same topology,but they differ in vertices weight. I would like to cluster these graphs such that graphs that their vertices has similar weights in similar positions are ...
user2806363's user avatar
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Is random walk a good metric to compute distances of two sets of nodes in the graph?

I have a big graph and I have three sets(A,B,C) of labeled nodes on it. I would like to compute on average how fare each sets are from each others. In other word, I want to compute distance matrix for ...
user2806363's user avatar
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Is Plotting textual dataset in scatter plot after clustering the data reflect nature of data?

i have textual data points.. (1000+) text documents.. i used K-means to cluster these data, then used SVD method upon (TF-IDF matrix) then select the 2nd and 3d columns in VT matrix to represent these ...
azifallail's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there cluster evaluation measures that when plotted against k, are monotonic on either side of the global maxima or minima?

I want to find the optimal number of clusters (k) for some clustering algorithm (agglomerative hierarchical, if that matters). I want to evaluate the quality of clustering based on some metric for ...
Kristada673's user avatar
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Clusplot and variability

I'm testing the clara algorithm with a dataset, but as we can see in the figure: I got the message "These two components explain 1.06% of the point variability" What can I conclude about this? The ...
JMR's user avatar
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Visualize clustering with mulidimensional data set

I have done a clustering in R using the Mclustpackage with a data set with 17 attributes and 2000 observations. the Mclust...
Sanjat's user avatar
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Understanding the result of largeVis

I am learning the largeVis, and trying some examples, but have some questions, any tutorials on largeVis will appreciate. ...
wolfe's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Should dimensionality reduction for visualization be considered a "closed" problem, solved by t-SNE?

I've been reading a lot about $t$-sne algorithm for dimensionality reduction. I'm very impressed with the performance on "classic" datasets, like MNIST, where it achieves a clear separation of the ...
galoosh33's user avatar
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Clustering a fully connected graph

I've a graph representing a social network ( 597 nodes, 177906 edges). Each edge has a weight saying how much two nodes are similar. I'd like to apply some clustering algorithm to this network but I ...
viral's user avatar
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2 answers

How to graph the data points of n dimensions? [duplicate]

I'm very new to data science. I'm wondering how is it possible to graph data of n dimension. For example by Clustering high-dimensional data
GniruT's user avatar
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Drawing a graph and grouping based on characteristics

Let's say that I have a list of my friends and each of them are tagged with some of their characteristics. That is, ...
Eledah's user avatar
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What are the X and Y axes of Clustering Plots?

I have run a nearest neighbor clustering of some data, and I have a matrix of cosine distances. However, I'm confused on how to plot it visually, or what units, if any these distances exist in. It ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
-1 votes
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Help in implementing self organizing map for quantizing time series based on a paper

Chapter titled, Self Organized Partitioning of Chaotic Attractors for Control in Lecture Notes in Computer Science in book: Artificial Neural Networks — ICANN 2001, pp.851-856 uses multiple self ...
Srishti M's user avatar
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How to get a good initial guess of the means for continuous Hidden Markov Models?

I'm currently implementing the continuous HMMs to recognize eating gestures during meal. My question is that I have read Rabiner's paper on continuous HMMs. (See link's here Some Properties of ...
Yiru Shen's user avatar