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1 vote
0 answers

Kaplan-Meier plots in R [closed]

I have generated the following clusters. Now I want to compare 3 groups in terms of survival. I am wondering how to create 3 groups based on "scores" and draw KM plot. Codes: ...
4 votes
1 answer

clustering groups but with multiple observations per group

I'd have 10 groups and hundreds of observations per group. In this toy example I only have 3 groups with 20 observations each. I am looking to see if groups are similar so I'm using kmeans to ...
0 votes
2 answers

R - high dimension data using k means clustering [closed]

The dataset is 1000(observations) x 700(variables), After using pca to do dimension reduction, PC150 explained 85% Variance, so I use this (1000 x 150) data to do k means clustering. This code was ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is my variable considered okay to use in k-means clustering with Euclidean distance?

I was wondering if I can use regular kmeans() in R with my variable "number of drug prescriptions" which equals a number between 1-25. From what I've read k-means ...
0 votes
1 answer

K-Means Variable Selection

I have a simple data set, 1200 Rows and 20 variables, 1 is a categorical variable with 8 unique values. 1 variable is a unique reference number. I'm looking into using Kmeans clustering to find the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Does this clustering quality metric make sense?

I am trying to stop at best quality metric in my clustering task. (I make spectral clustering using k-means). In short, I calculate intra-cluster pair-wise distances, take their square and sum them ...
0 votes
1 answer

Clustering phrases using K-Means

I have a data set with some phrases. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Adding weights to functions not accepting weights

If I had a vector of weights for each observation data(iris) wghts <- abs(rnorm(nrow(iris))) And I had a function that did not accept weights as an argument: ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to I determine the maximum number of iterations in K-means clustering?

In the documentation of kmeans, the default value of iter.max is 10: kmeans(data, modes, iter.max = 10, weighted = FALSE, fast = TRUE) I don't understand why. And I also wonder how to determine the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Clustering for medium data [closed]

Which clustering method is good in R for a data with ~32,000 subjectsa and 10 variables, hierarchical or k-means?
3 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between Lloyd's, MacQueen's and Hartigan's algorithms for K-Means?

There are three distinct algorithms for the K-Means function in R. These are: Lloyd's MacQueen's Hartigan's I believe I understand how Lloyd's works. 1. The cluster centers are chosen. 2. Points are ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I order kmeans clusters?

I have a kmeans cluster object and I would like to order the clusters. Not the observations within the clusters, rather the clusters in order of each other. Is there a way of doing this? I found ...
1 vote
1 answer

Kmeans results, is the cluster vector ordered by 'closeness"?

I ran kmeans in r with k = 20 centers and 7 scaled variables to cluster with on a data frame with n = 100K. Using dplyr group_by I was able to view summary data for each of the 20 clusters: the mean ...
22 votes
3 answers

Why does gap statistic for k-means suggest one cluster, even though there are obviously two of them?

I am using K-means to cluster my data and was looking for a way to suggest an "optimal" cluster number. Gap statistics seems to be a common way to find a good cluster number. For some reason it ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to optimize the result of K means

I am analyzing the data of abalone. My goal is to classify the data into three categories(premium, medium premium, and classic). Since it's an unlabeled dataset, so I utilized K means clustering to do ...
0 votes
0 answers

Weighted K-means for my super market vs K-means

I have a Super Market. I want to find if product A is out of stock which product should i replace with. I am not sure what should i do, someone suggested me K-means for that. If sppose my data looks ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Is k-means clustering supposed to behave like this?

First of all, data I'm using can be found here. My code is: ...
1 vote
1 answer

K-means clustering on a large matrix using kendall's tau as a distance measure

I'm trying to use kmeans clustering on a relatively large matrix (4000x4000) using the amap::Kmeans function but R seems to be freezed even after more than half an hour. I have to restart R after this....
1 vote
2 answers

Cluster Analysis on a 20,000+ row data set using K-Means 'tot.withinss' not working in R

I have 20,000+ rows of data around 7 columns. I tried to do cluster analysis on it using K-Means where k= 5. When I attempted to plot the clusters, it was not helpful at all, too much data so it all ...
1 vote
0 answers

Analysis of k-means clustering in r

I have a group of 144 people. I have 3 categorical observations and each of them is described by three variables. After performing a k-means on 3 clusters in r I see that one of the groups, "overt" ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I use Clustering with mixed data type in R? [duplicate]

I know there is same question in cross validated. But it is somewhat different. Clustering of mixed type data with R At there Q&A, as using daisy funtion(), we can use categorical data type in ...
8 votes
1 answer

Outlier detection with data (which has categorical and numeric variables) with R

Scenario I have a project about fraud detection where i need to find outliers by kmeans. I have a dataset about bank credits length of 1000. There are 21 columns (14 categorical, 7 numeric ...
1 vote
1 answer

R: why different between [k-means] build-in function and Kmeans from amap package

I am doing k-means algorithm on iris data using two functions, the regular "kmeans" and "Kmeans" from amap package. ...
0 votes
1 answer

K-means : choose Optimum number of clusters based on graph [duplicate]

I've come into a situation where I dont understand How to choose the number of clusters. The WithinSS increases suddenly after 6. How/What do I interpret of this graph ? Background : I've applied PCA ...
13 votes
2 answers

Interpreting result of k-means clustering in R

I was using the kmeans instruction of R for performing the k-means algorithm on Anderson's iris dataset. I have a question about some parameters that I got. The ...
2 votes
2 answers

Clustering with numerical variables and one non numerical

I'd like some help with an issue that might seem easy but I'm stuck in my analysis. I'm working with R on a dataframe containing 15 variables: 14 numerical or Integer and 1 factor. I'd like to do ...
5 votes
2 answers

Optimal number of clusters using K-Prototypes method in R

I am trying to cluster some big data by using the k-prototypes method. I am unable to use K-Means as I have both categorical and numeric data. I have been using the package "clustMixType" and have ...
0 votes
0 answers

can I use manhattan distance function on hartigan wong kmeans clustering

I would like to perform Hartigan Wong clustering on high dimensional data. As I understand, Manhattan distance works better than the Euclidean distance in higher dimensions. I have been using the K-...
2 votes
0 answers

Why Elbow algorithm plot shows a straight line instead of curve line?

I want to apply kmeans clustering algorithm on dataset of 12008 samples. This dataset is actually an eigenvector matrix of size (12008 * 12008) generated from given laplacian matrix. In order to ...
16 votes
2 answers

Is there a function in R that takes the centers of clusters that were found and assigns clusters to a new data set

I have two parts of a multidimensional data set, let's call them train and test. And I want to built a model based on the train ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a clustering algorithm that can take a maximum distance from any mean as a constraint?

I am building an analytical tool that depends on being able to take a bunch of 1 dimensional numbers and group them into categories based on how close each number is to the mean of the group. However, ...
1 vote
1 answer

k means for segmenting time series [closed]

Now, I am trying to understand how to segment a multivariate time series using k- means. I understand that the basic concept is to use centroids of segments rather than centroids of data points and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unsupervised classification - verification of clusters

Not sure if this is best placed here but I will have a go. I am working with clinical data in order to stratify patients using different biomarkers. I have log transformed and MinMax normalised all ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why did K means clustering do a poor job in R

I am trying to implement K means clustering in R, Here is what my data look like: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Approach to Problem- K-Means with distribution constraint

I have 4 variables A (continuous), B (continuous), C (categorical-binary), and D (categorical-multinomial) which I need to split into K (known) groups. However, in addition to minimizing the distance ...
2 votes
2 answers

Mapping k-means cluster centers and origins (measuring k-means accuracy)

Say I generate a dataset $X$: the first $i$ samples follow $x_i\sim N(\mu_1,\Sigma_1^2)$, the next j samples follow $N(\mu_2,\Sigma_2^2)$ and the last $l$ samples from $N(\mu_3,\Sigma_3^2)$. Naturally,...
6 votes
1 answer

R - How to fix NbClust error with error message: "The TSS matrix is indefinite. There must be too many missing values."

I would like to know how I can use clustering methods in R (in this case, Kmeans) if I have an "unkind" input matrix (I get this error log: The TSS matrix is indefinite. There must be too many ...
2 votes
3 answers

Clustering into ordered clusters

In a research study I have a list of countries and data about them. GDP Population Oil exports Oil imports Percentage of electricity produced with renewable energies Urbanization Percentage of GDP ...
0 votes
2 answers

Grouping customers together into like groups based on multiple variables without a categorical variable

I am looking for a little guidance as to the correct approach to this problem. We have a list of IDs and roughly 8 different numerical variables such as quantity and revenue. Each ID is unique to the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Fuzzy K-means - Cluster Sizes

I'm trying to do fuzzy k-means clustering on a dataset using the cmeans function (R) . The problem Im facing is that the sizes of clusters are not as I would like them to be. This is done by ...
2 votes
1 answer

After creating a cluster in R, how can I identify which centers are the most important in each cluster? [closed]

I have 30 observations and 60 variables. I conducted a k-means cluster in R with 5 clusters. If I am supposed to choose only 10 variables to show that they have the impact on creating clusters more ...
1 vote
0 answers

$k$-means clustering

I have two hundred $15 \times 15$ matrices containing correlation values between 15 nodes at 200 different time points. I want to cluster the 200 matrices using $k$-means clustering. Question: Is ...
3 votes
2 answers

Cross-validation for k-means clustering in R

I have a dataset of two columns (we can call them x and y). I understand that for cross-validation I need to split my data into k partitions, and for that the general consensus is that I use ...
1 vote
0 answers

Using randomforest to predict clusters made by kmeans, IMDB 5000 Kaggle dataset

I have made 4 clusters of movies based on imdb score, number of votes and gross profit. These are nice interpretable clusters with a BSS/TSS of 65%. Now I would like to use randomforest to predict in ...
4 votes
2 answers

Cluster analysis with K-means. How to get the cluster representatives?

I am trying to do some multivariate cluster analysis as follows: I have a file in which I have the data and I perform the cluster analysis using k-means: ...
9 votes
1 answer

Was it as valid to perform k-means on a distance matrix as on data matrix (text mining data)?

(This post is a repost of a question I posted yesterday (now deleted), but I've tried to scale back volume of words and simplify what I'm asking) I'm hoping to get some help interpreting a kmeans ...
4 votes
1 answer

Within the context of a document term matrix, what exactly are x and y axis in kmeans clustering?

I'm reading up on kmeans and following a blog post to do some text analysis. I watched a helpful video by Andrew Ng fro Coursera which really helped my understanding of what is going on. Here is a ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cluster Analysis for large data in R

I am trying to perform a clustering analysis for a csv file with 50k+ rows, 10 columns. I tried k-mean, hierarchical and model based clustering methods. Only k-mean works because of the large data set....
5 votes
1 answer

Why Is Total Sum of Squares Result from K-Means Analysis Different from Variance?

I'm working on a project that requires some clustering analysis. In performing the analysis, I noticed something that seemed odd to me. I understand that in k-means the total sum of squares (total ...
0 votes
0 answers

Calculate Probability of Membership from kmeans in R

How can I calculate the probability of membership with R's kmeans output? The output of kmeans is as follows: ...