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(Non-limit) distribution of maxima from different univariate, discrete and stationary time series

Motivation: I'm currently studying the convergence of maxima from simulated time series to max-stable distributions, and in order to do so, I want to better understand the penultimate distribution of ...
Joel's user avatar
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2 answers

Estimating the blockchain mining time for $N$ nodes

I am trying to simulate a set of times for the below problem. There are N nodes. Each node generates a random number($R$) in the range $[0,K]$ per second. Guess the time it takes by each node to ...
SlowMountain's user avatar
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Relationship between the number of moments and Tail of the distribution?

While studying about kurtosis and extreme value theory, I came across the concept of tails of the distribution. So I wanted to ask that why is it such that distribution with higher number of moments ...
Devansh Gandhi's user avatar
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How to fit distributions to data in R?

I have 6 sets of Volume(v) & Duration(d) data. I have fitted a quite few distributions to the data such as Weibull, Gamma, Log-Normal, Exponential, GEV, Pareto, Log Logistic, Poisson, and GP. This ...
Mia's user avatar
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Distribution of minimum distance in a iid Gaussian sample

$X_1,...,X_n$ denotes an iid sample with the same Gaussian distribution. I am interested in the distribution of the following quantity. We first pick $i \in [n]$ Then we extract $j^* \in argmin_{j\...
MarcM's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is power law distribution for extreme event special like normal distribution?

The power-law distribution is defined as below in Wikipedia article: The most extreme case of a fat tail is given by a distribution whose tail decays like a power law. $$ \mathrm{Pr}[X>x] \sim x^{-...
hbadger19042's user avatar
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If the density functions $f_1, f_2$ each are in domains of attraction $MDA(\xi_1)$ and $MDA(\xi_2)$, what can we say about $0.5f_1+0.5f_2$?

My question is about the maximum domains of attraction $MDA(\xi)$ from extreme value theory. I would like to be able to say statements such as "since $f$ and $g$ both are in $MDA(\xi)$, $f+g$ is also ...
Har's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Let X,Y be 2 r.v. with infinite expectations, are there possibilities where min(X,Y) have finite expectation?

If it is impossible, what is the proof?
Preston Lui's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the distribution of max-min for a Gaussian distribution

For a process N(t), where at any instance of t=T0, the distribution of N(T0) is Gaussain with mu=0: What is the distribution of max(N(t))-min(N(t))? From my simulation, it has some non-zero positive ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
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Distribution of the second minimum of a set of random variables

Given $n$ i.i.d. random variables $X_1,...X_n$, what is the distribution of the second smallest value ? I know from this question that CDF of the minimum value is $1 - (1-F(x))^n$ where $F(x)$ is the ...
Toool's user avatar
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Estimate return levels for non-annual data

Apologies if this has been asked before - I have looked but could not find anything. I intend on estimating return levels for average annual temperature data using a number of different distributions....
lost_M's user avatar
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Optimize black box function with one of the output as constraint

I have used deep learning to obtain an objective function (or black box) which I need to optimize to get max output. So the inputs are a1,b1,b2,...,b8 while outputs are x,y and z = x^2/y. I need ...
quarkz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unbiased Estimator of Largest Mean of Two Normal Distributions

Given samples from two normal distributions: $X_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(\mu_X, \sigma_X^2)$ for $i = 1,...,n$ $Y_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(\mu_Y, \sigma_Y^2)$ for $i = 1,...,n$ How ...
Hamish Duncanson's user avatar
5 votes
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MLE for the maximum of n values that are observed only with noise

Suppose $x_1, ..., x_n$ is a fixed set of real numbers. Let $\epsilon_1, ..., \epsilon_n \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$ be i.i.d. with known $\sigma^2$, and suppose we get to observe only $z_i = x_i + \...
zkurtz's user avatar
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Is there something conceptually wrong with calculating the mean of minimum values?

Assume I have distance values (e.g. how close an animal gets to a city) for each individual in my sample. So, for each individual animal, I will have a minimim distance. Next, say I have 4 categories ...
Tilen's user avatar
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KL divergence for Generalized Extreme Value distribution

I have found a derivation for the Kullback–Leibler divergence between 2 Gumbel distributions here: on page 64 That document also has a ...
Jed's user avatar
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Looking for ... the Generalized Fisher-Tippett distribution

so I would like to use a parametric model that smoothly interpolates between the 3-parameter Weibull, the 3-parameter Frechet and the 3-parameter Gumbel. Just like the Fisher-Tippett distribution (a....
vzografos's user avatar
3 votes
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Expectation of the minimum of a continuous random variable $X$ and a discrete random variable $Y$

Let $X\sim Exp(1)$ and independently let $Y$ have the pmf $P(Y=k)= p$, $P(Y = \infty) = 1-p$, where $k < \infty$. I'd like to calculate $\mathbb{E}(Z)$, where $Z = \min(X,Y)$. Usually, we tackle ...
Will's user avatar
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Using Gumbel distribution to approximate distribution of sample maximum --- formulae for the parameters?

Suppose you have an observable sample $X_1,...,X_n \sim \text{IID } F_X$ which has a right-tail that decreases sufficiently rapidly to apply the extreme-value theorem (e.g., a normal distribution) to ...
Ben's user avatar
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Random Sampling from Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern bivariate exponential distribution

I would like to obtain an algorithm for generating iid samples from Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern bivariate exponential distribution (as described in the book by Johnson and Kotz as Gumbel's Model II ...
Soumya Mukherjee's user avatar
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Minimize asymptotic variance of fintely many estimates

Let $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ be a $\sigma$-finite measure space; $f:E\to[0,\infty)^3$ be a bounded function with integrable Euclidean norm on $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ and $p:=\alpha_1f_1+\alpha_2f_2+\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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How error affects maximum detection?

I have a discrete function $f$ which lies over a certain domain $X$. My goal is to find the value of $X$, $x_{max}$, for which the function is maximum. I have opted for a simply search: using numpy ...
Giuseppe Angora's user avatar
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Compute which of a finite number of integrals is minimal (not interested in the actual value of the integral)

Let $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ be a $\sigma$-finite measure space; $f:E\to[0,\infty)^3$ be a bounded Bochner integrable function on $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ and $p:=\alpha_1f_1+\alpha_2f_2+\alpha_3f_3$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Variance of $k$th order statistic of normal vector [duplicate]

Let $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)$. Let $Z_{(k)}$ be the $k$th order statistic of $Z$. Is it true that $\text{Var}(Z_{(k)}) \to 0$ as $n\to \infty$ for $1 \leq k \leq n$? Any estimate on the rate? What ...
Student's user avatar
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Question about GEV

I'm doing some analysis involving rectangular pulse processes. Suppose for each process {Xi} that X changes after equal so-...
jpcgandre's user avatar
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Limiting distribution of maximum of i.i.d. Gaussians with decreasing variance

Consider a random vector $X^{(m)} = (X^{(m)}_1,\dots,X^{(m)}_m)$ where, for fixed $m$, the elements of $X^{(m)}$ are i.i.d. $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2 / m)$. Define $$Z_m =\max_{k=1,\dots,m}X^{(m)}_k.$$...
nothing's user avatar
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Determining shape parameter for Generalized Pareto Distribution Scipy

I have a set of values to which I want to fit a Generalized Pareto Distribution. Scipy provides functions for doing so:
Pranav Budhwant's user avatar
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Estimating error for a sample minimum

Let's say I'm benchmarking some computer program and, due to non-randomness in the input data, I'm interested in the minimum running time (as opposed to the average over random inputs). In addition to ...
0xd34df00d's user avatar
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how to deal with extreme values of longitudinal biomarker?

My dataset includes repeated measured longitudinal biomarker values on cancer patients. For example, every patient would take CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) test every 8 weeks. Now the problem is that ...
user271642's user avatar
3 votes
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How to construct a function with given local minima?

I need to construct a function $f(x,y)$ in which there are 3 minima: 2 local and 1 global as given below. Locals are: z = f(0.2,0.3) = 0.7 | z = f(0.6,0.8) = 0.8 Global is: z = f(0.85,0.5) = 0.6 As ...
Tarlan Ahad's user avatar
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Consecutive differences of a uniform law

Let $N>0$ be the number of considered samples. We draw $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ from a uniform distribution over $[0;1]$. We compute $y_1, \ldots, y_{n-1}$ the differences of the sorted $(x_i)_i$. I'd ...
Rodolphe LAMPE's user avatar
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Rewards in reinforcement learning for minimization problem

I am new to ML/DL/RL. I am looking to solve the classic travelling salesman problem (TSP), where the salesman has to visit all cities only once and finding the smallest path to do that (minimize ...
Dr.PB's user avatar
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Obtaining the probability of exceedance corresponding a given return period

I have a time series of data (15 years). Following plots show the fitted PDF (generalized extreme value distribution) and corresponding CDF (i.e. 1 minus CDF). The data used here is not the total ...
some_weired_user's user avatar
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Finding Quantiles and Sampling from a Mixture of Distributions

I am trying to replicate a result in this paper, specifically I am trying to implement the mixture distribution on page 9 of the document. The authors describe a hazard function: $$ h(x):=h_{1}(x) \...
doug's user avatar
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Compare return levels of fitted GPD using MLE in different R packages

This question is related to this post: Different quantiles of a fitted GPD in different R packages? I want to constraint "potvalues" data to be in a period of 6 years, this is, 16 observations per ...
alexyshr's user avatar
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Robust Statistics for Finance with focus on Outliers

There's Robust Statistics with things like using median instead of mean to ignore outliers (usually considered as errors that should be ingored). ... Robust statistics are statistics with good ...
Alex Craft's user avatar
4 votes
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How to explain local minima found between two trained Neural networks?

I have trained 2 neural networks with SGD and then I have taken a linear path between their weights. Say W_0 and W_1 are the weight matrices of network 1 and network 2, respectively. Then I compute ...
Tom's user avatar
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Asymtotic distribution of the MLE of a Uniform

A property of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator is, that it asymptotically follows a normal distribution if the solution is unique. In case of a continuous Uniform distribution, the Maximum Likelihood ...
Mauro Schläpfer's user avatar
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Finding maximum of quadratic function that depends on other variables

I am trying to fit a model of the following form in R: yield = solar_rad + I(solar_rad ^ 2) where each observation is a field and ...
Giovanni Colitti's user avatar
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Process of the max of a gaussian process

I know how to calculate the distribution of the max of a Gaussian process. I am now wondering what's its process. Are its properties known? (For instance I guess that the length of constant parts ...
jimifiki's user avatar
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Are min$(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ and min$(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)$ independent for $n$ to infinity?

Assume that we have given two continuous iid random variables $X$ and $Y$ with support $[1,c)$, where $c$ is some constant greater than one. Now assume I have a given iid sample $X_1, \ldots,X_n$ and $...
Mark's user avatar
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Exponential Inequality For Probability of Being Close to Maximum

Given $n$ independent identically distributed random variables $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ that have $|X_i| < \lambda$ for all $i$. Let $\max(X)$ be the maximum of these $n$ variables. Is there a ...
Halbort's user avatar
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How to solve for the minimum KL Divergence when the distribution is discrete?

Say we have a simple case of $p(x,y)$ is a 3x3 matrix: $$\begin{bmatrix} 1/6 & 0 & 0 \\ 1/6 & 3/6 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1/6 \end{bmatrix}$$ And $q(x,y)=...
JoeTheShmoe's user avatar
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Back-calculation of the minimum sample size for an mechanical experiment

I want to back-calculate the minimum sample size for an experiment. I have a known mean and standard variance of a statistical population. From the statistical population I chose two samples with ...
Dirk Müller's user avatar
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Probability of random population value being higher than sample maximum

Considering a small sample size (n < 10) from a population, I'm trying to find how likely a random population value would be greater than the maximum of the sample. Hoping ye could help me with ...
pizza's user avatar
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How to fully estimate a probability density from only a sample of minimum values?

We are given a sample $\{ z_i \}$, $i=1,2,\ldots,N$, such that each value $z_i$ corresponds to the minimum of $n$ random variables $x$, i.e., $z = \min \{ x_1, x_2,\ldots,x_n \}$. By means of ...
rasmodius's user avatar
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Frechet and subexponentiality

In the context of extreme samples from distributions, I note that some subexponential distributions (such as the lognormal) are in the "domain of attraction" of the Gumbel/exponential class of ...
Isambard Kingdom's user avatar
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Asymptotic Distribution of Minimum Uniform Random Variables

I've been working on this problem for a while, and I've made some progress, but I'm still stuck on some parts. I was hoping to get some assistance with this! Let $M_n = \min(X_1, ..., X_n)$ where $...
theDerivative's user avatar
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Balkema-de Haan-Pickands theorem, generalized Pareto and lognormal

On the wikipedia page on the Balkema-de Haan-Pickands theorem,, it is said the "for a large class of underlying distribution functions",...
Isambard Kingdom's user avatar
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How to compute largest values of random variables? [closed]

Suppose we have two discrete random variables and we want perform maximum operation to obtain the max PDF. We know that max of two independent random variables is: if Z = max(X,Y) ...
nauok's user avatar
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