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R - what units are MCMCglmm posterior means in?

my question is probably amateurish but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. In what metric are the MCMCglmm package's posterior means for ...
Petr Palíšek's user avatar
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Analyzing Poisson MLM level 2 residuals for outliers

I am using HLM to analyze school discipline data. My outcome variable here is a count - the number of discipline referrals per student in the academic year - and I'm using binary predictor variables ...
dankernler's user avatar
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Obtaining individual factor loadings from a CFA in an experience sampling design

I have these intensive longitudinal data of n = 300 participants with 55 measurement occasions each. I have 12 emotion items (6 positive and 6 negative, both high and low arousal). I am interested ...
3353206's user avatar
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What statistical analysis to use for a diary study?

I was wondering which statistical strategy/technique is best for my research, which is a diary study. I have developed a theoretical framework, a mediated moderation model see figure below. All ...
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What is the best way to analyse (in SPSS) a matched group design?

I am studying cognition in juvenile sex offenders. I have two independent groups: juvenile sex offenders and juvenile non-sex offenders. I am matching these groups on 9 variables: age, gender, SES, ...
cee's user avatar
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Growth Curve Models using lmer() function in R (lme4 package)

I am interested in changes in depression surrounding different life events and if personality traits (level-2 predictors) affect these changes in depression. In a given longitudinal data set, each ...
Marie B.'s user avatar
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use ratio as dependent variable in glmm

I have a dataset I am working with to model the proportion of fish caught at length conditioned on the total catch at length. I have paired observations (n=96). The paired observations consist of a ...
user41509's user avatar
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parameter different significantly if I split the data alternatively

Let's say I have linear regression model, and assume $\beta$ is the parameter. Assume the design matrix $X = (x_0,x_1,x_2,...x_n)$ If I split the data alternatively, like this: $$ X^{(0)} = (x_0,x_2,...
wh0's user avatar
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How do I "unpair" two regressors from one another that are from a common subject in a linear mixed-effects model?

I'm building a linear mixed-effects model, and I'm not sure how to best structure my data. I was forced to collapse the response variable for each of the three conditions, so I am not even sure that ...
user196416's user avatar
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GLMM with nested and random effects

I have been trying to apply the correct model with GLMM to a data set that I believe has nested and random effects. Specimens were collected from 7 sites from 4 ...
Virchu's user avatar
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Are multi-level models equivalent to running regression on the errors?

I have some data that I would like to model in a hierarchical function (it's a toy problem). In this case its production rates on two production lines, their associated products and how much they make ...
simeon's user avatar
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Should I use Mixed effect repeated measures? Is this the right use case?

I have a data set which has independent variables (metrics) at the weekly level. I have one row of independent variables for every week. The dependent variable is measured at the monthly level. I have ...
Tanay Bhalerao's user avatar
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What could be happening in this mixed effect model fitting process?

When I fit the mixed effect model I got this warning: Warning messages: 1: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt\$par, ctrl = control\$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with max|grad|...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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Forecasting many stores sales with optimal reconciliation and regression

I am forecasting many stores sales via the optimal reconciliation approach. The problem is that forecasts are not as accurate as I would like. Edit: Part of the problem is that a small subset of ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to test for significant difference in multilevel data?

I work with a multilevel data set like the one below. ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How can I model a binary outcome with four-level predictors?

I have 63,419 level-1 observations and 329 level-2, 138 level-3 and 21 level-4 clusters. Thus, 1) I have an average of only 2.4 level-3 clusters for each level-2 one, and of 6.6 level-4 clusters for ...
Federico Tedeschi's user avatar
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Repeating AIC values with proc Glimmix in SAS

I am comparing several models using PROC GLIMMIX, and many of my models are coming out with the exact same AIC value, even when new variables are added. For example, the code below yields the exact ...
M. Kane's user avatar
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ANOVA over time but not repeated measures

I have an experiment that was incorrectly designed. I'm trying to see what analysis I should provide, but I'm a little confused. A brief description of the experiment: Rats were given one of four ...
Eli's user avatar
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Scalar-on-function regression with random initial time

I was trying to answer this question Estimating the effect of different histories of exposure, on a scalar response measured at the end of a study Executive summary if you don't want to read the ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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Are there posterior predictive check "point-values" in Bayesian modeling?

One standard for evaluating goodness-of-fit in Bayesian modeling is posterior predictive checks. This means simultaneously visualizing the empirical distribution of the data along with the posterior ...
Count Zero's user avatar
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How do you determine whether to use random intercept or slope in Generalized Linear Mixed Models?

As in, how do you come up with a linear predictor when using Generalized Linear Mixed Models (before doing model diagnostics)? Are there exploratory methods or graphs to come up with a model before ...
193381's user avatar
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How to model and measure cross-level interaction among multiple levels of data

I have a weekly data at Brand Level, Sub Segment level and Segment level (the other two are derived from rolling up the Brand level data). The data includes product characteristics, sales, marketing ...
Satwik's user avatar
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Comparing top level group effects using a 3-level hierarchical regression

I would like to detect group effects (if any) along with statistical confidences. I have a hierarchical data set structured as follows: Drug Groups ...
kev8484's user avatar
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What kind of test do I use for comparing groups that are themselves groups?

I'm sorry if this question is vague: I don't yet understand stats terminology very well. Let's say I am interested in a measurement X. Imagine it is neuron diameter. I want to know if brain regions ...
startle_response's user avatar
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"ordering" levels in a multilevel mixed-effects linear regression

This may be the dumbest (but is also probably the quickest) question about multilevel mixed-effects linear regressions ever asked. In a multilevel mixed-effects linear regression, do the different ...
Jim Curry's user avatar
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How may I analyze percentage data with a Linear Mixed Model

I have conducted an experiment where several students assigned to two different groups had to solve 13 different puzzles each in two different sessions. Thus, we have 2 sessions, and two different ...
Adrian Santos's user avatar
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Is it possible to test for reaction time differences in 2 conditions in LMMs`?

I have a question regarding possible hypothesis testing with LMMs. Im using LMER in R and Id like to test whether the reaction time difference between two ...
Maxi's user avatar
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Can deviance residuals from a Rayleigh distribution be negative?

I'm fitting a nonlinear dynamic model to some non-normally distributed data using maximum likelihood estimation. My working approach has been to assume my data is gamma distributed and do gamma ...
K Ball's user avatar
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Basic question: difference between standard least squares mixed model vs generalized linear mixed model

I'm using jmp for my analysis, and I have data from what is ultimately a mixed model. The problem I have is that JMP doesn't have the ability to run GLMM. You can, however, run a mixed model with a ...
Nathan Haag's user avatar
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When should a variable be used as random or fixed effect?

I am reading a paper that has collected crop yield data across multiple locations for multiple years. The paper uses yield as response and climate variables as predictors. Here is the equation: where,...
user53020's user avatar
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R/Lme4: Trouble specifying random effects properly in a repeated measures logistic HLM

I am having trouble getting appropriate random effects output when using the glmer command in lme4. My dataset is a long-form ...
Andrew Erhart's user avatar
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The main and interaction effects of GLMM

I am going to build a GLMM with R (lme4). And I found that several papers summarised the results in this way (the independent variables are categorical variables): I have tried to use anova function,...
qinli Deng's user avatar
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Translating user-defined joint-distribution from PyMC to PyMC3

I'm attempting to set up a simple beta binomial hierarchical model with an uninformative prior in PyMC3. I've read that the uninformative prior for this model should have alpha and beta hyper-...
Eddie's user avatar
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GLMM with numeric and categorical/binary DEPENDENT variables

Is there a way to build a single model (including both fixed and random effects) with numeric and categorical/binary outcomes? I know that I could do one linear mixed model and one generalized linear ...
statmerkur's user avatar
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Using lmer for full HLM with multiple level 1 variables---syntax question

I know there are several questions on specifying random effects with lmer. I looked at perhaps 20 of them, and they all seemed to be basic questions or questions about nesting in 3-level structures. ...
David R's user avatar
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Interaction term between a continous and ordinal variable in a multilevel regression

I want to compute an interaction term between the variable individual income (1-level) and the gini coefficient (2 level) in a multilevel model. Unfortunately, the income variable is categorical ...
Eli's user avatar
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Generalized Linear MIxed Model for likert scale

I am not sure, what model should I use for this data: ID - participant ID Trial - 60 for each participant Memory - between subject binary factor State - within subject binary factor Rating -the ...
Piotr Falkowski's user avatar
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Does a redefinition of the cluster level change estimation consistency?

I have a linear panel data model: $$ y_{it} = \alpha + x_{it}\beta + e_{it} $$ for individuals $i$ and period $t$. Assume conditions for Pooled OLS consistency hold. I also observe the region $r$ ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Correct sequence of model interpretation

My question is: what is the right sequence of analyzing? And is it the right way to ggplot errorbars from that model? 1) Setup model I expect possible interactions between treatment, race, age and ...
Peter Albertson's user avatar
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Repeated measures analysis

I was reading a book about repeated measures analysis, but I really couldn't drill enough into the concept behind the math equations. In the book, it says like this: What I can't understand is the ...
R.Hes's user avatar
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Use of weights in PROC GLIMMIX

I am looking to implement a generalised linear mixed model in SAS using PROC GLIMMIX. The data is from a survey, and a single ...
demim00nde's user avatar
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How to perform a nested or hierarchical ordinal logistic regression in SPSS

I have one outcome/dependent variable that can be ordinal or nominal and 3 independent variables. I have learned so far how to perform ordinal and multinomial logistic regression in SPSS between a ...
Fatma S's user avatar
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What analyses do I use?

If I have two categorical IVs and one continuous IV and I want to see if the two categorical IVs predict a continuous DV over and above the effect of the continuous IV, what analysis should I use?
Marissa Stanziani's user avatar
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Multilevel models

I would have a question on multilevel models, which is related to a particular case that I am considering. The question is related to the number of my groups and the number of measures in each of them....
occasional_user's user avatar
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Summarizing multiple clustering results

I'm working on a problem where observations are being clustered within groups but I'd also like to compare the groups. However I am not sure of the best way to compare the groups. In total I have ...
Ellis Valentiner's user avatar
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Multilevel and multivariate statistics

I'm considering classes for next semester and I have a choice between 2: Multivariate statistics and analysis Hierarchical linear modeling and growth models I'm wondering which of these courses are ...
Simon's user avatar
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Correcting specific non normal distribution

I have run a multilevel model (time series cross section data; xtmixed) and am checking if the assumptions hold. Given the non-normality of my residuals, and after having corrected potential linearity ...
Pia's user avatar
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variance from xtpoisson in comparison to variance from xtlogit

I have a binary variable indicating whether a c-section was carried out or not. C-section is more than 10% prevalent in the population. I want to model predictors of c-section. Initially I had used ...
user2363642's user avatar
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Predicting from individual and group data

Suppose that I have a classroom of students who each have taken two tests (A and B). I have the scores for test A and only know the average score for test B. Since students tend to perform similarly ...
Ellis Valentiner's user avatar
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Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Multilevel Regression Model

A two-level regression model : $$Y_{ij} = \gamma_{00} + \gamma_{10}X_{ij} + \gamma_{01}Z_j + \gamma_{11}X_{ij}Z_j + u_{0j} + u_{1j}X_{ij} + e_{ij}$$ where $e_{ij}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_e)$ and , $$ \...
user81411's user avatar
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