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How is Gaussian log likelihood value calculated in weight linear regression?

I have examined these R functions gaussian()$aic stats:::logLik.glm() and ...
DrJerryTAO's user avatar
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Is there a standard way to quantify & test the benefit to one covariate by including a second covariate?

For a linear model (or glm), is there a standard statistic (and associated test) to quantify whether inclusion of a covariate increases the strength of the association between another covariate and ...
Evan's user avatar
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Should I conduct a multilevel for this or another analysis? Need help

I have three sources of data (teachers, parents and students) assessing students, in three waves. I want to assess all and see the differences between moments but then I also want to use variables for ...
Margarida Santos's user avatar
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How to identify the best use of the logit link function in regression?

I am confused about how to identify the best use of the logit link function in regression problems. Here is my current understanding of the topic. My confusion stems from the fact that for continuous ...
urnproblems's user avatar
-1 votes
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what happens when a network has low closeness centrality - what happens to nodes on the periphery [closed]

I have thirty-nine nodes with closeness centrality scores but I do not know what to say about the nodes on the periphery who do not have scores.
user451331's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculate marginal effects for random effects model with two crossed random effects

I am trying to get effects marginal of two crossed random effects (using STAN or brms). I understand how to do it for a single random effect following McElreath's book and Kurtz's brms version of the ...
Christopher Rounds's user avatar
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Accounting for non-independence and autocorrelation in HGAM

I am currently trying to fit a HGAM to model differences in daily activity patterns of fish in two treatments. Data were collected with high-resolution telemetry, and I currently have estimates of ...
Jack B's user avatar
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How to test for interaction between dichotomous repeated measures outcome and continuous moderator

In my dataset, participants were asked if they plan to make a purchase (yes/no) before and after a sales presentation. It is expected that people would be more likely to respond with an intent to ...
John_Green's user avatar
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Why do I get different standard errors when i group the data before fitting a Quasi-Poisson GLM for counts with an offset = log(population)?

Is it theoretically correct to group the data before fitting a quasi-Poisson or should I leave it ungrouped? Commentary as well as an example in R code is posted below. I noticed I get different ...
Colin's user avatar
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Does this comparison of the quasipoisson model to the poisson model make sense?

I'm messing around with the use of the quasi likelihood method so this is my first attempt. I think I'm misunderstanding a key component, since I do understand why the parameter estimates are the same ...
user450856's user avatar
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Derive gamma-parameters from preset R^2 in mixed models

For a simulation study in R, I want to select the effect sizes according to a preset $R^2$. Consider this two level random intercept mixed model, with one L1 predictor $X_{ij}$ and one L2 predictor $...
Linus's user avatar
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Zero-inflated model with low values but no zeros?

I am new to modelling and this question may be ridiculous but, I am trying to model pathogen load count data with species*lifestage interaction effects using ONLY positive individuals. I.e., those ...
JBoud's user avatar
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Extracting individual level posterior class memebership probabilities in multilevel LCA

I am conducting a multilevel laten class analysis using the R package multilevLCA. I have fitted the model using multiple steps (i.e. determining optimal number of classes as well as clusters). I now ...
Simon's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a way to forecast by subgroup without forecasting each subgroup separately?

I am trying to find an appropriate model to forecast the number of applications received at the end of a recruitment cycle based on previous recruitment cycles and the number of applications received ...
Richard Manser's user avatar
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How to verify and report results from a glm with family = quasibinomial?

I estimated a glm with the family = quasibinomial. My dependent variable is continuous survival rate, which ranges from 0 to 1 with (like: 0, 0,1, 0,2.....,1). My ...
y.tu.b's user avatar
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Opposite results using Bayesian (STAN) vs Multilevel model (nlme). How is this possible?

My datasets contains the median wages and the cumulative installed wind-capacity for 4000 counties over a period of 20 years. The wages tend to rise over the period and the capacity tends to highly ...
user442239's user avatar
15 votes
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Why does glm in R with family binomial(link="log") sometimes require start values?

While simulating some studies and analyzing them in R with glm(…, family=binomial) and binary and continuous covariates the function sometimes complains: no valid ...
diffset's user avatar
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How to Forecast Sales for Sub-Locations Without Historical Proportion Data?

I have a time series dataset of total sales for a product in a store over time. This product is available in two different locations within the store: one stand near the checkout and another stand in ...
Raheshi Knuwga's user avatar
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Multinomial glm(m) with predictors varying over item/response combinations

I have multinomial data where there are 4 items (categories) and many responses. For each response the size of the multinomial can exceed one (i.e. a response may be c(10,20,3,0)). The predictors I ...
Jarrod's user avatar
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Logitstic regression varies among statsmodels GLM, statsmodels Logit, and skylearn LogisticRegression functions [duplicate]

All, I found that the logistic regression of simple binary data varies greatly among the following functions. statsmodels.api.GLM ...
Kernel's user avatar
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Do generalized linear models really need to assume the distribution of errors? [duplicate]

A GLM has the following form: $$ g(\mathbb E[Y\mathop | X])=X^T\beta $$ where $g$ is the link function. We can write the moment conditions as $$ Y=g^{-1}(X^T\beta)+\varepsilon,\\ \mathbb E[X^T\...
Steve Norkus's user avatar
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Negative binomial GLM with interaction term...Anova warning?

I am running a seemingly simple model: model<- glm.nb(PathogenLoad ~ Species*Lifestage, data = data) The species variable has 3 levels and Lifestage has 2 ...
JBoud's user avatar
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Multilevel Model in R

I have data from a study in which 19 participants (9 males, 10 females) have each completed 4 jumping conditions (BW, 20, 25, 30) whilst I have measured joint level data for the hip, knee and ankle. I ...
teli95's user avatar
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At what stage of the species distribution modelling to standardize variables and check for collinearity

I try to model the distribution (ecological niche) of a species using a generalized linear model (glm() in R) based on several climatic variables and then apply the ...
ABC's user avatar
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What's the difference between Binomial model versus Poisson model with an offset for GLM

I am working with binned data indexed by $( i = 1, \ldots, n )$, where for each bin $i$, I have: $( X_i )$: the number of successes $( N_i )$: the total number of trials I want to model the ...
outofthegreen's user avatar
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CWC(M) in multilevel modeling

I am new to multilevel modeling and recently learned about CWC(M) by Zhang et al. (2009, I am running a multitlevel moderated mediation ...
AUPW's user avatar
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Comparing data at different locations over a time series

I have water quality data from sondes placed at different locations across a lake that collected every hour over the entirety of the summer. I want to know if there is a difference between the four ...
Sydney's user avatar
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How do we prove the variance of regression coefficients of b are corresponding to the variance-covariance matrix?

Say, we have y = b0 + x1b1 + x2b2 I understand the proof of var(b) = var(y)*(X'X)^-1 What I haven't figured out is: Why does the variance-covariance matrix arrange so. Why does not it have a different ...
Tom Hsiung's user avatar
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assumptions of a glm

I am running a glm in R and from the residuals plots, the model doesnt meet the assumptions perfectly. My question is how well do these assumptions need to be met or is some deviation ok? I've tried ...
user444111's user avatar
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Should the linear regression of a transformed $y$ (sigmoid $y$) be identical to the transformation (sigmoid) of the responce

Should the sigmoid $(1/(1+e^{-y}))$ of the predictand $\hat y$ of the linear model be identical to the linear regression of the sigmoid $y$. The Python example below demonstrates linear regression of ...
Kernel's user avatar
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Jointly Testing a Composite Null

Suppose we have a GLM with $g^{-1}(\mathbb{E}[y|x]) = \beta_0+x_A\beta_A+x_b\beta_B$. I would like to test the following hypotheses: $H_0: \beta_A \leq 0 \cup\beta_B\leq0$ $H_1: \beta_A>0\cap \...
user1848065's user avatar
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mice multilevel imputation: does specifying cluster variable ("-2" in predictor Matrix) without multilevel methods lead to cluster robust imputation?

In short: Are mice's imputations cluster robust when I only specify the cluster variable with "-2" in the predictor matrix but do not use multilevel models during imputation? For clustered ...
JannisB's user avatar
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Is it possible for the residual variance in a model to be greater than the total variance of the variable being modeled?

I've fitted a linear regression in R with svyglm from the survey package. The data is weighted, and the model uses a ...
edstatsuser's user avatar
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Gamma distribution glm standardisation

I want to model biomarkers which seem to have two distributions. I want to model the change in biomarker at two visits three years apart. However, I am trying to do this with a glm and a gamma ...
Steph's user avatar
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How to Simulate a Multilevel Predictor Variable with Both L1 and L2 Variance Components?

I'm working on simulating multilevel data where I have a predictor variable measured at Level 1 (L1), which has both L1 and L2 variance components. For example, I want to simulate a socio-economic ...
Linus's user avatar
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Name for Generalized Generalized Linear Models

Consider the class of models given by $y\sim F(g^{-1}(\beta^\top\mathbf{x}))$ with $\mathbb{E}[Y]=g^{-1}(\beta^\top\mathbf{x})$. Most authors I've come across call this a GLM only if F is in the ...
John Madden's user avatar
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Reporting Hierarchical Regression Results in Abstract

I did a hierarchical regression test in a social science study looking at how two variables (A and B) and their interaction term can predict variable C. My mentor told me to write in the abstract that ...
kangaroo123's user avatar
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Zero inflation: OLS vs Poisson

I am working with a dataset with many zeros in the outcome variables (ranging from 50% to 95% zeros). I am using the glmmTMB package to run zero-inflated Poisson ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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bear data set: glm or glmm?

I have a dataset where I am trying to determine the speed of bears depending on their sex, the year and the season. Some of my bears have multiple seasons of data: out of 79 bears, 19 had data for two ...
Cam's user avatar
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Difference in modelling between transforming the response and using a non-normal distribution? [duplicate]

In regression modeling, what is the difference between fitting a model by transforming the response variable (e.g., applying a log transformation to y) and then backtransforming the outputs to the ...
mat's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Best statistical analysis with (very) limited samples : MLR vs GLM vs GAM vs something else?

I have a very limited dataset (11 observations). I am trying to obtain relations between a response variable and environmental covariates (I have a set of 14 environmental covariates that I can use). ...
William Brais's user avatar
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Pooling Model Results with Rubin's Rule for Multiple Responses (Same Predictors, Different Outcomes)

I understand that Rubin's rule is commonly applied for pooling model results across multiple imputed datasets, where the same set of predictors and response are used, like this: ...
StatisticsFanBoy's user avatar
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Mediation models require a sigma matrix that is symmetric

I'm trying to fit the following reproducible mediation model called final. But I get an error saying: sigma must be a symmetric matrix Could you please advise how ...
Simon Harmel's user avatar
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Which estimator to choose for meta-analysis^ REML or CR2 with Wild Bootstrap?

I am following the following book: I can't choose which estimator to choose: REML or CR2 with Wild Bootstrap. Or maybe ...
YuliaM's user avatar
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How can we simulate correlated random variables that vary at different levels in a multilevel/mixed effects setting?

I am very familiar with generating correlated random variables from a multivariate normal distribution. This question is about doing that in a multilevel setting, where variables only vary at ...
Robert Long's user avatar
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General formula for mixed models

I'm trying to wrap my head around the general formula of mixed models and how it relates to the system of equations I'm used to. The general formula read like this: $$\mathbf{Y_{j}}=\mathbf{X_{j} \...
Linus's user avatar
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Outcome in mixed models - lower level or upper level?

I am learning about mixed models and I have a question regarding the outcomes that can be considered. If I have hierarchical data, do the outcomes that I can consider need to belong to the lower level?...
niqp's user avatar
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normalisation for modelling on new data

I have a model based on several environmental variables and I want to apply it to a new dataset/location but the variables, while theoretically measuring the same things (slope, riverwidth, ...
user3390486's user avatar
6 votes
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Omitted variable bias in Poisson regression

I have a Poisson model where the true relationship is: $$E(y\mid x,z)=\exp(b_1+b_2\times x+b_3\times z)$$ but z is not observable and so it is omitted from the estimated regression. I read here that ...
lippi's user avatar
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Power analysis for three-level multilevel models in R

For a study in a social science setting - where huge number of participants are not easily available - I'm trying to do a power analysis for a three-level multilevel design. There are few packages ...
Linus's user avatar
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