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Distribution of the model vs. Distribution of the Residuals

Let's say I'm going to do an analysis where my response variable has a gamma distribution. I perform the analysis pointing to the distribution in my model (eg. using the lme4 package, m1<-glmer(Y~...
Graciliano Santos's user avatar
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Non-normally distributed residuals and linear mixed-effects models [closed]

I am working with a rather small dataset (cca 150 DPs coming from 10 participants) and trying to model fixation duration as a function of two independent variables: 1 with two levels (deviation-coded: ...
user412894's user avatar
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Do these graphs show normality of model residuals? [closed]

I have a linear mixed-effects model (lme4 R package) and I am trying to work out whether the model residuals meet the assumption of normality. However, by looking at the graphs below (model residuals ...
Darius's user avatar
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Checking assumptions in linear mixed effect model with binary predictor, continuous output

I have a linear mixed effect model I am fitting using lmer: ...
BeginnersMindTruly's user avatar
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Why are residuals correlated with prediction when using linear mixed model with low number of observations per group?

I have a database composed of n = 1000 observations of a variable to explain (y), an explanatory variable (x). The observations are grouped according to a variable "group", and I have only ...
MatthieuC's user avatar
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Model diagnosis in GLMM model of binary outcome variable

I am trying to do a research article on morbidity, which is categorical, i.e., yes or no. I also consider fixed and random effects, given that all of the fixed effect covariates are categorical. Here ...
Sofonias Derso's user avatar
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Multilevel modelling in R longitudinal data

I have data from a daily diary study of participants nested in couples. To analyse the data I used lme4 to do multilevel modelling in R to create my models. After doing this I wanted to check if the ...
Emma's user avatar
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Do these diagnostic plots show that my best model has good fit?

Background information: I am analyzing a dataset with about 120 unique animals that were radio-tracked 1-6 years. Most of them were radio-tracked for a year, but a handful of them (about 20) were ...
Rnoobie's user avatar
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How do I interpret this residual plot (lmer) and the changes introduced by including an interaction effect?

I am currently using linear mixed models for the first time in a small repeated measures experiment, and I feel like I am missing out on some basics in diagnostic plots. I want to model a labeling ...
confringo's user avatar
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Absence of normality of residuals (lmer)

I’m running an analysis on Y coordinates of mouse clicks on a scale. These Y coordinates range from -200 to +200. I have created a new data frame on R and I have deleted data points that exceed these ...
user386904's user avatar
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Upward trend in Residuals vs. Fitted - Violation of linearity?

I am currently working with longitudinal data using a linear mixed model (lme4 R package). The linearity plot (fit with ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
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Dispersion parameter in DHARMA

I have a question about the interpretation of residual diagnostics using DHARMa. I fitted a binomial mixed model and used DHARMa for model diagnostics. ...
max22's user avatar
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Zigzag residual plot

What is not right with a model that produces this kind of residual plot? Does it have to be discarded? My data is egg production (counts, but cumulative) over a period of 55 days for 7 treatments+...
kirchoffs's user avatar
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High correlation between residuals and fitted values in a linear mixed effect model

I am doing behavioural research on dragonfly larvae and I am trying to answer the question "Is there a behavioural difference between males and females and between species? + Do the difference ...
Yasmin's user avatar
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What kind of residuals should we test for linear mixed-effects models (LMER)?

I'm on a journey trying to get my mind around the normality of residuals assumption for linear mixed-effects models, this is a FOLLOW-UP POST While studying to better understand what I could do to ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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Lmer violating residuals' normality assumption: What should I do? When "enough data" is enough?

I'm trying to plot the following lmer: mod1 <- lmer(SCORE ~ X1_c * X2 + (1|PARTICIPANT), data = data) With THIS dataset. (this is a Git link) However, I can't ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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How to obtain "normalized" model residuals for Generalized Estimating Equations?

How does one compute the "normalized" model residuals based via geepack's geeglm/gee in R? The nlme package in R allows one to compute the normalized model residuals: (standardized ...
user avatar
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Resid vs Fitted plot for similar data on lme4 model looks vastly different on similar data. Error: "boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')"

Forgive me if I am missing important information this is my first time posting here. I am trying to build a mixed model to see effects of a management treatment (gridtype) on body condition of certain ...
Cozette Romero's user avatar
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Kruskal Wallis Test with Random Effect?

I am trying to analyse the effect of season (autumn or summer) on frog sperm cell concentration (continuous, expressed as cells/ml). Because I don't know if there is an effect of male variation I want ...
Darcie's user avatar
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County-level fixed effect model - how to improve the predictive power

I'm doing a linear regression in the hopes of developing a predictive model for fatal drug overdoses at the county level. My data looks like this (note, pc=per-capita), there are 504 total ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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Interpreting DHARMa residuals for a glmer.nb regression using count data

1 I am modeling overdispersed count data (detection of species) in a GLMM to account for changes in the number of detections of the individual (response variable) to covid period, area (rural vs urban)...
orangepeelsoup's user avatar
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Interpreting DHARMa residuals for a glmer.nb regression using count data [duplicate]

I am modeling overdispersed count data (detection of species) in a GLMM to account for changes in the number of detections of the individual (response variable) to covid period, area (rural vs urban) ...
orangepeelsoup's user avatar
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Strange residuals vs. fitted values plot for linear mixed model / hierarchical model

I have read a couple of related questions and their answers, but nothing really fits to my specific case. I have a model like this: ...
Mika2019's user avatar
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R: Residual diagnostics in lmer, how should a plot look for averaged likert type data? [duplicate]

I conducted a within-subjects experiment (200 participants, 2 experimental conditions) and I want to develop a regression model tha predicts my measure value (which is based on averages derived from a ...
Anna's user avatar
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Residuals in LME models

Good morning everyone! I have implemented the following lme model in r: ...
Bibi's user avatar
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Interpretation of DHARMa residuals for Gamma GLMM

I am fitting a Gamma GLMM (lme4::glmer) with log link and doing model diagnostics with DHARMa. I am getting significant results indicating my residuals are not ...
bakerysbs's user avatar
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Linear mixed effects model: what to do with non-normal residuals?

I am a beginner to mixed effect models and new to this forum so please let me know if I provided the wrong or not enough information. I saw there were some questions earlier about non-normal residuals ...
Helena_st's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM with proportions and categorical predictors

Study background My research question looks at the effect of age group (AgeGr) on gazing. Each infant was observed for 1h and signals with gazing (...
Violet Gibson's user avatar
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Are Level-2 residuals in a MLM with lmer the same as the Random Intercepts? How to check them for Independence, constant variance and endogeneity?

I'm using the lmer function of R (lme4) to make a model of the following kind: model <- lmer(DV ~ Predictor_categorical + (1|Group_categorical), data = df_data) ...
Aspiring_statician's user avatar
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How does lme4 calculate residual variance for an LMM?

How does the lmer() function calculate residual variance for an LMM? If I code a model and then try to manually calculate residuals, the variance of the manually ...
gecko's user avatar
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Testing the spatiale autocorrelation on the residuals of the mixed-effect logistic regression

I have temporal blocks in my data frame, so I took the effect of time dependency through a random intercept in a glmer model. Now I want to test the spatial autocorrelation in the residuals but I’m ...
user1988's user avatar
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Linear mixed model dependent variable transformation - is this appropriate

I have basically measured a skin conductance over an experiment. Now my dependent variable is the skin conductance at the time of an event. There are several events (scenario) during the experiment. I ...
timothy's user avatar
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Can I validate a residual plot although it has residual patterns if I am not interested in model's coefficients using `lme4::glmer()`?

I am studying how well I can predict the height above ground (km) of an animal (=bird) using a technique (method B) which samples data every certain time-intervals. ...
Dekike's user avatar
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anova and model residuals in LMER

I am sufficiently educated in R and linear regression to make dangerous unknowing/overconfident mistakes due to inexperience, so want to make sure that I am not making those mistakes. I have dependent ...
Asad Sayeed's user avatar
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glmer with gamma distribution - problem fitting model

I am trying to fit the gamma distribution to my data as the residuals are not normally distributed but it has been much more difficult than I anticipated. The dependent variable is response times and ...
CatM's user avatar
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Generalised Linear Mixed Model Diagnostics using DHARMa

I am running a GLMM in R in lme4 package, the outcome variable is binary and the 10 fixed effects are a mix of categorical and continuous variables. The models have three random-effects. I am using ...
AhmadMkhatib's user avatar
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Which residuals - from gls or summary(gls) should I use?

In R, gls object contains "residuals" and the summary(gls) object contains residuals. Both differ from each other. Which is the one I should use for checking the normality? ...
Nariammo's user avatar
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Zero-inflated mixed models and negative trend in residuals

I am trying to fit a mixed model in lme4 using the lmer. the model form is: model<- lmer(entropy ~ X1 * X2 + (1| video) + (1| subject), REML = FALSE entropy ...
Myriad's user avatar
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What to do if I find residuals (=deviance) patterns after applying a GAMMA GLM in R?

I have activity data for 6 individuals (ID) obtained using two different formulas (RMS.X16 and ...
Dekike's user avatar
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GLM - Interpret residuals vs fitted plot

I realised a within-subject experiment and each participants went through three conditions and in each condition they performed a series of tasks of their choice (number of tasks is different for each ...
t32's user avatar
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Dealing with heavy-tailed residuals when fitting hierarchical linear models using lme4

This is my first time posting, so please excuse any issues with respect to my description of the problem and the presentation of the data and code I have supplied. Summary of the Design 30 listeners ...
Charlie Nagle's user avatar
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Does nlmer() from lme4 assume normal distribution of residuals and random effects?

I am currently reading this paper , according to which Linear mixed-effects (LME) (Laird & H.Ware, 1982) and nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) are ...
rainbowmiha's user avatar
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LME residual plot returns a huge linear block of residual points

The publicly available data I used I addressed the unbalanced followup visits by transforming the visit time to the nearest multiple of 8 then ...
j681's user avatar
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Mixed models with lmer: Residual diagnostics

I fitted a linear mixed model as follows: fit=lmer( ~ borrower.Gender+ borrowing.Amount + (1|borrower.Country) + (1|borrowing.Sector)) The ...
SanMelkote's user avatar
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Residual pattern for mixed models (tried lmer and glmer)

I have studied the effect of site, specific area and depth on amount of organisms on kelp blades. Each site had two different depth with three frames on each depth. From each site I have analysed a ...
sma's user avatar
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Interpretation of relationship between residuals and predicted values in a mixed model

I'm using a linear mixed effects model (varying slope + intercept, with glmer from "lme4") to look at the association of the interaction between two categorical predictors (time + X1 - where X1 is a ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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What should I do when error residuals are not normally distributed in Linear Mixed Effect Model?

I'm trying to analyze some experimental data about animal behaviour and would need some help or advice regarding which non-parametric test should I use. The variables I have are: - Response variable:...
ybarnatan's user avatar
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types of residuals in nlme

I am using the R package nlme to perform a repeated measure analysis. The model call is ...
Giorgio Spedicato's user avatar
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Binomial GLMM residual pattern

I am trying to complete a binomial GLMM but I don't think that the residuals look right when I compare them to the years. Is this too much of a pattern in the residuals? My model looks like this: ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Gamm residuals patterns: temporal and spatial

I'm trying to fit a GAMM model with this dataset, which can be downloaded here: . The dataset consists of 60 pixels sampled in two different areas: BAR and MON, 30 for each one. ...
Kol Rocket's user avatar