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2 answers

How do I interpret different results from simple regression, multiple regression, moderation, and mediation?

I'm currently doing a multiple linear regression analysis on Spirituality and Forgiveness to see how it affects Life Satisfaction. If I put the IVs individually into linear regression they both show ...
user442416's user avatar
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How can I determine significant differences within factors and interaction effects?

My study is structured as such (false information, same idea): Factor A: 3 levels (3 bacterial strains) Factor B: 3 levels (3 antimicrobials) Factor C: 2 levels (growth stage of bacteria: early, old) ...
interlopingtuber's user avatar
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can add of interaction term makes a third term insignificant?

I was reading a paper. There are 3 regression: the baseline regression: financial development of city i on city level deposit amount, control for road density, and the coefficient on road density is ...
Eileen's user avatar
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Effect of interaction term: what if one of the main effect is not statistically significant?

Suppose we have the following Poisson regression model: $\log(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_1 x_2$ Where, for example, $y$ is the number of children in a family, $x_1$ is the ...
robertspierre's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I work out the significance of main effects in negative binomial models with more than two factors?

I am trying to look at how the number of events X is affected by the three factors A (4 levels), B (2 levels) and C (2 levels) using a negative binomial model as follows: ...
Insect_biologist's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it meaningful to test the interaction effect if there is no significant effect in the main effect model?

Suppose we have a linear regression model with two covariates, $y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2$. There are three possible scenarios: Both $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ are significant. Either $\...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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3 answers

Comparing models with main effects and interactions

I have two models: Model 1: Only contains independent variable $x$, while $x$ is non-significant. Model 2: Contains $x$, $m$, and $x * m$, and $x * m$ is significant. How could I illustrate this ...
david's user avatar
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5 votes
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What test is most appropriate if you're interested in an interaction, but have more variables than samples

I would love to get some advice regarding the following please! I have a dataset (n = 99) that comprises of: Composite scores for 7 different cognitive domains Measures of 934 lipid species, which ...
mkadz's user avatar
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Batch effect significance

I'm doing a project where i study bending angles in plants, with different genotypes and treatments. I have done the experiment 4 times, so i have 4 different batches. I'm trying to take into account ...
legabogb's user avatar
3 votes
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How to interpret the p-value associated with the intercept?

I ran a gamlss to predict my response variable Y with 2 categorical factors PROTECTION and JOUR ...
Marie Guittonneau's user avatar
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How to use the likelihood ratio test (LRT) to test whether a three-way interaction is significant?

Our hypothesis is that there is a 3-way interaction between A, B, and C. I have defined a model as follows: Y=A+B+C+AB+AC+BC+ABC+error I aim to use the likelihood ratio test (LRT) to determine if the ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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Is a two-way interaction model still meaningful to interpret if there is a three-way interaction?

If we assume that our model contains a three-way interaction (xyz), but when we run the analysis, we only define a two-way interaction in the model (e.g., x*y), how can this omission affect our ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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Significance in ZINB GLMM disappears when par1 * par 2 is used instead of par1 : par2 in R [duplicate]

I am working with a zero-inflated negative binomial model in R, using the glmmTMB package. My main goal is to investigate if there is a significant difference in the amount of times a grassland field ...
Barbara Perez de Araújo's user avatar
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Fixed effects regression for unbalanced panel data (sample size, interaction term, statistical significance)

I have a highly unbalanced panel data set (n= 70 firms, T= 5-3000 observations per firm, N= 15000 observations overall). I specified a fixed effect regression with time and entity fixed effects. I ...
Mina's user avatar
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2 answers

When is an interaction in quadratic regression significant?

I run a regression with a continuous variable $x_2$ and a binary grouping variable $x_1$. We suppose that the effect of $x_2$ is quadratic on the dependent variable $y$ and our question is whether the ...
LulY's user avatar
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Moderated mediation index significant but c path not significant

I ran process 14 for my study, which has one categorical IV (crisis type), blame as the mediator and negative word of mouth as DV. The relevance of the crisis event plays the role of a moderator in ...
ANIG's user avatar
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Non significant difference between condition from LME model, when Confidence intervals clearly non overlapping

Edit with graph: I am struggling a bit conceptually to make sense of a result I get when applying a linear mixed model to my reaction time data. I have a 2x2 within subjects design. When I plot the ...
SinC's user avatar
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Interpreting an interaction term in the context of study

I developed the ordinal model where the outcome (high, middle low) is predicted from variables socioeconomic status (low, middle or high), child/adult relationship (family type A, B or C), and some ...
Milo's user avatar
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Difference between interaction terms and test for interaction

I am having difficulties in understanding the difference between interaction terms and test for interaction. I am using logistic regression models so maybe the concept is different compared to linear ...
user19745561's user avatar
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Interpret significant interaction with nonsignificant main term in regression involving continuous time variable and a bounded (0-100%) variable?

Scenario: I have data comparing the number of tree stems in 30 forest plots between two sampling years (1992 and 2012). Each plot received hurricane damage between these 2 sampling years -- this ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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Test for moderation effect in multiple regression

I am trying to build a regression model to find the correlation between the features of thumbnails and the popularity of videos. I am proposing that category of videos is the moderator of the ...
ftyzz's user avatar
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Interaction factor (RCT trial)

How could you explain that during a trial (RCT), some features may have no interactions between them if you consider them as categoric features, but have an interaction if you consider them as ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How much credit to give individual treatments from overall result?

I need to solve a tricky problem: I have a dataset which has revenue lift data coming from 3 treatments. How do I attribute success to each treatment? For example, we have a total revenue lift of 10%. ...
titutubs's user avatar
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Comparing beta coefficients from a GLMM

I have a logistic mixed-effects model with multiple predictors: y ~ (x1 + x2 + x3)*x4 + x5 + (x1 + x2 + x3 | id), family = "binomial" I would like to ...
gimi's user avatar
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How to determine the variation of influences?

I need to investigate a chain of influences which can be described as following: First, a deliverer sends barrels of oil. These will be connected to a certain system and purified. Next, the oil will ...
Ben's user avatar
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One of the main effects not significant, but interaction term significant

A is significant B is not significant A x B is significant Do I say that (1) There exists a ...
nerd's user avatar
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Johnson-Neyman plots for glmer models (logistic, mixed effects) in R against non-zero values

Note: this is a different question from the one I asked here, but I'm using the same example model. I have an R glmer (logisitc mixed-effects) model that looks ...
gimi's user avatar
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Johnson-Neyman plots for glmer models (logistic, mixed effects) in R

I have an R glmer (logisitc mixed-effects) model that looks something like: ...
gimi's user avatar
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Compare conditional effects (simple slope) from regression model

I have the following regression outputs from a model that includes both quadratic and cubic interaction terms. I calculated the simple slopes using the simle_slope from reghelper. ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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How to test the significance of a continuous-continuous interaction with a quadratic term?

Suppose I have the following regression model with two continuous predictors x1 and x2: 𝑦 ~ 𝑥1+𝑥2+𝑥2^2+𝑥1:𝑥2+𝑥1:𝑥2^2. An example regression output is attached below: ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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Interpretation: Insignificant interaction effect renders main effect insignificant [duplicate]

I have a question on interpreting interaction effects: I've read a lot of posts with similar problems but not with the exact same one, so I hope someone can help. Huge thank you in advance! In a first ...
laramolitor's user avatar
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How to test interaction effect with small sample size?

Into my model x is categorical variable with 3 categories: 0,1 & 2, where 0 is reference category. However number of "0" categories are much larger than others (1,2) which increases the ...
Underwood's user avatar
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Should I perform a Post Hoc analysis if I get no significant interaction in two way anova?

Hello all! I am performing a two-way ANOVA for an experiment I am doing but I reached a concern. I saw no significant interaction effect, still, I performed a post hoc TUKEY test and got significance ...
Vlado_Oudorly's user avatar
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Testing whether dividing independent variable into groups is rational

Let's imagine that we have three variables - $Y, X_1$ and $X_2$, where $Y$ is dependent continuous variable, $X_1$ is continuous variable and $X_2$ is discrete variable with two factors - $0$ and $1$. ...
John's user avatar
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Covariate and Interaction Not Significant When Both in the Model

I am looking at a survival model based on dosing variables, all of which are continuous. I have noticed when categorized, based on Kaplan Meier Curves, that low, medium, high doses behave differently, ...
JonKetchup91's user avatar
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Exploring shifts in response to dichotomous dependent variable

I have one dichotomous dependent variable (buried with grave goods or not) and a series of categorical and continuous independent variables (age at death, year of death, sex, socioeconomic status) for ...
archdata's user avatar
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3 answers

Why main effect becomes non-significant after reversing moderator?

I am currently fitting a linear regression with two IVs and their interaction effect: Y = β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1*X2 The data was collected in an experimental study. X1 is a dummy variable, taking the ...
statsq's user avatar
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Significant variables with insignificant levels and vice versa in logistic regression

I hope all of us get well during the pandemic. I have conducted an analysis using binary logistic regression to investigate the interaction between gender (male, female) and official language ...
Quan Nguyen's user avatar
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How is the conditional main effect interpreted when there is interaction?

I have a question about multiple regression model. May I kindly ask how should I interpret the conditional main effect when there is interaction and the interaction is 0, more specifically if one of ...
Tim's user avatar
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Logistic Regression: Variable total covid cases per 1MM is not significant but total covid cases (without population adjustment) is significant

I am working on a university paper regarding the effects of COVID severity (total cases per 1MM, total cases) on whether a party in an acquisition (company transaction) is more likely to be the ...
Habenzu's user avatar
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Conceptual Question about Interactions

I have a question that are conceptual and statistical in nature. It might seem elemental but I am unable to find any clear answers online so I was hoping to find them here! They pertain to ...
Santinos's user avatar
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Is a signficiant interaction term in Poisson really statistically significant?

I am very aware that the magnitude of the interaction effect in nonlinear models does not equal the marginal effect of the interaction term, can be of opposite sign, and its statistical significance ...
Odysseus's user avatar
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Insignificant interaction term - but only for low values of main effect - decline hypothesis?

I run a regression with multiple predictors. I am interested in relationship satisfaction (fictional example). I use gender and hours of time spent together (continuous) as predictors. In my ...
MaiMai's user avatar
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Adding interaction term makes non-significant main effects significant

I am running a fixed effect panel regression model. Many people have asked/answered questions about significant main effects becoming non-significant after introducing interaction term. Well, my ...
user6606453's user avatar
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Help: Interpretation of Interaction Effect using a Linear regression in R

Im applying a regression to test the association between maternal postpardum depression score (maternal_postpardum_score) and functional connectivity changes (FC) in the brain - both continuous. I ...
hsayya's user avatar
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Regression - Merging separate linear regression models

I'm trying to assess if the following intuition has sense or not. Any help will be appreciated. Consider two simple linear models obtained in the same experimental framework (for example, measurements ...
smndpln's user avatar
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How to measure the impact of a feature or set of features on the classification performance?

I have a dataset as follows: mydata: f1,f2,f3, ..., fn, target s1 34,56,32,...., 43, 0 s2 37,60,33,...., 54, 1 .... sm 89,86,56,...., 90, 0 I ...
Spedo's user avatar
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Linear regression for main effect not interaction effect

I have a linear equation: lm(Connectivity ~ (Complex-Attention + Memory)*MDD, data = D) From this association I obtain a significant main effect but no ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Joint Significance of Interaction Term in LPM / OLS

In an OLS model with binary dependent variable (linear probability model) I have (among others) two independent binary variables (ß1 and b2) which interact with each other (ß1 * ß2). ...
pzfn's user avatar
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How can statistical inference be done when using multicollinear data?

I want to model a variable $y$, which is known to be affected by a set of 5 variables: {$x_1$, $x_2$, $x_3$, $x_4$, $x_5$}. These variables are known to be correlated with one another and $y$ to some ...
Electronic Ant's user avatar