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1 answer

Bradley's liberal criterion

I'm reading an article where the authors utilized Bradley's liberal criterion to estimate the robustness of the F statistic in the context of post hoc tests. The problem here is that they said the ...
9 votes
3 answers

What if an overall ANOVA is not significant, but specific contrasts are?

Study Design: I have a 2x3 factorial design, 2 levels of Time (2050 or 2100) by 3 levels of information (None/Control, Moderate, Extreme). I set up some very specific contrasts when analyzing this ...
3 votes
2 answers

T-test and ANOVA suggesting different results?

I'd like to start off by saying I am very much a beginner to statistical analyses, so I might be missing some key ideas here. Context: My study involves an experimental group and control group that ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to compare two time-series datasets?

I am trying to compare the financial performance of green bonds and conventional bonds by looking at their historical bond yields, bond prices etc. individually over a certain period of one year. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Not sure if i should be doing a type III anova

I was initially using the following anova formula in R aov.out <- aov(column_name ~ core * ethnicity, data=mydata) However i noticed that my dataset is quite unbalanced : In light of that I tried ...
1 vote
2 answers

Comparing differences across conditions

I measured a variable during pre- and post-sessions and my research question is whether the change from pre to post is different across various conditions (e.g. (c=1,a=1), (c=2,a=1), (c=1,a=2), (c=2,a=...
5 votes
1 answer

creating contrast matrix (limma) for two factorial in R

I am attempting to construct a contrast matrix that I can run in R, using the limma bioconductor package, but I am not sure that I have coded the contrast matrix correctly. A previous post and the ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the analytical test to run in case of 1 measure for three groups?

I have this case where the data look like that Trial Person 1 person 2 1 4.7. 3.8 2 7.1. 6.3 3 5.4. 4.5 I want ...
2 votes
2 answers

4-way mixed ANOVA

I've conducted a 4 way mixed ANOVA with 3 within-subject variables: A,B and C, and one between subject variable: D. There is a significant interaction between A, B and C. Neither of the interactions ...
1 vote
1 answer

Alternative for three-way ANOVA - 2 out of 3 groups have non normal distribution in their categories

I am analyzing capacity values from an aging test of 24 battery cells, which have three categories: Battery Type: they can be 29V or 33V Storage Temperature: 10°C, 20°C or 30°C Storage SOC: 30% or ...
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0 answers

Evaluating the match between real data distribution and human-estimated interval

I would like to know what the best significance tests and metrics are to determine the fit of distributions in the following experiment: Given a product feature value x, participants in a study are ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I determine significant differences within factors and interaction effects?

My study is structured as such (false information, same idea): Factor A: 3 levels (3 bacterial strains) Factor B: 3 levels (3 antimicrobials) Factor C: 2 levels (growth stage of bacteria: early, old) ...
0 votes
1 answer

advice on statistical method

I just want some opinions on the best way to analyse some data as I am not very savy with statistics. I have been collecting abundance data for microbes in soil. Gene copy numbers. I have two forest ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can statistical tests be applied to analyze temperature anomalies in vaccine refrigerators across different shifts and days?

Background: I'm analyzing the vaccine refrigerator's internal temperature data collected during COVID pandemic (2021-2022) from all over an country. I measured the internal temperature of the 1077 ...
1 vote
0 answers

ANOVA with variables with known (but arbitrary) conditional dependencies

I have a dataset with the following properties: k > 2 groups normally distributed differing variance and sample size between groups non-independent samples within each group continuous variable ...
5 votes
3 answers

ANOVA with unreliable measure

I’m doing some literature review on sports science, in particular the effect of training on endurance. There is no standard endurance tests. Some consist in intermittent contractions until exhaustion ...
1 vote
2 answers

Hypothesis testing with control and treatment group - which statistical analysis to use?

I would like some advice on what statistical analysis to use to test my hypothesis. I am using R. My setup is as follows (in .csv format, first line is header): ...
8 votes
6 answers

Is it better to perform multiple paired t-test or One-Way ANOVA test

I have 7 patients with blood measurements from two different tissues and at two different oxygenation states. We first took measurements from tissue A and B (Normoxia) and then we administrated oxygen ...
1 vote
1 answer

Different p value from Wilcoxon and ANOVA

I got a different $p$-value from a Wilcoxon test and an ANOVA test. When I use the Wilcoxon test, the $p$-value is less than $0.05$: ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to compare if two multinomial distributions are significantly different

We can use T test to check if two proportions are significantly different. Similarly is there a way to test if two multinomial distributions or "2 samples with more than 2 unique values" are ...
3 votes
1 answer

Group comparison with multiple group memberships

I want to statistically compare personality scores between different groups, but people can be in multiple groups. Is there anything problematic in just doing an ANOVA or a t-test since a respondent ...
3 votes
1 answer

Significant results from ANOVA post-hoc Tukey's, insignificant with welch-ANOVA post-hoc Dunnett's T3

I performed one-way ANOVA tests with post-hoc Tukey's to look at multiple comparisons and got highly significant results, but noticed the $F$-value on the ANOVA was high. The SDs in the groups were ...
1 vote
0 answers

Welch ANOVA for Comparisons of Elevation & altered Sediment Accretion of Sea Ecosystems: Large DEM with no normal distribution & heterogeneity

I am investigating the elevation characteristics and sediment accretion effects of two distinct ecosystems within the Wadden Sea, impacted by the bioinvasion of one species (ecosystem one) and ...
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0 answers

Non parametric tests for 2 way anova and linear model? [duplicate]

My dissertation is due very soon and I have only just realised a large mistake in my work. I misread the normality test I used, which actually showed non normal data- but I still have homogeneity of ...
9 votes
1 answer

Does Greenhouse-Geisser correction influence the effect size estimation, the statistical significance treshold, or both of them? [duplicate]

I discussed recently with one of my colleagues about the Greenhouse-Geisser correction for non-sphericity. I told him first that this correction is very conservative and that it would be more ...
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1 answer

Test for significant difference between two groups measured across time

I have two groups of time-dependent samples whose measured value changes nonlinearly with time. There are 3 samples in group A and 3 samples in group B. An example of my data is illustrated below. ...
1 vote
1 answer

What statistical analysis method should I use for two independent variables with interval data and a dependent variable with continuous data?

I'm doing a study on the potential of date leaf ash and date fruit seeds as replacement materials for cement and sand, respectively. For date leaf ash (DLA), there is 0% replacement and 5% replacement,...
1 vote
2 answers

Significant interaction when only one of the two main effects is significant? [duplicate]

I have run a mixed effect logistic regression model, and I have obtained a significant main effect of Factor A, while no significant main effect of Factor B. However, the interaction between Factor A ...
0 votes
0 answers

One-Way ANOVA for two groups VS. t test

When comparing 2 groups (K=2), we can either perform a t-test or f-test of One-Way ANOVA, because the f-test is equal the t-test squared(t^2 = f), it essentially goves the same resilt, right ? Only ...
1 vote
0 answers

I'm struggling to find which is the right statistical test to use?

I have two variables: cell death and diet, but on the diet variable I have several groups that I want to compare. I was thinking of doing multiple Mann-Whitney tests, but that would be very time ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to compare 2 groups (control + patient) to show significant differences?

I am conducting an experimental study. I have 2 groups: The first group contains 3 healthy persons and the other one contains 3 patients (sick people). For each person of the sudy, we collect several ...
1 vote
1 answer

Batch effect significance

I'm doing a project where i study bending angles in plants, with different genotypes and treatments. I have done the experiment 4 times, so i have 4 different batches. I'm trying to take into account ...
2 votes
1 answer

Statistical test for a biology experiment when plants were grown in 3 different solution concentrations

I have conducted an experiment for my Biology Internal Assessment in the IB Diploma Course where I grew Phaseolus coccineus beans for 14 days. This is the overview of my experiment: Independent ...
8 votes
3 answers

Non-significant results when running Kruskal-Wallis, significant results when running Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Flinger pairwise comparisons

I am writing my Master's thesis on adult's performance on cognitive and linguistic measures. I have four age groups and am investigating if there is an age difference in the performance on summarized ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unsure of statistics needed while working with replicates

I apologize if the question is considered too broad, but I'm hoping to get at least a basic starting point as I'm somewhat stuck with how to approach this. I am working with community ecological data-...
1 vote
2 answers

SIgnificant ANOVA but not significant post hoc ... what can I do?

I am analyzing some IHC data on the density of cells in two brain regions(factor 1) in two closely related species(factor 2). My data is composed of an n of 6 for each species and is not normally ...
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0 answers

Analysis of ANOVA Table to Determine Polynomial Degree

Using time-series data, I'm trying to determine the optimal polynomial degree to use for my regression. To do this, I chose to run an ANOVA test on 5 models, the first model's degree is equal to 1 and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Discrepancy between the results of the ANOVA and the post-hoc test: How should be such results interpreted and presented?

It is possible to find discrepancies between the results of ANOVA and post-hoc tests. The results of post-hoc tests are valid (with the exception of the Fisher LSD test) even if the overall P value ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to quantify differences between sample means using ANOVA?

My problem is the following: I’ve run a one way ANOVA to test whether the means of my three samples are equal and found that there is a treatment effect. As far as I’ve understood, this only tells me ...
1 vote
2 answers

Comparing Multi-Year Survey Data (Is Repeated Measures ANOVA appropriate?)

I have a question which requires your helpful expertise. I am conducting a survey which, through the utilization of a scaled response from participants (1-10), measures for significance in ...
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0 answers

Appropriate statistical test with pre\post experiment [closed]

This might be very simple so excuse me in advance. I'm trying to test if the difference between five test scores is statistically significant in a pre\post experiment with three different times, as ...
0 votes
1 answer

Abusing statistics- assessing the power of classification connection by flipping X and Y in a linear model

I am supposed to check the significance of the connection between an arbitary Y variable (nominal\ordinal\binary I cannot know in advance) and an arbitary numeric X variable. This is a classification ...
1 vote
0 answers

did this paper make a mistake on anova?

The screenshot indicates that the lowest the score/value, the higher the fear level. In this case, a lower mean = higher fear, and higher mean = lower fear. Should it be that, Generation Y is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Read significance

I have a data file containg data like this. Here the angle can be seen as the severity of damage for all the species. Now I did an Anova to see which factors are significant. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Choosing Outliers using Chauvenet's Criterion

I have normal data and have applied Chauvenet's Criterion to all my data points to determine if there were any outliers that must be removed. I have 2 groups of subjects, male and female, and when I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Reporting non-significant regression analysis?

As a result of attached regression analysis I found non-significant results and I was wondering how to interpret and report this. I am a self-learner and checked Google but unfortunately almost all of ...
0 votes
1 answer

Scaling one set of data towards another for statistical significance

I have 8 sets of data. Each set, L, contains 3 samples, S. L1-L4 were tested immediately, and L5-L8 were tested after 24 hours due to equipment shortages. Due to this and the nature of the test, ...
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0 answers

Advice on which statistical tests to perform in this scenario

I am trying to perform a couple of statistical tests to determine significance from categorical variables (e.g., treatment, station) The experiment is microcosms with freshwater amended 2 different ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which statistical test should i use, ANOVA or Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney?

I am struggling to find out which statistical test I should use to analyse my data. My independent variable is "Treatment" (2 levels- Treated and not treated) and my dependent variable is &...
1 vote
1 answer

Testing significance between groups when the groups have overlapping data?

Question: I have data on 30 participants who took part in my research. Let's say I make them all take a test I designed and subsequently assigned each of them a score based on their performance in the ...

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