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Questions tagged [differential-privacy]

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1 vote
1 answer

Global sensitivity of mean and variance in differential privacy?

Please explain me why global sensitivity of a mean or variance queries will be (b-a)/n and (b-a)^2/n where b is the upper ...
2 votes
1 answer

Differential Privacy guarantee that takes into account the approximate density (e.g., the pseudo randomness) used in practice?

In theory the differential privacy guarantee comes from adding randomness to an algorithm so whatever is output is a sample from a target distribution (e.g., the Laplacian, Gaussian, Exponential ...
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1 answer

differential-privacy: show $\epsilon$ -differentially privacy

In this problem we consider a sensitive dataset $x \in \{−1, 1\}^n$. We consider the bounded setting where neighboring n-dimensional datasets differ in one coordinate. $A$ mechanism is available that ...
4 votes
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What is the purpose of using a Laplacian distribution in adding noise for Differential Privacy?

I am reading up on Differential Privacy and it is mentioned that the technique relies on adding some controlled noise to the release of responses to queries towards a statistical database. This is ...
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How to quantify privacy changes for differential privacy with extra columns?

I just started learning about differential privacy (DP), and I've been trying to figure out how DP is affected when 1 or more column is added to the data. Specifically, suppose: $$Pr(F(X) \in S) \leq \...
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How does DP-SGD handle the composition problem between layers?

The paper 'Deep Learning with Differential Privacy' proposed DP-SGD and moments accoutant. The authors consider the NN layers separately, which allows they set different $C$ and $\sigma$ for different ...
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Differential Privacy in Machine Learning: Why do we add noise to gradients and not the outputs?

I recently came across the concept of Differential Privacy in Machine Learning / Deep Learning. As far as I understand, usually, noise is added to gradients during the training epochs (also called ...
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2 answers

Why is DP-SGD differentially private?

The paper 'Deep Learning with Differential Privacy' explains how to make a deep learning algorithm as differentially private. This explanation is implemented in Tensorflow Privacy My question is: we ...
4 votes
3 answers

Differential privacy of identity query

I am trying to understand some of the papers that present identity query mechanisms that satisfies differential privacy, for example the compressive mechanism which uses what they call a universal ...
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Verifying epsilon in differential privacy [closed]

Suppose I create a synthetic dataset out of a real dataset using some epsilon. How can one verify that my synthetic dataset is atleast epsilon differential private?
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How should one calculate the confidence interval in 2020 census data, which uses differential privacy?

In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau began injecting noise into census counts using a differential privacy technique. See here for a popular press description and here for some official literature. The ...
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Differential Privacy on tabular data

I wanted to create a deferentially private dataset of my private dataset. While I understand the concepts behind DP, I am unable to grasp how this can be applied to these fields. e.g. ...
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Should data be anonymized irrespective of the domain? [closed]

I am using a dataset from Marketing and sales department. The dataset contains customer name (company name), company address, pincode, no of orders placed, revenue generated from that customer etc. My ...
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1 answer

adding noise to prediction task

Say that a teacher wishes to use a standard prediction task from Kaggle as a course assignment, and the idea is to have students submit their predictions, and award grades based on a test set (...
3 votes
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Differential Privacy: why $\delta$ negligible on the row numbers?

The definition of differential privacy says that an algorithm $M$ is $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differentially private if $$P(M(x \in D) \in S)\leq e^\epsilon P(M(x \in D')\in S) + \delta$$ where $D,D'$ ...
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Can a folded LaPlace distribution (or other folded distributions) be used with Ɛ-differential privacy

I have a single value in (or over) our dataset, let's say a count of something, and we want to keep that value private within a certain range. This range is the sensitivity. The adversary can ask if a ...
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1 answer

Does $\epsilon$-differential privacy treat databases with one record of difference a completely different databases?

Does $\epsilon$-differential privacy treat databases with one record difference completely different database? What I want to know is about continuous release. Suppose we have a set of users and some ...
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Why does Chebyshev's inequality yield that the probability of Laplacian noise being bigger than x is bounded like this?

I am trying to understand this proof of the bounds of Laplacian noise used in a paper on differential privacy. Given a random variable $Lap\left ( \frac{\Delta f}{\varepsilon } \right )$, apparently ...
6 votes
2 answers

What are global sensitivity and local sensitivity in differential privacy?

I am learning differential privacy now, and there is no one surrounding I can ask questions about differential privacy. I am confused about the definitions of the global sensitivity and local ...
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Adding Laplace noise to a learned neural network

My question is related to the concept of differential privacy and deep learning. I found many papers to learn neural networks with differential privacy, but is it also possible to achieve differential ...
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3 answers

What is the difference between data perturbation and differential privacy?

I cannot distinguish the terms "data perturbation" and "differential privacy". If the data perturbation is the process that adds some small value sampled from specific distributions such as Laplacian ...
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Laplace Inequality

I am trying to prove that if $r_i \sim Lap(0,1/\varepsilon)$ where $\varepsilon >0$ then: $$Pr[r_i \geq 1+r^*] \geq e^{-\varepsilon}Pr[r_i \geq r^{*}]$$. I know that for $r*>0$ it satisfies ...
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1 answer

Upper Bound and Lower Bound on Means when Distributions are bounded?

Suppose we have two different probability distributions $p, q$ defined on input $x \in [0,1]$. We know that for any value of $x$ in the domain, we have $\exp^{-a} \leq \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \leq \exp^{a} $...
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What is statistical difference?

In the paper "Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis" by Dwork et al., the term "statistical difference" is used as following (in page 280): Finally, if a $1 − \...
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Laplace mechanism on vector record?

Does the definition of neighboring database in differential privacy capture the multi-dimensional record? Let's say we have a database domain $\mathbb{N}^{n\times d}$ where $n$ is the number of ...
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Lemma KL-Divergence (Differential Privacy)

I am studying differential privacy and I got stuck again in proof of a lemma. Which is: "$D_{\infty}^\delta(Y||Z) \leq \epsilon$ if and only if there exists a random variable $Y'$ such that $\...
3 votes
1 answer

Does Laplace mechanism work only on linear query?

Does Laplace mechanism work only on non-multiplicative query? For example, suppose a database (an array here) $\mathbf{x} = (x_1, \ldots, x_n)$. Is it possible to do design laplacian mechanism for ...
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Interpretation of the ratio of two pdfs evaluated at a certain point?

What is the interpretation of the ratio of two pdfs evaluated at a certain point? Is that a statistical distance? Is there any applications of it? I only know one application of differential privacy, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why $Pr[X-\mu \geq t]= Pr[e^{\lambda(X-\mu)} \geq e^{\lambda t}]$ for all $\lambda> 0$

I hope everyone is having a nice day. I don't know why this inequality holds. $$ Pr[X-\mu \geq t]= Pr[e^{\lambda(X-\mu)} \geq e^{\lambda t}] $$ For $\lambda >0$. I guess it has something to do ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to generate a sanitized dataset using Differential privacy?

I'm learning about differential privacy. I understand the concept behind differential privacy, that you can add a small noise to the query to mask the true value using transformations like Laplace or ...
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0 answers

What data is sent from a client to a server in a federated learning setting?

So far, I thought federated learning works like this: All clients have the same machine learning model (if not personalized). They have their unique data and then train this model (e.g., neural ...
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0 answers

Can we get the input from a multilayer perceptron based on the output of one of its hidden layers?

I was reading a relatively new paper that proposed to split a nerual networks layers into groups and sending each group to different nodes to train them in a distributed manner. In order to not send ...
5 votes
1 answer

Most powerful test bounds in differential privacy setting

I am interested in the setting of differential privacy- let's say a random function $\mathcal{D}:X\to\mathbb{R}$ discriminates between (distinct) $x, y \in X$ in a differentially private way if $$ \...
3 votes
1 answer

Communicating aggregate percentage changes in data without exposing individual contributors

So i have a dataset that tracks widget production from 100 different factories, each individually owned and highly competitive. Each line contains the factory name, the date of production, and the # ...
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0 answers

What current methods for statistical disclosure limitation are best trade-offs between data privacy and data utility?

In many situations raw microdata is not released by institutions due to privacy preserving. Many techniques are used for protecting sensitive values in data. But many of them can destroy multivariate ...
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2 answers

differentially private release of histograms (non-negative valued queries)

Two practical questions arise when releasing differentially private histograms/counts via addition of Laplace/Gaussian noise: 1) Is the result of noise addition truncated/rounded (since we know that ...
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0 answers

Is differential privacy applicable to summation value? [closed]

Given a collection of real data, we want to do some statistical analysis. For example, we take sum of them and reveal it to someone else. But, we want to guarantee some sort of privacy of ...
3 votes
3 answers

Effect of exp(ϵ) in Differential Privacy Definition

I am reading about differential privacy and would like to understand the implications of the different values of $\varepsilon$ in the definition below: $$\mathbb{P}[K(D_1) \in \mathcal{S}] \leqslant \...
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1 answer

How can one apply differential privacy to this network dataset? [closed]

I've been reading up recently on differential privacy and I'm just starting to understand it. I've also read this paper that basically determined the sexual orientation of a user using Facebook ...
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1 answer

How to test for differential privacy on multiple choice data?

I apologize I am new to statistics so I do not know all terms and concepts. My current algorithm for adding noise to multiple-choice favorite color data is this: ...
5 votes
2 answers

Privacy through moving averages?

I am considering the following hypothetical situation: I have a time series of data. In general, 'the public' should have access to features of this data. However, making the time series available ...
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postprocessing additive noise in differentially private data

when releasing differentially private datasets we often have (or can plausibly assume) knowledge of the noise added to the data to achieve privacy - we can even have good approximations of the scale ...
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1 answer

Why does "sticky noise" defy averaging attack?

I have read an interesting paper (pdf) describing how a privacy preserving technique might be breached, but I am having trouble understanding the following paragraph describing one of several layers ...
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1 answer

Issue with the definition of differential privacy

The definition of differential privacy states that if $\mathcal{M}$ is $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differentially private, then $\forall x,y$ such that $||x-y||_1\leq1$ and for all $S \subseteq \mathrm{Range}...
30 votes
4 answers

Has the journal Science endorsed the Garden of Forking Pathes Analyses?

The idea of adaptive data analysis is that you alter your plan for analyzing the data as you learn more about it. In the case of exploratory data analysis (EDA), this is generally a good idea (you are ...
17 votes
2 answers

What is meant by "Laplace noise"?

I am currently writing algorithm for differential privacy using the Laplace mechanism. Unfortunately I have no background in statistics, therefore a lot of terms are unknown to me. So now I'm ...