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Questions tagged [k-means]

k-means is a method to partition data into clusters by finding a specified number of means, k, s.t. when data are assigned to clusters w/ the nearest mean, the w/i cluster sum of squares is minimized

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Anomaly Analysis (K-Means) - finding suspicious activities/operators

I am relativly new to the field of data mining and want to make a anomaly detection on transactional retail data. I want to use a simple anomaly detection (kmeans at the moment) for finding suspicious ...
Anghostdy's user avatar
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Vector Quantization of heavy tailed distribution

I'm generating with Monte Carlo simulation some stock price $X$. Once I have the stock price sample, I want to cluster it with 100 points $\hat{X}$. My problem is that the error associate with my k-...
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What's the methodology behind the most-difference-between-groups-tag-cloud?

What is the likely stats methodology used in this old OKCupid post?: And this:
Mittenchops's user avatar
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Standardizing non-normal data for use in distance-based classifier

I have a dataset containing non-normally distributed variables that I want to feed into a distance-based classifier (e.g. K-means). Is it ok to just subtract the mean and divide by the standard ...
DLaw's user avatar
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Using linear discriminant analysis to validate the cluster groups resulting from kmeans

I'm currently working on a cluster analysis project and ran kmeans on the data for k=2. I was reading similar articles on similar experiments, and the investigators used discriminant analysis to ...
DJ_'s user avatar
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Distance threshold for clustering

Usually online clustering methods (based on kmeans or not) define a distance threshold value. If a new data-point $x$ is far enough from the nearest center $c$ (i.e. the distance from $x$ to $c$ is ...
shn's user avatar
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For which clustering algorithms is the Gap statistic useful?

How can i know for which clustering algorithms (with a parameter that represents number of clusters) it makes sense to use the Gap statistic? I've read in the paper by Tibshirani, Walter & Hastie ...
ira's user avatar
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Question about running k means cluster analysis

In a previous analysis I had 3 groups of subjects - group x with 35 subjects, control group y with 25 subjects, and control group z with 25 subjects. For each group I have levels of 6 different ...
FastBallooningHead's user avatar
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Question on using the elbow method for calculating ideal number of clusters for k means cluster analysis

Newb to cluster analysis here. I have a group of 35 subjects. For all of the subjects I have data for different measures of IQ (verbal, math, etc) and different biomarkers. There are 6 IQ measures in ...
FastBallooningHead's user avatar
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Spatial Temporal Clustering evenly spaced over time

I have a large dataset of spatio-temporal data. It has longitude and latitude coordinates, and a date for each observation. For example: Long Lat Date 50 20.43 9-19-2010 51 19.5 10-4-2010 51 19.3 ...
Robertmg's user avatar
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k-means clustering on a probability distribution instead of a dataset

Normally, clustering algorithms such as $k$-means are defined on a dataset in the following sense: if $D$ is a dataset, find a partition of $D$ into sets $\{S_1, \dots, S_n\}$ that minimises the ...
Harry Partridge's user avatar
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K-means clustering - weird PCA visualization

I performed PCA on 4 variables and are shown in this visualization: At first look it doesn't look convincing and the some clusters seem weird. The data was cleaned and standardized beforehand. Only ...
Simon's user avatar
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Interpreting results of K-means after PCA

I have this dataset about an airline company customers with 22 explanatory variables. My goal is to perform some sort of customer segmentation with the k-means algorithm. One problem that I've found ...
ScarceChicken's user avatar
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Can K-means put most of the noise in the same cluster?

I am working on clustering text data (very short sentences) vectorized with tf-idf. The data are characterized by high sparseness and the presence of abundant noise (considered here as documents that ...
zurgo's user avatar
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Differentiate between two set of points

Consider two sets of points (in the pictures below), whose "center of gravity" is same. What measure can differentiate between the two sets? e.g. Image 1 ...
s510's user avatar
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Statistical method for finding homogeneous groups of curves

I need to divide a set of 100 or more response curves into groups. These curves are formed by backscattering intensity along a range of frequencies. Basically, each curve represents the intensity in ...
il nibbio's user avatar
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Clustering Data with Time and ~10 million records

I have a dataset with features like product categories, their dimensions, price, units sold on a given day. I want to create clusters out of this dataset (~12-15 million records) and I am using data ...
Shivam Bindal's user avatar
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What does it mean by "variance of the distribution is spherical"?

I came across the post here which mentioned the following: k-means assumes the variance of the distribution of each attribute (variable) is spherical I wanted to understand what does it mean by &...
Curious's user avatar
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Correlated variables and similar loadings in first principal component

I'm doing a K-Means model for first time, thus very low experience. I read that it is not bad to discard variables through some PCA analysis. After standardizing the data, the loadings (weights) for ...
Mangostino's user avatar
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Does it make sense to use variables' product as a new variable in a clustering procedure?

I'm trying to separate different groups based on values from width and length using k-means and hierarchical clustering. My question relates to the possibility of using the area — measured as width * ...
hiperhiper's user avatar
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K means clustering analysis to define geological facies using 2 attributes (ERT & seismic)

dear all. Currently I am doing a project where the goal is to define geological facies of an area by using ML. The method that we are doing is k-means (we have no labels beforehand) and we are using ...
kbmv's user avatar
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Clustering large yearly, (presence/absence) dataframe

I have a data frame of 500,000x23 dimensions. The data is binary, representing presence or absence. The data follows identified trees through time (23 years) and looks at whether the tree is present ...
Samuel Lewis's user avatar
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Non-negative matrix factorization clusters

NMF can be used for clustering i.e., $V=WH$ where $W$ represents cluster centers and $H$ represents the membership of samples. But can NMF alone cluster the samples? Can we get better clusters in NMF ...
SS Varshini's user avatar
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Difference between Hamming Loss, Hamming Score, and Hamming Distance in multiclass multilabel classification

I am trying to understand the mathematical difference between, Hamming distance, Hamming Loss and Hamming score. I am trying to perform two actions Multiclass multi label classification using SVM K ...
Srinag Vinil Tummala's user avatar
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K-Means clustering technique for monthly data

I have an Unsupervised problem where user's Credit Card payment data is given for each month for various users for one year. One of the feature in the data having "User Id". For most of the ...
Archaeolexicologist's user avatar
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External loss functions for Spectral/Density-based clustering

In this article, Abou-Mustafa and Schuurmans proposed a method that makes it easy to decide what unsupervised learning algorithm generalizes 'better' to the entire dataset. In particular, this needs ...
drommedaris's user avatar
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Do I correctly apply hierarchical clustering and K-means on the resource-selection-function values?

I'm trying to find the best way to classify bivariate point patterns in spatstat according to the relationship between two point species: Point pattern ...
Sergej S's user avatar
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k-means inertia

I use Minkoski distance to measure distance, like so: $$D(\vec{x}, \vec{y})=\left(\sum_{i=1}^n|x_i-y_i|^p\right)^\frac{1}{p}$$ I'm trying to locally optimize centroids by averaging the points that ...
Lilo's user avatar
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Discussing validity of tests performed after a cluster analysis

I'm new to datascience (from a medical/medical science background). My supervisor (social sciences background) asked me to assist in rewriting a paper where we do a cluster analysis for a ...
scvbelle's user avatar
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I don't understand why each time Kmeans finds the same centroid given different initialization?

The k-means algorithm does the following: Given a set of points, we first choose k random points to be the initial centroids. We then create k clusters. The ith cluster contains the points nearest to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Precise definition of K-means

I am reading about K-means algorithm, and trying to explain it to myself in one sentence. However, I am a bit confused. I have came up with following definitions and I am not sure whether which one is ...
dsapprentice's user avatar
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Clustering - Distance Metric for Comparing Short Lists of Terms (non-repeating, no frequency)

Clustering involves using some distance or similarity metric. What is the best way to score the similarity of these small sets of words? Criteria: These are technical terms which are extracted from ...
Kyle's user avatar
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How to compare consistency between clustering results and list of values with different levels in R?

I found similar subjects on the website but I may have missed the relation with my own question. I'v seen questions about comparison of clustering results, but here it's more about comparing two lists ...
Jerobou's user avatar
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Clustering common words for objects

I am currently running experiments aiming to simulate information transfer between agents. Without going into too much irrelevant detail, following the conclusion of a simulation I am left with a csv ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Prerequisites/Checks for performing clustering

What are the checks that should be done on our data before performing clustering? Like how to check whether the dataset contains clusters of equal size/density or the clusters present in the dataset ...
user9855045's user avatar
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What is meant by 'bad clustering' in k-means ++ paper?

Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2006 say that: "There are many natural examples for which the algorithm generates arbitrarily bad clusterings (i.e., $\frac{\phi}{\phi_{OPT}}$ is unbounded even when $n$ ...
Thelonious Monk's user avatar
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Identifying inflexion point in elbow method (cluster analysis)

I am looking for the optimal number of clusters to conduct a cluster analysis and used the following code to determine it: ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
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K-means clustering and temporal aspects

I was looking at an interesting case concerning popular locations for uber, see here:
Ged's user avatar
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Finding centroids without K-means

The Data: Currently I have a simple distribution that looks like the histogram below. Every point is an integer between 0 and 16 and I have 350MB of these samples. The Problem: I want to identify 8 ...
Brian Crafton's user avatar
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Deterministic Methods to Initialize K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering Methods

I am looking for effective and deterministic methods to initialize K-Means and K-Medoids algorithms. There is a great answer in Methods of initializing K-Means Clustering yet most of them has some ...
Royi's user avatar
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Anomaly detection using Clustering techniques on data with skewed features

I am working on finding anomalies in data. My dataset consists of 2 variables - Price of item and Volume of item purchased in a single checkout. I do not have information on the item other than its ...
racingtigers's user avatar
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Strange data point clustering in k-means

I am trying to explore weather impact on bike usage using k-means clustering. However, the plot does not look correct; visually, some data points obviously belong to another cluster that is closer ...
Jessica Quach's user avatar
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How do I evaluate a K-Means unsupervised anomaly detection approach?

how do I evaluate K-means clustering anomaly detection method as there is no labelled data of anomaly class. To find the cluster (K), I have used the silhouette score from Scikit learn library. Scikit ...
Nite's user avatar
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python find the optimal # of cluster for K-Means algorithm

I have a data that contains 24 features and all features have some missing values. I want to use the impute-KNN algorithm from sklearn to fill the missing values. However, before I do that, I think I ...
skylar1218's user avatar
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K means clusters, would PCA be a better option?

I have the data below. I need to use a clustering method to classify them and into categories of "Heterozygotote, Allele 1, Allele 2 and No Call. The values in RFU1 and RFU2 are used to determine the ...
Jordan Browne's user avatar
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Should I scale when clustering text data using K-means?

I want to cluster a folder of texts. I created a data file where for each text, I write whether a certain word appears in it or not. I want to cluster according to this. So my matrix is globally only ...
Marine Galantin's user avatar
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K-Means Unable to Detect Small Clusters

I am just wondering about this issue brought up by our teacher about a drawback of K-means being unable to detect small clusters. It's homework that we should come up with ideas about why this is so ...
Van's user avatar
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Modifying k-means for points on torus

My data coordinates are degrees so each axis has values [-180, 180]. Therefore it's easy to spot that in fact the scatter plot on the right end continues on the left side and the same thing for up and ...
lemonade's user avatar
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How to search for irregular signals: Fourier, DWT or k-means?

See my notebook here I want to search for irregular time signals in a data set of ~3 500 000 time signals. I can't give a clear definition of irregular signal, but it must fulfil the criteria of: not ...
NeStack's user avatar
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Why does kmeans after SVD result in ideal clusters

I am clustering tweets which are related to eye fashion and they are extracted using keywords like mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, etc from twitter. I constructed a Tf-idf matrix (tweets x words) ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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