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7 votes
2 answers

Translate glmer (lme4) model specification into MCMCglmm

I am having some computational trouble estimating the following model with the glmer function in lme4: ...
k-zar's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Do I need more than one random slope?

When constructing a GLMM in R, do I need more than one random slope if I "see" that slopes differ for multiple continuous variables? In my case, I am analysing the number of plant species (...
Jens's user avatar
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0 votes
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Some doubts about using time random effect

I'm starting with lme4 and GLMM. Maybe this question can be basic for experimented researchers, but I'm still learning. I have a pooled data where every ...
Tappin73's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Assessing the fit of GLMM implementation of a Rasch model to binary data using lme4

I'd like to assess the fit of the kinds of models described by de Boeck et al (2011) ( They are GLMM implementations of Rasch family models, e.g.: ...
Michael's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

GLMM overfitting solutions

in GLMM faq page there is a statement about overfitting: "One alternative (suggested by Robert LaBudde) is to "fit the model with the random factor as a fixed effect, get ...
user1322296's user avatar
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Testing whether random effects are normally distributed in R

I've been working on a GLMM in R and I see that an assumption of the test is that the random factor must be normally distributed (that is, unless you're using a package like ...
Reese's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Why do I get zero variance of a random effect in my mixed model, despite some variation in the data?

We’ve run a mixed effects logistic regression using the following syntax; ...
Nick Riches's user avatar
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Fitting GLMMs for binomial data produces Error and Warning messages when using different fitting procedures in R.

I am trying to fit GLMM's to my data using the glmer function available in R's lme4 package. The data is available under the name block1and2 at:
Martin David Grunnill's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

R lme4 1.1-7: REML=FALSE giving error "extra argument(s) ‘REML’ disregarded "

I'm trying to fit a model with the function glmer (lmer4 1.1-7 package) in R using REML but I just get an error saying ...
Ines's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Linear mixed effect models with two independent variables

I am estimating a random intercept and a random slope model using the following R code. My dependent and independent variable are both continuous. ...
user3013423's user avatar
1 vote
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R-squared for linear mixed effects model [duplicate]

I ran linear mixed effects model in R. model<-lmer(yld ~ rain + (1+rain|state),data=data,REML=FALSE) Is there any way I can generate an R-squared for the ...
user3013423's user avatar
0 votes
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Q: plot glmm fixed and random effects (glmer in package lme4) using ggplot2

I am trying to visualize the results from a glmm that I ran with the lme4 package. ...
LiveLongandProsper's user avatar
1 vote
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Significance of the overall model GLMM using lme4

Maybe it's a basic question, but I'm learning about GLMM using the lme4 package. I'm confused about the way that I can know the significance the overall model using glmer. First, the random model is: ...
Tappin73's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Coefficients from glmer in R

In a mixed effect model where the intercept is random effect and the slope is fixed effect (see the code below), I understand the output of summary(glmer(...)). But ...
quibble's user avatar
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Calculating random effects from a glmerMod object (r package lme4)

Using the lme4 package, how does ranef() calculate (or extract) estimates of random effects from a ...
filups21's user avatar
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7 votes
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GLMM and two slopes

My outcome variable is binomial, and I have 11 independent variables and a time variable. The time variable has different slopes, so I fixed it to time-before and <...
Indigofera suffruticosa's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Interactions between random effects

I'm considering a mixed-effects model to try to understand factors that influence the number of ticks sampled on wild rodents. My data is nested so that I have one tick count per rodent, multiple ...
Claire's user avatar
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Lme4 Error Help: "maxstephalfit...pwrssUpdate"

I am using a mixed model to assess the effects of various treatments on bee behavior (e.g., avoidance frequency - total avoidances per total visits; feeding frequency, and mating frequency). Bee ...
Larry G.'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I be using a GLMM?

I'm looking at the influence of pollen type on whether a flower sets fruit (i.e., yes or no = 1 or 0). Then looking at number of seeds per fruit (1-6 possible). I was told I should use lmer, however ...
Emilyt's user avatar
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plot effects on glmer

I done a GLMM with the function glmer from lme4, the variable paternity is binomial (yes or no)(...
anais's user avatar
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5 votes
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Binomial GLMM: Model validation & ceiling effect

My data has a binary response acc(correct/incorrect), one continuous predictor score, three categorical predictors (...
user42174's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Meaning of a convergence warning in glmer

I am using the glmer function from the lme4 package in R, and I'm using the bobyqa optimizer ...
Jota's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

How to apply binomial GLMM (glmer) to percentages rather than yes-no counts?

I have a repeated-measures experiment where the dependent variable is a percentage, and I have multiple factors as independent variables. I'd like to use glmer from ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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Null GLMM Poisson underestimate the mean of the response variable. Is it indicative of poor fitting?

I want to test the fixed and random effects of some covariates on a discrete variable with non negative values. In exploratory analysis I fitted a null Poisson GLM and an null Poisson GLMM. However, ...
Oswaldo's user avatar
4 votes
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Level-2 predictions with lme4/glmer model

Let's say I've fitted a 2 level model with glmer like this: ...
user2840286's user avatar
3 votes
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Mixed effects model validation and selection with `lme4::glmer`

If I had a glm using on count data I may do the following: glm(response ~ exp1 * exp2, family = poisson, data =data) The ...
user1320502's user avatar
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glmm unbalanced nested random factors

imagine you have the following data structure ...
user1320502's user avatar
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How to calculate estimated proportions and their confidence intervals from a mixed model?

I have an experiment with two treatments. It is a split plot experiment, with the structure Block/Treatment1/Treatment2. Each treatment has 2 levels. The dependent variable is presence/absence data ...
Sarah's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How to assess the fit of a binomial GLMM fitted with lme4 (> 1.0)?

I have a GLMM with a binomial distribution and a logit link function and I have the feeling that an important aspect of the data is not well represented in the model. To test this, I would like to ...
Henrik's user avatar
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Plotting fit for binomial lme

I've been asked by a reviewer on a manuscript to provide plots of a model fit for a binomial lme which is specified as follows: ...
elze's user avatar
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7 votes
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Weights argument in glmer() when predicting proportion data: why is it needed when all weights are around the same?

What do the weights argument in glmer refer to? I used sample sizes as weights with ...
Anto's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to account for repeated measures in glmer?

My design is as follows. $y$ is Bernoulli response $x_1$ is a continuous variable $x_2$ is a categorical (factor) variable with two levels The experiment is completely within subjects. That is, ...
Bill Simpson's user avatar
3 votes
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Order of nested random effects in lme4

I just fit a model in lme4, and I'm wondering what the heck I fit... I have individuals id, and each is measured pass/fail on items that can be described using two ...
Jack Tanner's user avatar
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14 votes
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Calculating ICC for random-effects logistic regression

I'm running a logistic regression model in the form: lmer(response~1+(1|site), family=binomial, REML = FALSE) Normally I would calculate the ICC from the ...
Megan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Overfitting in GLMM

I have fit a mixed model with lmer() and am left with 4 significant interaction terms. There were found by removing the interaction term and comparing with the ...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to test for overdispersion in Poisson GLMM with lmer() in R?

I have the following model: > model1<-lmer(aph.remain~sMFS1+sAG1+sSHDI1+sbare+season+crop +(1|landscape),family=poisson) ...and this is the summary ...
susie's user avatar
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Mixed-effect modeling with paired observations & bounded response variables

I am quite new in the field of mixed-effect modeling. For a beginner like me, I guess I combine several levels of complication in my analysis: paired observations & bounded response variables. I ...
Nathan.r's user avatar
47 votes
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How can I test whether a random effect is significant?

I am trying to understand when to use a random effect and when it is unnecessary. Ive been told a rule of thumb is if you have 4 or more groups/individuals which I do (15 individual moose). Some of ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Can I run a GLMM model when I have one observation for most subjects?

I have a binary DV and my panel data set contains more than one observation for only 20% of the subjects which makes it very unbalanced. Is there anything methodologically wrong with doing a mixed ...
Moe's user avatar
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8 votes
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How close to zero should the sum of the random effects be in GLMM (with lme4)

I'm using the lme4 package in R to do some logistic mixed-effects modeling. My understanding was that sum of each random effects should be zero. When I make toy ...
jerlich's user avatar
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How to construct GLMM model for repeated measures with binary responses with lmer

In my experiment I assigned subjects to one of the 3 treatments A, B or C. Within each treatment, a single subject was tested with two models sequentially. The test sequence was randomized. The ...
user20881's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to compare whether the odds of success of different levels of a predictor are different from 0

I hope I am able to word my question clearly. Suppose I have a model below: glmer(Y~X + (1|subject), family="binomial", data=dat) The intercept is the log odds ...
Alex's user avatar
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Analyzing split-plot design in lme4 in R

I have the data from a split-plot design where A is my whole plot fixed factor with two levels and B is my subplot fixed factor with 2 levels and C is my random block factor. How do I analyse these ...
Martina Ozan's user avatar
0 votes
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Binomial GLMM not converging / Random effects variance and stdev = 1 resulting in AIC = Inf

I am using a binomial GLMM to assess differential habitat selection between two species with model selection using AIC. When I use many variables (8), the models converge but are not significant. ...
Monica's user avatar
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19 votes
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Random effect equal to 0 in generalized linear mixed model [duplicate]

Sorry if I'm missing something very obvious here but I am new to mixed effect modelling. I am trying to model a binomial presence/absence response as a function of percentages of habitat within the ...
Cec.g's user avatar
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Binary interaction terms using lmer

I am trying to create a model using the lmer function. The model will contain the continuous response term "Average.profit" and explanatory terms "Type", "OtherType,...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar
5 votes
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Diagnostic plots for lmer

I am trying to produce a glmm using the lme4 package in R. To validate my model I would like to produce some diagnostic plots ...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar

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