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tomka's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
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20 votes

How to obtain p-values of coefficients from bootstrap regression?

12 votes

Methods to work around the problem of missing data in machine learning

10 votes

Testing Measurement Invariance with Robust Estimators Yields Bizarre (Improved) Model Fit Indexes

10 votes

"the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite" error using 2l.norm in mice

8 votes

ANCOVA in observational studies: what are the assumptions?

8 votes

What is "mixture" in a gaussian mixture model

8 votes

Stochastic gradient descent: why randomise training set

6 votes

Why is it wrong to stop an A/B test before optimal sample size is reached?

6 votes

Why should the variance equal the mean in Poisson regression?

6 votes

How to run chi-squared test on imputed data

5 votes

Comparing nested binary logistic regression models when $n$ is large

5 votes

Bootstrap vs Standard Estimation

5 votes

What type of data analysis should I make in case of (quasi-) experimental data?

4 votes

How to derive the MLE of a Gaussian mixture distribution

4 votes

How should I interpret this residual plot?

4 votes

Machine learning to estimate p(y>N | X) where N is a duration

4 votes

Confidence interval of the expected value

4 votes

How to design experiments for Market Research (with a twist)?

3 votes

CFA Fit Measure Thresholds for New Scales

3 votes

Given probability x, how likely is it that probability y is due to chance?

3 votes

Testing if the difference between two count variables is different from zero

3 votes

which distribution should be used in this question?

3 votes

What is the difference between Econometrics and Machine Learning?

3 votes

Communicating confidence in an R forecast's correctness with non-mathematicians

3 votes

Using partial measurements of output variable in modeling

2 votes

Determining the percentile rank of a score w.r.t. a known distribution

2 votes

Propensity score matching: bias adjustment

2 votes

Is there an index that quantifies the degree of independence of dependent random variables?

2 votes

What is the meaning of prime notation in surveys' calibration estimators?

2 votes

What is the difference between a stratified random sample and a single-stage cluster random sample?