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Correctly simulating an extreme value distribution for survival analysis?

In the image and per the code at the bottom of this post, I plot survival curves for the lung dataset from the survival package using a fitted exponential ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Calculating probability related to maximum of random variables

Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ be non-negative continuous iid random variables. The goal is to find the probability: \begin{align*} \Pr(\max_{k+1 \leq i \leq j } X_i < \max_{1 \leq i \leq k }X_i) \end{...
Math Universe's user avatar
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CDF of max of $n$ cauchy variates

Suppose $X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_n$ are iid copies of a standard cauchy variate with pdf $$ f(x)=\frac{1}{\pi(1+x^2)},0<x< \infty. $$ Define: $$ Y=1+ \underset{1 \leq i \leq n}\max X_i.$$ I want to ...
AgnostMystic's user avatar
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Verifying the statistics are complete and sufficient for two parameter Pareto distribution

Let$(X_1,...,X_{n})$ be a random sample from the Pareto distribution with pdf density $\theta a^{\theta} x^{-(\theta+1)}I_{(a,\infty)}(x),$ where $\theta>0$ and $a>0$ $\textbf{(i)}$ Show that ...
Aleph Alpha's user avatar
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Does this approach to simulation for survival analysis, of breaking the analysis into deaths versus survivors, appear reasonable?

I've spent last several weeks learning about survival analysis, see one of the last posts at How to simulate variability (errors) in fitting a gamma model to survival data by using a generalized ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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What is an efficient algorithm for finding the minimum of a parabola-shaped function? [closed]

I have a continuous function f(x) that is bounded on the interval (0, N), where N is a large positive integer (~10,000,000). The function is shaped like an upwards-facing parabola, however, it is ...
Bob Grant's user avatar
73 votes
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How do you calculate the probability density function of the maximum of a sample of IID uniform random variables?

Given the random variable $$Y = \max(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n)$$ where $X_i$ are IID uniform variables, how do I calculate the PDF of $Y$?
Mascarpone's user avatar
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If $F^n(b_n x) \to e^{-x^{-\alpha}}$, $b_n x \to x_0$ where $x_0 = \sup \{x \colon F(x) < 1 \}$

Let $X_n$ be i.i.d with common df $F$. Let $M_n = \max (X_1, \ldots, X_n)$. Suppose $P(b_n^{-1} M_n \leq x) = F^n(b_n x) \to e^{-x^{-\alpha}}$ weakly, where $x > 0$ and $\alpha > 0$. Let $x_0 = \...
Phil's user avatar
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How to choose the wanted root of the maximum likelihood function when there are multiple roots?

I need to estimate a parameter of a distribution but I don't have an explicit estimator. I decided to do a partition of the interval range for the parameter and use the newton-raphson method to find ...
Rui Gonçalves's user avatar
83 votes
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How is the minimum of a set of IID random variables distributed?

If $X_1, ..., X_n$ are independent identically-distributed random variables, what can be said about the distribution of $\min(X_1, ..., X_n)$ in general?
Simon Nickerson's user avatar
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Fitting Pareto distribution to data example in SciPy

In there's code to sample data from a Pareto distribution and then fit a curve on top of the sampled data. I could understand most of the code snippet except the term ...
Bipin's user avatar
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Knowing the sum, the n(), and the bound parameters of a truncated-Pareto distributed variable, how I identify the alpha (shape) parameter?

I know that there would be a fancy command on R to do the estimation of $\alpha$ given the inputs, but I am also curious about the relationship between $\alpha$ to $...
GiulioGCantone's user avatar
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$1-F$ is rapidly varying if and only if there exists $b_n$ such that $\frac{\max X_i}{b_n} \to 1$ in probability

The following is a problem from Extreme Values, Regular Variation and Point Processes by Resnick. We will say $1-F$ is rapidly varying as $x \to \infty$ if $\lim_{t \to \infty} \frac{1-F(tx)}{1-F(t)} =...
Phil's user avatar
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Help analysing Mean Residual Life Plot for GPD

I'm trying to fit a GPD for a set of time dependant data. I have two columns, data which is a value on the negative real line where values closest to zero are considered extremes, and time. Using only ...
Norbert Wesolowski's user avatar
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Why does Gumbel distribution have two different expressions?

Let $X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n$ be iid random variables with distribution function $F(x)$ and $M_n:=\max\{X_1,\dots,X_n\}$. By the extreme value theorem, there exist two sequences of real numbers $a_n>0$ ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Gumbel distribution conditional on exceeding a threshold

In Heffernan and Tawn's 2004 paper, they describe a procedure to sample multivariate data, conditional on one variable ($Y_i$) being extreme. The idea is that $Y_i$ is extreme if it exceeds some ...
ThreeOrangeOneRed's user avatar
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How to assign reasonable scale parameters to randomly generated intercepts for the Weibull distribution?

This is a follow-on to post Correctly simulating an extreme value distribution for survival analysis?, as I work towards adaptation of that code to the Weibull distribution. In the below code I ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Robustness of Quantile Regression

Is the 99th Quantile Regression model a robust model? From my understanding, Quantile Regression is supposed to be robust in nature, but removing some outliers using IQR, the results obtained by 99th ...
Him's user avatar
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Method of collecting and comparing outliers from sets of sets of populations

Background I am a PhD student co-supervising a Master's student in our lab. I am mostly familiar with discrete mathematics, signal processing, and programming simulations. My statistics background ...
Winston Campeau's user avatar
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Are there conditions for which the Pareto distribution arises? Are there characterization theorems of the Pareto distribution?

There are many real-world phenomena in which a variable of a population follows the Pareto distribution. I am wondering, what are the sufficient conditions for the distribution to be Pareto? And if it ...
MaximusIdeal's user avatar
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Distribution/estimation of maximum change of a stationary time series

Any help on this would be much appreciated. Let $x_{t} = b x_{t-1} + u_{t}$, where $u_{t} \sim N(0,1)$ and $\lvert{b}\rvert < 1$. What can we say about the distribution of $y_{t} = \max(x_{t+2},x_{...
rjann's user avatar
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Asymtotic distribution of the MLE of a Uniform

A property of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator is, that it asymptotically follows a normal distribution if the solution is unique. In case of a continuous Uniform distribution, the Maximum Likelihood ...
Mauro Schläpfer's user avatar
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An approximate confidence interval for the $\alpha$ parameter of a Pareto Type II distribution when $\lambda$ is known

The Pareto Type II distribution, also known as the Lomax distribution, has the following density, $$f(x|\alpha,\lambda)=\frac{\alpha\lambda^{\alpha}}{(\lambda+x)^{\alpha+1}}, \qquad x>0,\ \alpha>...
29703461's user avatar
25 votes
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Is it possible to understand pareto/nbd model conceptually?

I am learning to use BTYD package that uses Pareto/NBD model to predict when will be a customer is expected to be back. However, all literature on this model is full of mathematics and there does not ...
Ashok K Harnal's user avatar
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Determining shape parameter for Generalized Pareto Distribution Scipy

I have a set of values to which I want to fit a Generalized Pareto Distribution. Scipy provides functions for doing so:
Pranav Budhwant's user avatar
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Empirically estimating extremal coefficient using minima of Fréchet margins

I recently came across a paper which uses the following formula to empirically estimate the extremal correlation coefficient $\chi_{ij}$ between two variables $x$ and $y$ as follows: $$ \chi_{xy} = \...
ThreeOrangeOneRed's user avatar
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Pareto distribution with Gamma prior on parameter $\theta$

I want to calculate the posterior distribution of Pareto distribution with known parameter $X_m$ and unknown parameter $\theta$, with conjugate prior on $\theta$ the Gamma distribution: My effort is ...
Homer Jay Simpson's user avatar
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How to esimate the mean and variance of data from a Pareto distribution

I have large sample of data that is approximately from a Pareto distribution with unknown parameters. Unfortunately the distribution is sufficiently heavy tailed that just taking the sample mean is ...
Simd's user avatar
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Separating components of a likelihood maximization

Apologies for the naive question, but I have a problem I would like to solve. Suppose I have a two dimensional likelihood of the form $L \propto \exp\{-\frac{1}{2}\} \begin{bmatrix}x & y\end{...
Fellow99's user avatar
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Monte-carlo simulation and extrapolation

I am reviewing some work and the proposed solution seems to me not to be reliable. But I fail to find any references or even consistently formulate why I think this approach does not work. Assume you ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Central limit theorem and the Pareto distribution

Can somebody please provide a simple (lay person) explanation of the relationship between Pareto distributions and the Central Limit Theorem (e.g. does it apply? Why/ why not?)? I am trying to ...
user1222447's user avatar
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Can we fit extreme value distribution by build-in package?

I try to find a package in R to fit Gumbel distribution by Block Maxima Approach using maximal likelihood function (see here) $$ G(x; \mu , \sigma)=\exp[-e^{-\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}}]. $$ The block ...
Hermi's user avatar
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What is the distribution of max-min for a Gaussian distribution

For a process N(t), where at any instance of t=T0, the distribution of N(T0) is Gaussain with mu=0: What is the distribution of max(N(t))-min(N(t))? From my simulation, it has some non-zero positive ...
John's user avatar
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Mean of minima of $n$ random variables

I keep bouncing into the following result. Let $X$ be a random variable with a cumulative distribution function $P(X<x)$. We draw $n$ independent values from this distribution, and the minimum of ...
Botond's user avatar
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Distribution of the maximum of two correlated normal variables

Say I have two standard normal random variables $X_1$ and $X_2$ that are jointly normal with correlation coefficient $r$. What is the distribution function of $\max(X_1, X_2)$?
CuriousMind's user avatar
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CDF of maximum of $n$ correlated normal random variables

The maximum of $n$ normal i.i.d. random variables $$Y=\max\{x_1,...,x_n\},$$ $$x_i \sim N[0,1]$$ has the CDF $$P(Y\le y)=\Phi(y)^n $$ but how does the CDF look like, if the variables are identically ...
elemolotiv's user avatar
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Distribution of argmax of beta-distributed random variables

Let $x_i \sim \text{Beta}(\alpha_i, \beta_i)$ for $i \in I$. Let $j = \operatorname*{argmax}_{i \in I} x_i$ (ties broken arbitrarily). What is the distribution of $j$ in terms of $\alpha$ and $\beta$? ...
user76284's user avatar
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Can mean plus one standard deviation exceed maximum value?

I have mean 74.10 and standard deviation 33.44 for a sample that has minimum 0 and maximum 94.33. My professor asks me how can mean plus one standard deviation exceed the maximum. I showed her ...
Boyun Omuru's user avatar
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$N \sim \text{Po}(\lambda)$ and $X_1,X_2,....,X_N$ are iid and independent of $N$, what is distribution of $Z_N = \max \{X_i\}_{i=1}^{N}$

I think the title covers most of my concerns. The distribution of the $X_i$ does not really matter, I am just experiencing difficulties in finding an expression for $$\text{Pr}(Z_N \leq x) = F(x)^N$$ ...
WorseThanEinstein's user avatar
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Unbiased Estimator of Largest Mean of Two Normal Distributions

Given samples from two normal distributions: $X_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(\mu_X, \sigma_X^2)$ for $i = 1,...,n$ $Y_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(\mu_Y, \sigma_Y^2)$ for $i = 1,...,n$ How ...
Hamish Duncanson's user avatar
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Definition p-value and find p-value in practice

I have a problem that I can't solution. Let $\mathbf{X}=\{X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n\}\sim\mathrm{Uniform}(0,\theta)$ and we have $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ and $H_1:\theta>\theta_0$. We reject the $H_0$ when $...
Samvel Safaryan's user avatar
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A problem with the expectation of a Pareto

My course notes (3rd-year module in Bayesian Statistics, unpublished) contain the following section. Assume we have data on the number of people queuing at an ATM at a specific hour for several ...
mjc's user avatar
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m out of n bootstrap implementation in R

I am wishing to estimate the sampling distribution of an extreme order statistic (the sample maximum). The usual nonparametric (n-out-of-n) bootstrap fails miserably in this case. Chernick (2011) ...
compbiostats's user avatar
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Which distribution is it?

I recently came across the following distribution $$ \Pr(X\le x)=e^{\tfrac{1}{a}-\tfrac{1}{x}}\left(\dfrac{a}{x}\right)^{\tfrac{1}{a}},\; 0\le x< a, $$ and the cdf is 0 for all $x\lt 0$ and 1 for ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Is there any intuitive explanation for MoM in estimating parameters?

I found from some literature that when we use the method of moments to fit the Gumbel distribution, the estimated (On page 24) A comparison of the variance formulas in (1.66) with the CramBr-Rao ...
Hermi's user avatar
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How can the author get the following conclusion from the QQ plot?

In this paper:, the authors have two actual datasets (e.g., 59 observations showing continuous annual flood data) and the authors want ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Does statistically simple algos qualify as AI algos?

We have a customer purchase transaction history data with variables like below recency - how recently they bought? frequency - How often they bought? monetary - How much value did they bring to the ...
The Great's user avatar
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How to find an "upper margin" for data on visits

For a handful of store locations, I have data on each entrance and exit time. I have counted the total num of people at a store at any given minute. I am trying to find out the values for which the ...
gbox's user avatar
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Is modeling the extreme value of a distribution a basic probability result?

I was reading briefly about the field of EVT - extreme value theory, and the associated distributions that arise from modeling the maximum of a finite sample. It's not quite clear to me the nature of ...
AdamO's user avatar
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Intuition about the coupon collector problem approaching a Gumbel distribution

The coupon collector's problem Let there be $n$ different types of coupons and we try to collect all of the types. We do this by independent random draws of coupons in which each type of coupon has an ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar

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