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Adrian Keister's user avatar
Adrian Keister
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
40 votes

Is there any theory or field of study that concerns itself with modeling causation rather than correlation?

17 votes

Why isn't causal inference a simple specialized regression problem?

17 votes

How to interpret Pearl's do notation?

11 votes

Cyclicality in causal relationships

10 votes

An intuitive explanation of the instrumental variable

9 votes

What are some good blogs for Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning?

8 votes

What is the difference between intervention and conditional distribution?

7 votes

Integration of a equation

7 votes

causal graph - counting the number of backdoor paths in a DAG

7 votes

Causal inference - difference between blocking a backdoor path and adding a variable to regression

6 votes

Discrete and Continuous variables. What is the definition?

6 votes

causal impact estimation

6 votes

What is the difference between linear equation and linear regression?

6 votes

How can I estimate causality or the causal effect between any two variables using any statistical techniques in Python?

6 votes

How to adjust for the confounder of a confounder and how to call the confounder of a confounder within treatment effect estimation?

5 votes

Causal modeling in the presence of a latent variable

5 votes

Structural Causal Models with cycles

5 votes

What does the phrase "adjusted by" mean?

5 votes

Causal Diagram and multiple regression

5 votes

When is there enough or too much balancing in observational causal studies?

5 votes

How to prove $(P^{-1} + B^T R^{-1} B)^{-1} B^T R^{-1} = PB^T(BPB^T + R)^{-1}$

5 votes

Difference between Covariance and Mutual Information

5 votes

Suppose that X and Y are independent exponential random variables each with mean 1

4 votes

How to interpet this equation?

4 votes

Creating a dataframe includes my cross validation scores

4 votes

Counterfactual Expectation Calculation

4 votes

Definition of covariate-specific effect: why after, not before intervention?

4 votes

Understanding the conditional independence rule in chains

4 votes

What measure can I use to select a number from a dataset which future values will most likely be closest to?

4 votes

Laplace and Normal Distribution Cross Entropy

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