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Questions tagged [anova]

ANOVA stands for ANalysis Of VAriance, a statistical model and set of procedures for comparing multiple group means. The independent variables in an ANOVA model are categorical, but an ANOVA table can be used to test continuous variables as well.

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Comparing two F-test statistics

I have two groups A and B, each of which consists of 5 samples. Each sample is described in a vector of length (>1000) of continuous numeric values (characteristics). I want to test if the sample in ...
Abbas's user avatar
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How the Error() term in aov() decides what goes in which stratum?

I am trying to understand how the principles of nested anova in R, but I am having extreme difficulty with the error term. Imagining the simplest case. I measured plant growth in two places, A and B. ...
JMenezes's user avatar
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Will Tukey multiple comparison be the same for different types of Sum Of Squares of ANOVA for an unbalanced design

I am working on Two-Way ANOVA for an unbalanced design. Will Tukey multiple comparison be the same for different types (I, II & III) of Sum Of Squares of ANOVA for an unbalanced design. I am ...
cheedep's user avatar
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Missing cells with Type III SS

I have a linear model of the form y ~ x + z + x:z. I have unbalanced data and further have a few missing cells (data would be unbalanced even without those missing cells). My understanding of the ...
Jdub's user avatar
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Posthoc pairwise test on the output of a linear mixed-model (MATLAB or R/Python)

I have observations from three groups of participants (A, B, C), that each represent ratings on three different measures (measure 1, 2, and 3). I would like to know if it is the case that, regardless ...
z8080's user avatar
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How does R's aov function 'work better' with orthogonal contrasts?

The help page for R's aov function states: The default ‘contrasts’ in R are not orthogonal contrasts, and aov and its helper functions will work better with such ...
JTH's user avatar
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Orthogonality in ANOVA and Regression Analysis

I read the following (Wikipedia) regarding contrast coding of categorical variables: Unlike when used in ANOVA, where it is at the researcher’s discretion whether they choose coefficient values ...
Josh's user avatar
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Seeking authoritative references on weighted ANOVA

I would be grateful for any reference, such as a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article (of any vintage), that contains explicit formulas for conducting a weighted ANOVA with arbitrary weights. ...
whuber's user avatar
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Randomized Block Design Models

I have been asked to fit the following models in R: The models are based on this data: I know the mediums are the blocks and the units of the active ingredient are the treatments. I understand how ...
Lauren's user avatar
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What is the logic behind ANOVA on ranks?

I've read a few sources that describe ANOVA on ranks, and I am still confused on how the calculation is done, and why. Specifically: Is ANOVA on ranks just applying a rank transformation to the data ...
Alex I's user avatar
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No value or "."returned for Mauchly's Test of Sphericity in SPSS

I am learning how to do a Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA in SPSS but when I try to check the Mauchly's Test of Sphericity Significance value it only displays a single decimal point. It is also ...
Deepend's user avatar
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AIC or ANOVA to compare models?

What are the relative merits of each approach, and which circumstances call for one rather than the other? To some extent I have a specific example in mind, which I've discussed here. In that example ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
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How is the confidence interval for variance component in "lmer" function computed by the command "confint"?

Here is the R code : ...
user81411's user avatar
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creating contrast matrix (limma) for two factorial in R

I am attempting to construct a contrast matrix that I can run in R, using the limma bioconductor package, but I am not sure that I have coded the contrast matrix correctly. A previous post and the ...
hesaguy's user avatar
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Is Fisher overestimating the variance here?

[NB: the title of this post used to be "Please help me decipher Fisher on ANOVA". I've edited the question to make it more focused, and modified the title accordingly.] Since anything written by R. ...
kjo's user avatar
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When using repeated-measures ANOVA in R, what does it mean to specify Error(subject) instead of Error(subject/(A*B))?

For a two-way repeated measures design, we can specify the model using aov in the following fashion: ...
Alex's user avatar
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Anova.glm procedure - results different between Type II and Type III settings for glm but not lm?

When using Anova to determine significance of factors in general linear models it is known that type II and type III settings will produce the same results when the design is balanced. However, when ...
PriTommy's user avatar
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Nonlinear relation between two variables as affected by two interacting treatments

I experimentally tested the relation between dependent variable y (continuous) and independent variable x (continuous) for 6 replicates x 2 genotypes (categorical) x 3 species (categorical) each (= ...
unknown's user avatar
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ANOVA - probability of negative variance estimate

There is a certain probability that ANOVA provides negative variance estimates. According to [Searle et al. : Variance components] ( p67 ...
Kalman Toth's user avatar
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Three versions of the independent two sample t-test (and R)

This post concerns three versions of the independent two sample t-test: Student's t-test uses a pooled standard deviation in the denominator (all equations are shamelessly copied from Wikipedia - ...
stweb's user avatar
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Group comparison - aggregate data or compare means?

Let’s say I measure a parameter of interest out of a group of 10 genetically identical individuals (e.g., an inbred C57BL/6J mouse). I can compute a mean, SD or 95% CI from that sample. Then let’s say ...
ThePresident's user avatar
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Multiple paired t-test

In the multiple testing problem for independent samples, general procedure is one way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD or Scheffe’s Method. For multiple dependent samples, one way ANOVA is replaced by ...
Statisfun's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of the difference between the means (ANOVA)

First of all, a disclosure: I'm a medical doctor trying to understand statistics for research. Coming from a non-mathematical background I can do many mistakes. I've read some traditional books of ...
Alessandro Giannini's user avatar
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Syntax differences between aov and lmer for two-way repeated measures design

I'm working with the following data frame using R. It consists of measurements obtained from 7 subjects with two independent variables (IV1 and ...
user3050269's user avatar
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Measuring relative variability for variables with different scales II

I'm reformulating this question to see if I might have better luck than OP did at encouraging a response. Consider that you have two univariate datasets at different scales, and need to establish ...
geotheory's user avatar
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Why there is no agrement on power / sample size for factorial repeated measures design?

I'm not really sure to what degree this is a statistical question but thought this might be the best place to start. If my questions prove only my ignorance please vote it down and I'll delete the ...
blazej's user avatar
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How to handle crossed and nested terms in a crossover design

Here comes my case: I conducted an experiment with the following design: 30 participants, each with a unique id, were screened and classified according to a trait. Then, all participants were tested ...
rcirer's user avatar
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The anova() function in R to compare a glm() and a glmer() models

I recently tested something regarding the stats::anova function in R. Assuming modglm is a model fitted with the ...
Typhon's user avatar
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Computing effect size (partial eta squared) from a RM-ANOVA's F value

I want to calculate the number of participants I need in order to get a power of 0.95, when replicating an effect. The effect size of this effect is not reported in the previous study, which is why I ...
Gilfoyle's user avatar
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Is there a principled ANOVA-like approach when a "subject" factor forms a symmetric 2D matrix?

I have a dataset where the dependent variable is a similarity measure between any 2 data channels, lets call it S(i,j), with a few dozen simultaneously recorded channels (so there are quite a few ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Dropping columns from an orthogonal design matrix?

Hello: I’m working with a three factor (ANOVA) design that I wish to use in an MCMC chain to estimate the parameters for the main effects and treatment interactions. I wish to run MCMC analyses ...
Jim Power's user avatar
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Mixed Anova in R

I am trying to do an anova anaysis in R. The experiment done had each subject tested in Method 1 and Method 2 as well a being in one of 4 different Levels (each subject in one group). The goal is to ...
H.Bananas's user avatar
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multiple Kruskal-Wallis instead of ANOVA for non-normally distributed data

Apologies in advanced if I supply too little or vague information, since I am a complete newbie in stats and using this forum. So I did a study which evaluated psychopathic personality traits, ...
debbiemaycry's user avatar
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Testing for differences between time series with many timepoints

I think the easiest way to describe my question is with plots. I've run an experiment where I recorded data from animals' brains (EEG) at 6 depths. The animals are recorded at baseline for 25 minutes,...
andrew.stanford's user avatar
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How to modify the f-test null hypothesis in ANOVA

Normally the null hypothesis for a f-test in ANOVA is $H_0:\mu_1=\mu_2=...=\mu_m$ for a comparison of $m$ groups. How do I alter the f-statistic so that the null hypothesis is $H_0:\mu_1=\mu_2=...=\...
Michael Webb's user avatar
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What is the ANOVA equivalent of a matched-pairs t-test? MANOVA?

I have n subjects. I perform an experiment on all the subjects and measure the outcome in two different ways. I want to evaluate the difference between these two types of measurements. I would use a ...
Michael Webb's user avatar
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a priori power analysis for ANOVA plus post hoc test

I would like to perform an a priori power analysis to calculate required sample size for data to be analyzed using one way ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test. (I want to determine pair-wise which ...
jlarsch's user avatar
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How is two-sample ANOVA the same as two-sample t-test?

When testing the differences between the means of two groups, I'm aware that one can use the ANOVA test, and/or the ...
makansij's user avatar
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Is repeated measures ANOVA right for this experimental design? Unsure

I have 2 to 5 subjects (different sea organisms) that will be exposed to several different treatments (varied doses of bacteria). Each group is done in triplicate due to the variability of the ...
RickDempsey's user avatar
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Reduced degrees of freedom using transformed data in one-way ANOVA (SAS PROC MIXED)

On pg. 88 of Design and Analysis of Experiments (8th Ed.) by Montgomery, he's analyzing square root transformed data in a one-way ANOVA. He provides an ANOVA table (SS, d.f., MS, F, p) for these data, ...
Meg's user avatar
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Mixed between-within subjects ANOVA

I am wondering how interpret tables. I used a mixed ANOVA for analyzing: My within-subjects factor is time (pretest, posttest, follow-up) my between-subjects factor consists of conditions (...
behnaz's user avatar
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Effect size for contrasts in hierarchical Bayesian "ANOVA"

Kruschke (2014) shows in his book how to compute posterior distributions of effect sizes (standardized mean difference) for the Bayesian analogues of frequentist independent-samples t-tests, and one-...
sam81's user avatar
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Can I use a covariate in a RM-ANOVA design and can the covariate be ordinal?

I'm having some trouble deciding what the best approach is to may data. The following is the setup of the study: Between-subjects factor: Group (2 levels) Within-subjects factors: Time (2 levels), ...
Sheryl's user avatar
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Central limit theorem: applicability for assumptions of different tests

Since many statistical procedures (e.g. t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s r (for efficient estimates)) require the normal distribution of the tested variables ('normality-assumption') one may ask if (at least) ...
Stefan Pitzer's user avatar
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Scientifically reasonable or not ? exclusion of very, very uncertain values from statistical analysis

I have 5 treatments A1 .. A5 and 4 independent individuals per treatment, whose parameter X is of interest to me. My objective is to compare X among treatments, and see if one or more treatment ...
Rodolphe's user avatar
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How to best approach ANOVA with multiple response variables that might be correlated and Bonferroni Correction

I need some help verifying a simple analysis. I have completed a simple two factor experiment of more or less equal sample sizes. Let's assume for the case of this question that the sample sizes are ...
Phillip Mann's user avatar
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ANOVA on ranks?

Once in a statistics class I've seen the suggestion that one non-parametric approach for ANOVA would be to perform the ANOVA analysis on the ranks of the original data (basically as an alternative to ...
landroni's user avatar
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What's an intuitive way to explain SS decomposition for a Mixed ANOVA with 1 B/S and 1 W/S variable?

For teaching I need to explain the following diagram to undergraduate students. The diagram is taken from the 7th Edition of Howell's "Statistical Methods for Psychology". The students are familiar ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
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Partitioning variance from logistic regression

Short version How can I partition the variance from the different levels in a nested mixed-effects logistic regression? Preferably using R, but even general principles would be helpful as a start. ...
Sam R's user avatar
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Simulation for power analysis for higher order repeated measures ANOVA

I am attempting to find a way to perform a power analysis for a higher order repeated measures ANOVA where all factors are within-subjects (i.e., there are no between-subjects factors). I have looked ...
user37737's user avatar

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