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Clustering in 5-point Likert type dataset

I want to cluster the data collected with a 5-point Likert scale. But I couldn't understand which method is more accurate to use. I searched the literature but couldn't find a clear answer. Can you ...
ali's user avatar
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How to cluster based on x and y coordinates

I am trying to identify rows in groups of points using clustering algorithms. The bigger picture problem I'm trying to solve is to identify shelves given x and y coordinates of products. I can cluster ...
Tommy Wolfheart's user avatar
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Should I average data for agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC)?

I was conducting an experiment where I measured the response of wheat cultivars to pathogen inoculation. The experiment was repeated three times, with two reps each time. Two disease parameters were ...
user449708's user avatar
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SVD before clustering method (no dimensionality reduction)

Does it make sense performance-wise to apply SVD to a dataset before applying a clustering method? I mean: is there a statistical reason to do such a thing? Does it depend on the method, on the number ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Missing values in data set before DBSCAN

My goal is to identify bots and fraudulent users for an application. Ideally, this would be a regression problem where users are rated on a continuous scale. I have 4 tables that cover different ...
Burger's user avatar
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Identify predictors for clustering output?

I have a dataset with variables collected years ago, and many variables collected this year as outcome variables. I want to combine all the variables collected this year to get one outcome, e.g. ...
NPpsy's user avatar
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Index of spatial variability

I have a geographical area, divided in municipalities. Each municipality has the count of a disease occurrences. The procedure is replicated four times, for four diseases (we can call them A, B, C, D)....
Luke's user avatar
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mice multilevel imputation: does specifying cluster variable ("-2" in predictor Matrix) without multilevel methods lead to cluster robust imputation?

In short: Are mice's imputations cluster robust when I only specify the cluster variable with "-2" in the predictor matrix but do not use multilevel models during imputation? For clustered ...
JannisB's user avatar
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Where is the inflection point here in this elbow chart?

Where do you think is the inflection point on this chart?
pdxtrader8888's user avatar
3 votes
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Clustering two-dimensional data in R [closed]

I have 35 linear models in a data frame (b is intercept, a is coefficient): ...
Stasik's user avatar
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Question about running k means cluster analysis

In a previous analysis I had 3 groups of subjects - group x with 35 subjects, control group y with 25 subjects, and control group z with 25 subjects. For each group I have levels of 6 different ...
FastBallooningHead's user avatar
4 votes
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Am I dealing with within-cluster dependence or independence? (Cox proportional hazards model/frailty model)

this is my first time asking a stats questions anywhere online. I'm a young female PhD student and quite anxious about this, so if possible, please be kind. I'll do my best to ask my questions clearly....
Sophie H.'s user avatar
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Cosine similarity usefulness for continuous variables

I have been asked to identify a 'cohort' of products similar to productA, and someone suggested I identify a set of relevant features and compute the cosine similarity between each possible similar ...
jmoore00's user avatar
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Finding the most important daily pattern on a time series

I have multiple hourly time series measurements from different measurement points, for multiple weeks. My goal is to eventually cluster the measurement points into clusters, but to reduce ...
Jim A's user avatar
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Question on using the elbow method for calculating ideal number of clusters for k means cluster analysis

Newb to cluster analysis here. I have a group of 35 subjects. For all of the subjects I have data for different measures of IQ (verbal, math, etc) and different biomarkers. There are 6 IQ measures in ...
FastBallooningHead's user avatar
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Creating a Dependent Ordinal variable from Independent Ordinal Variables (all with 6 levels) using Kmodes Clustering technique

I want to create a dependent ordinal variable from independent ordinal variables with 6 levels {'Very satisfied': 5, 'Satisfied': 4,'Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied': 3,'Dissatisfied': 2,'Very ...
Moalusi Makhele's user avatar
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Clustering on clusters

I'm working on a problem where I need to categorize pore types in different sponges. To do this, I use the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm to create sponge-specific (or "local") clusters. I ...
IvyBlue's user avatar
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Algorithm to cluster data points with categorical data and existing labels

Suppose that I have a dataframe of e-commerce product views data, where each row represents a product view and whether it led to conversion (purchase / not purchased) Sample columns of the data: ...
lizferund's user avatar
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Why would the "dirichletprocess" package in R return the number of clusters of the last MCMC iteration?

I've been working with the "dirichletprocess" package in R, specifically trying to recreate the example shown in the vignette where they cluster the eruptions in the Old Faithful dataset ...
Valentina's user avatar
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Are x-means' BIC and likelihood scores comparable between clusters of different dimensionality?

I'm currently working on implementing an x-means variant and ran into an issue when computing the Bayesian Information Criterion's log-likelihood (via scipy's multivariate normal logpdf) which fails ...
Sonny6155's user avatar
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Stochastic blockmodel with continuous weights in [0,1]

I want to use a stochastic blockmodel (SBM) to cluster the nodes in a network where the edge weights are continuous numbers between 0 and 1. It seems that R-packages such as ...
Christian Hennig's user avatar
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Clustering Mixed Data Types: Algorithm Selection, Distance Measurement, and Feature Weighting

I have a database of 74,000 records with 29 features. Fourteen of these features are categorical and are either 0 or 1, while the other 15 features are continuous and have been normalized and scaled ...
peiman razavi's user avatar
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Statistical techniques to compare leaves position across ordered trees

I want to tackle this problem. Suppose I have a set of entries that can produce multiple ordered trees based on some statistical methodology. The entries are always the same, but the tree structure ...
Gian's user avatar
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Scale z-normalized data back to original data range (using clustering of time series)

I am a little bit confused about the information from tslearn package for Python. It says in the documentation (e.g. ...
Calle Flygare's user avatar
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What's the minimum number of points worth clustering? [closed]

I'm using HDBSCAN to cluster vector embeddings of sentences. The embeddings are being drawn from an online SQL table that's constantly being updated. At peak times, this means 1,000 embeddings an hour,...
Connor's user avatar
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Identifying clusters to correct for scatter

I am developing Python software for reducing residual gas analysis mass spectrometry data, specifically focusing on outlier detection via helium-3 spike intensities. We use helium-3 as a reference ...
ohshitgorillas's user avatar
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Clustering and samples weighting (using GEE)

I am currently analyzing the social factors associated with the prevalence of infectious diseases in European countries using GEE models. My data is based on patients covered by a specific health ...
Tal Michael's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I use ANOVA after clustering?

I am helping someone analyse data on plant species. They divided a town into equal-sized squares and collected data on the weed species growing in each square. I used cluster analysis (Ward.D2) to ...
user424755's user avatar
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Clustering method for frequency embeddings

I have, for example, the following lists of words that I want to cluster. The lists could have different lengths, and the vocabulary is $W = \{a,b,c\}$. The criteria of clustering 2 lists into a same ...
Diep Luong's user avatar
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Multiple ordinal independent variables, correlation control and clustering

I conducted a survey with 25 5 point questions that resulted in a Likert scale Score variable, while also collecting several ordinal demographic variables: years employment, tasks per year, salary, ...
user2096078's user avatar
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Loss functions for unsupervised clustering of gaussian data

I got data that was generated from $n$ multivariate gaussians with different means and covariances, which means that they are separateble, and I'm tasked with classifying them using neural network in ...
galah92's user avatar
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Unsupervised clustering of short texts with covariates

I posted this on the Data Science Stack Exchange and didn’t get any responses (that sight seems pretty dead). So I’m trying here! I'm working on a project where I have to categorise short texts. I don'...
James's user avatar
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Where does Holder inequality come in during the proof of Gap statistic?

I am struggling to understand the proof from the Gap-statistic paper ( However, I am stuck here as shown below. I cannot understand where Holder's inequality ...
kurtkim's user avatar
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Kproto, Kmeans and Gower with PAM (General Clustering Analysis)

Hi I have around 654 rows of data with mixed variables (both numeric and categorical). I have done all the scaling, transformation for numerical variables and replaced missing in both numerical and ...
user422204's user avatar
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calculation of the C-index clustering for manual [duplicate]

Can anyone give me an example of working on the C-index clustering validity test, but calculating manually??
Raaa's user avatar
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Spatial Temporal Clustering evenly spaced over time

I have a large dataset of spatio-temporal data. It has longitude and latitude coordinates, and a date for each observation. For example: Long Lat Date 50 20.43 9-19-2010 51 19.5 10-4-2010 51 19.3 ...
Robertmg's user avatar
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Choosing number of classes in LCA

I'm an undergrad student, a little confused about goodness of fit tests. I'm trying to choose the appropriate number of classes for a latent class analysis using ...
dancing_monkeys's user avatar
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Performing a PCA on data of different hierarchical levels

I (novice) plan to use a PCA on several different, related, i.e. non-orthogonal questionnaire measures. These measures have composite scores (item sums etc.) and some of them have sub-facets. Also, ...
Livster's user avatar
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Declustering impact, stationarity and discretization

I have a seasonal time series, and I am considering declustering (before any other preprocessing steps) it using runs declustering. If I observe an extremal index of 1, can I claim that my data is i.i....
Thoms's user avatar
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Quantifying a Sequence of Binary Outcomes

I'm compiling a dataset on animal color patterns. Blotches flank the body of the animal (Agkistrodon contortrix) and meet along its midline (i.e., spine). At midline, the blotches can join ...
Ross Couvillon's user avatar
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Does clustering actually reduce the number of rows in a dataset?

I am reading the book "grokking Machine Learning" by Luis G. Serrano and came across the following sentence: "It seems that clustering and dimensionality reduction are nothing like each ...
Leox's user avatar
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What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
Sanjay Mythili's user avatar
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How can I assign households to coordinates in a social space consistent with pairwise distance measures?

How can I assign households to coordinates in a social space consistent with pairwise distance measures? I have a question which is somewhat ill-defined, about creating an interesting and useful ...
andrewH's user avatar
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Fuzzy cluster analysis with binary and continue data

I am using R to conduct a fuzzy cluster analysis. I was told that the common fuzzy c means (which is similar to the k mean in the crisp cluster) is not suitable for mixed types of data. I was ...
CTSleo's user avatar
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How to compare multiple point patterns of the same realm resulting from different clustering methods?

I have a dataset of 500 sampling points to which I apply multiple different clustering methods for categorization. How can I compare the resulting spatial point patterns of cluster group labels? I ...
jlklein's user avatar
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Looking for a suitable way to find groups of events

I have an excel file in which I have three columns. The first one is the name of an event, the second one is the moment the event starts and the third one is the time at which an event ends. Let's say ...
slow_learner's user avatar
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How to cluster time-of-day event data?

Suppose I have data about patient sneezes, e.g.,: Name Time Loudness Alex 07:59 10 Bob 08:03 12 Charlie 17:06 9 Alex 08:09 13 ... You can see ...
sds's user avatar
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Is domain knowledge external validation in clustering?

I have cluster results with good values on etc Silhuette Width. The cluster sizes are: 4998, 1, 1 which isn't good knowing my customers doesn't have that particular partition (it's more balanced). I ...
ExchangedVisual111's user avatar
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Clustering by discrete, unrelated properties?

I have a large number of objects that have unrelated properties such as color=yellow material=stone ...
Ivan Voras's user avatar
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Quantifying (observed) spatial clustering?

I am looking for some advice regarding spatial statistics. I have a large dataset with multiple samples across 5 different conditions. Each sample is composed of different point types in 2D space. For ...
stellaria's user avatar

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