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When I change my reference level on my GLMER in R, why do the p-values change and why don't the estimates add up? Emmeans solution in answer

I am new to this. My study has three conditions (between subjects - low coordination, high coordination, high coordination with ostensive cues) and three repetitions of a game (within subjects - Game ...
Melissa D. Perring's user avatar
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meaning of drop in OneHotEncoder

I am having a tough time as a newbie understanding the drop argument in OneHotEncoder. Does it drop the column with the non-...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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Differences in Regression model for Dummy Coding (factor vs. recode) [closed]

I have the following problem: I generate Dummy Variables with the recode and the factor command. In my regression I got different output for the "lower middle" variable and couldn't explain ...
Marvin11's user avatar
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Best way to "parse" survey data for predictive value?

Straightforward question. Kind of like bucketing too. Say you have a customer survey. The customer rates 1-10, or 1-5. Say you want to use this to predict other behaviors. Reorder rate, refund rate, ...
user45867's user avatar
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Predict on continuous variable for Logistic Regression model in which feature was trained as a binary variable?

Let's say I have a binary logistic regression model trained on several binary categorical variables (i.e. the model is only trained on 0s and 1s for these variables). For example, Feature A can only ...
global_stats's user avatar
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Working with subsets of values from single category in XGBoost

Since version 1.5, XGBoost supports categorical data out of the box, which is a convenient way to skip the one-hot pre-processing step and allow for if X in values ...
Alexandru Dinu's user avatar
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Interpreting Correlations with Dummy Variables

I am working through a paper about grad student "satisfaction" (as measured by a survey), and descriptive statistics are given in a table that looks like this: The "experience of ...
flevinBombastus's user avatar
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Treatment of blocking variables in LASSO regression

By reviewing the existing relevant questions I could not find the answer to this specific question. I have created blocking variables with the one-hot method (n - 1 binary variables for n categorical ...
Oculatus's user avatar
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Interaction between two binary variables in lavaan

I have two binary variables (X1 and X2, coded 0/1) as predictors in a growth model in lavaan. I want to understand their individual contributions and their ...
Jeanne Sinclair's user avatar
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When to use Label encoding

All the articles I read, it is clear that, Label Encoding should be avoided for the ordinal data. But, in one of my ML tutorial video of Artificial Neural Network, ...
mainak mukherjee's user avatar
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Dummy Variable Trap in KMeans Clustering

My data set is having a column Gender, so I have to apply One Hot Encodingto perform KMeans Clustering. Q1. Should I take care about ...
mainak mukherjee's user avatar
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How to properly add dummy variables as controls when the independent variable is a dummy variable?

I am writing a thesis where I investigate whether ESG/sustainable funds' decision to invest in fossil fuels/weapons affects fund flows. I am regressing a fund flow variable on a dummy variable x which ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to detect categorical data masquerading as continuous? [closed]

Are there any known statistical methods or laws that can be applied towards the detection of categorical data masquerading as continuous? Categorical data can masquerade (or be "obfuscated" ...
Ian CT's user avatar
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How to use categorical features in lightGBM? [closed]

I am working on an attrition dataset which has a large number of categorical parameters. Each categorical parameter has a high cardinality, so one-hot encoding them is out of question. I was looking ...
Ashish Samant's user avatar
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Why doesn't CatBoost Encoding cause target leakage?

I'm currently working on a fraud detection problem with a dataset of 300,000 rows and 500 columns, 70 of which are categorical with over 10 categories each. I'm facing memory constraints and exploring ...
Connor's user avatar
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Interpretation of coefficient of dummy variable in regression

I have a regression where the dependent variable is the difference in income between towns i and j. The independent variable is a dummy variable which takes value 0 if both towns have the same ruling ...
user584534's user avatar
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Do you lose information when you encode numerical columns with two values?

Sometimes I have numerical columns that are composed of two unique values. For example, a value from the set $\{0.1, 5.4\}$ in every cell, or $\{-1, 0\}$ in every cell. I typically scale these columns ...
Connor's user avatar
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Dummy variable coefficients are getting automatically omitted by Stata : what to do to keep them? [closed]

I am trying to replicate Section 4.1. of a paper "On the Heterogeneous Effects of Sanctions on Trade and Welfare: Evidence from the Sanctions on Iran and a New Database" by Felbermayr et al. ...
Muller I. 's user avatar
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Choice of coding scheme/planned contrasts using race as a categorical variable

Generally, my default practice in regression for nominal categorical variables, including race, is to use dummy coding, with the majority/plurality level as reference. Interpretation of the model ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Bias towards categorical data when one-hot encoding and standardizing (for machine learning)

I have a dataset containing a fair amount of continuous and categorical variables. I one-hot encode these variables to be used in various machine learning algorithms. Let's presume a variable has n ...
bob_cart's user avatar
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Why is the last level not reported in R's `summary()`, if its coefficient is not 0? [closed]

In section 4.7.7 of Introduction to Statistical Learning (version 2), the authors code regression contrasts where the last level of a predictor sums to the remaining levels. My question is, why doesn'...'s user avatar
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Can you use a Z-Test with a sample size of 1?

Background I'm performing a feature selection process on a fraud dataset. The dataset is made up of roughly 300 columns and 40,000 rows. It has a single binary indicator for a target. A lot of the ...
Connor's user avatar
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Dummy coding of linear regression, intercept and constraint

Let the following multilevel problem, where we try to predict the credit card balance of individuals $y_i$: $$ x_{i 1}= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } i \text { th person is from the South } \\ 0 &...
glouis's user avatar
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Regression predictor from count of categorical variables?

Let's say I have the following strings and associated target variables: ...
SuperCodeBrah's user avatar
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Dummy interaction term in an ARIMA model

How to include a dummy interaction term in an ARIMA model? Can we use the dependent variable (in this case, say the log return of an asset price at time $t$) to multiply with the dummy variable as an ...
Jyoti Nair's user avatar
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add the sign of the independent variable in a linear regression

I would like to include the sign of X in a linear regression to highlight the impact it has on Y (see the scatter plot below). I first thought of a dummy, taking the value of 1 if positive and 0 if ...
Paul Lefebvre's user avatar
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Interpreting regression coefficients with partial dummy vs. effects coding and multiple factors

I have been working with a data file in R that contains two primary categorical variables : study location (study, 19 levels) which is a nuisance variable and race (4 levels) which is the outcome of ...
aarsmith's user avatar
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Dummy / Reference variable in LASSO (group lasso)

I am performing group lasso and need to double check if I include a dummy variable for the reference answer or not. For example: original question : no (0), Yes (1), Unknown (9). If I create 3 dummy ...
Levi M's user avatar
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Dataset has no candidates for prophet add_regressor

I'm a student working with, primarily as an exercise in resampling and using prophet and it was suggested to me to create dummy variables and use the ...
ASteele's user avatar
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ARIMA or SARIMA scale and normalize data

Good evening everyone, I am here to ask a question regarding the statistical models ARIMA & SARIMA use to build predictive models based on past values and with the intent of predicting future ...
Alessandro Pio Budetti's user avatar
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Order of pre-processing the dataset

suppose I have categorical dataset, I'm doing data pre-processing. what is the correct order of applying these 3 techniques Train Test split SMOTEN to over sampler the minority class Categorical ...
Mohamed Ahmed's user avatar
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Difference between using a categorical variable vs separate dummy variables

I have 2 drug treatment groups, namely Cis and RT. So, a cell is either exposed to none, Cis only, RT only, or a combination of Cis+RT. There is also another cancer modality group. I would like to ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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Numeric categorical variables as factors or one hot encoded before using random forest?

I am performing a random forest model in R using caret = rf method. I have 20 explanatory variables and most are continuous but a few are categorical and numeric. For example, there are 6 categories ...
BHope's user avatar
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3 answers

What would be the effect of modeling a binary predictor in an OLS model as [-1, 1] instead of [0, 1]?

I am using an OLS model to predict a continuous variable using several continuous predictors and one binary categorical predictor. I know that usually binary variables are modeled as [0, 1], but I am ...
j45612's user avatar
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OLS model specification that includes all dummy variables with a predetermined coefficient

I'm working with a OLS model that includes dummy variables (quarters of year). Here's what I would specify it: $$y = \beta X + \gamma_1Q_1 + \gamma_2Q_2 + \gamma_3Q_3 + \epsilon$$ However, in the ...
NonSleeper's user avatar
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Should I exclude dummy variable created from independent variable in multivariate regression model?

I have the following model: $ \ln(wage) = \beta_0 + \beta_1educ + \beta_2educ*college $ the variable $college$ is from the condition that if $educ \geq 16$. Should I include the variable $college$ in ...
Possawat Suksai's user avatar
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How to interpret dummy variables and interactions terms on dummy variables in a regression?

Suppose I have a linear regression form of $$ \log(Y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_2 + \beta_2X_3 + \beta_3X_1Z + \beta_4X_2Z + \epsilon $$ where $X_1, X_2, X_3$ are binary and $X_1$ is omitted as a reference ...
user321627's user avatar
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How to test H0 that two coefficients associated with dummy variables of same categorical variable are equal?

I have a variable $X$ which I predict with a nominal categorical variable $Y$ with category labels $\{0,1,\dots,m \}$ using a linear model. I use standard dummy coding which gives me the regression ...
jmb's user avatar
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Analyse categorial data where best outcome is middle level

I have a dataset where the outcome variable is the result of a blood test that ranges from 10 to 40. A person is healthy if the result is between 20 and 30. Under 20 and over 30 are equally bad ...
Oalvinegro's user avatar
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Finding a latent representation of a high-cardinality one-hot encoded variable [duplicate]

I am working on a clustering project on a dataset that has some numerical variables, and one categorical variable with very high cardinality (~200 values). I was thinking if it is possible to create ...
ockham_blade's user avatar
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Multiple linear regression with one binary variable

Can I add 3 continuous independent variables and one binary categorical variable (without making dummy variables, as a dummy variable is created for more than 3 categories?) For example: one dependent ...
kaur's user avatar
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Fractional factorial design with mixed categorical and numerical variables analysis for more than two levels

I have an experiment setup that consists of multiple continuous and multiple categorical variables. Right now, I am just using two levels for the categorical variables, allowing me to encode them as -...
Jofkos's user avatar
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Interaction with indicator function instead of dummy

I am running a regression of Y on X (both are continuous variables). I'd like to measure how the effect differs between two groups of individuals, coded by a dummy variable Z. The traditional way of ...
Victor's user avatar
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Categorical variable disappears in Poisson GLM summary?

For the variable SelfEthnicity there is meant to be 4 levels. I have made it so there should not be a reference category, but the R output still only shows 3 Ethnicities. ...
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Small number of positives in a large dataset

I have a panel dataset with a very large number of observations 300,000. I am testing to see if a dummy variable is positive and significant using regular OLS. I have only about 1500 obs where the ...
Greg Barns's user avatar
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Linear regression with ARIMA errors and seasonal dummy covariates: how does differencing works?

To model my daily time-series data, I want to use linear regression with ARIMA errors. I also want to introduce several seasonal dummy covariates (day of the week, month of the year). I read in ...
adrimsvieira's user avatar
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Can you combine a categorical variable with a numeric variable?

I have multivariate(?) time series data where I am trying to model coral populations over time. Measurements were taken at discrete timepoints for specific individuals within a population, and I am ...
Grad Student's user avatar
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GLM specifying a subset of contrast matrix for factor variable

I'm fitting a binomial GLM with the following formula: glm(outcome ~ categorical:continuous:factor) I would like to see the interaction of categorical and ...
BioinformaticsB's user avatar
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How to encode categorical variable with multiple categories per datapoint?

Consider this question on a survey: What desserts have you eaten? Apple pie Banana pudding Coconut cake Doughnut holes The user can pick as many of the options as they like. How would one encode ...
xojfqa's user avatar
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Linear regression with binary variable

Good day, I hope you could help me. My problem: I'm doing a linear regression with SPSS. Among other things, I am interested in gender differences. Since a distinction is only made between men and ...
Mrs. Friday's user avatar

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