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t-test on non normal data: type I/II error vs validity

First, I don't believe this is a duplicate post even though this topic has been brought up a million times. If it is, please point me to the relevant post and I will remove this one. I am basically ...
David Wang's user avatar
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Definition p-value and find p-value in practice

I have a problem that I can't solution. Let $\mathbf{X}=\{X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n\}\sim\mathrm{Uniform}(0,\theta)$ and we have $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ and $H_1:\theta>\theta_0$. We reject the $H_0$ when $...
Samvel Safaryan's user avatar
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Monte Carlo Simulation deteriorates model predictions?

I have a model that works well on predicting the target variable $Y$ on time $t$ based on the input variables $X$. However, since I need to predict the $Y$ at $t+1$, for which I don't have the data (...
Student's user avatar
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Estimation Error Calculation

I'm learning about variance reduction for Monte Carlo methods and I am confused about how to calculate the "estimation error" of a given method. My question is how should I interpret "...
James Bender's user avatar
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Monte Carlo simulations and sum of normal distributions

I am trying to predict the revenues of a portfolio of items. I want to simulate the revenues in a particular market situation in which they might increase. Each item's revenues is made up of 3 ...
floyd123's user avatar
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Can I do a meta-analysis by Monte-Carlo synthetic data?

I'm trying to do a meta analysis of ~30 studies (total N = ~2000) on the correlation (X, Y). However, the heterogeneity is soooo high. My hypothesis (and what has been suggested in the literature) is ...
Ken Chan's user avatar
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In practice, should I use k-fold cross-validation or repeated random sub-sampling validation as my default choice of evaluating the model performance?

I was wondering if someone can shed some light on which cross-validation method should I, in general, use more often: k-fold cross-validation or repeated random sub-sampling validation. From Wikipedia,...
Eternal_Ether's user avatar
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What are correlated errors and why are they important?

I am looking for help on correlated systematic errors, and their meaning. I have some quantities $x,y,z$ which determine a function I need to calculate. These 3 quantities are determined by a ...
PhysicsPerson's user avatar
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How to compute a rectangular credible region from samples

Given high-dimensional Monte Carlo samples $\bf{X_1},...,\bf{X_N}$ from a probability distribution $p({\bf x})$ in $\mathbb{R^d}$, I want to estimate a rectangular highest-density credible region for $...
iLikeBayes's user avatar
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Find maximum of bimodal posterior pdf

can you help find the maximum (analytically) of the following posterior pdf? $p(\theta|x) = \frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\theta-x)^2} + \frac{1-\alpha}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\theta+...
st7488's user avatar
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Monte Carlo Integration Results in Heavy Tailed Distribution

I am running a Monte Carlo simulation that results in an heavy-tailed distribution. The image below shows the distribution of 1,200 runs of the Monte Carlo simulation, where each run consists of ...
hipHopMetropolisHastings's user avatar
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Which are the statistical methodologies to consider when examining study group death rates but without considering time to death?

I have a dataset for a group of 66,000 subjects diagnosed with a dangerous condition, and the time it takes for death to occur (the “event”) or to not occur (survival or “censored”). I am pursuing ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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Question on Equation 5.2 of Reinforcement Learning by Sutton and Barto

I'm currently studying the textbook Reinforcement Learning by Sutton and Barto. I can't seem to understand the derivation in Equation 5.2: How did (a) become (b)? In particular, why is the ...
prperalta's user avatar
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Effect of Simulation Error on the Monte Carlo Estimator

Given a random variable $X$ with known pdf $f$ and some computer simulation model $g(x): \mathcal R \rightarrow \mathcal R$, mapping samples $x \sim f$ to a scalar metric $g$, we can estimate the ...
David Braun's user avatar
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Averages in Monte Carlo error propagation

I'm doing a Monte Carlo error propagation, so for $10^5$ iterations I: generate a curve $y(x)$ choosing the parameters using a multivariate gaussian distribution. generate a random point $x_k$ using ...
Gabraltur's user avatar
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Calculating probability related to maximum of random variables

Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ be non-negative continuous iid random variables. The goal is to find the probability: \begin{align*} \Pr(\max_{k+1 \leq i \leq j } X_i < \max_{1 \leq i \leq k }X_i) \end{...
Math Universe's user avatar
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How to choose priors for bounds on circular truncated distributions?

I am considering choices of priors for truncated distributions on a circle. Let's take the truncated normal distribution on the unit circle as an example. It has parameters $\mu \in [-\pi, \pi]$ and $\...
Galen's user avatar
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How to use Monte Carlo simulation to get the conditional mean

Given the following assumptions: $Z,Z'\in\mathbb{R}^4$ where $(Z,Z')\sim N(0,\Sigma)$, for some known $\Sigma\in\mathbb{R}^{8\times 8}$. $Y=f(Z,u,\epsilon)=Z_1\boldsymbol{1}\Big[u<\frac{\exp(Z_3)}{...
Resu's user avatar
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What can be concluded when standard deviation plus mean exceeds largest value?

The sum of the mean and standard deviation of a non-normal distribution can exceed the value of the largest sample. For a good explanation of why, see Can mean plus one standard deviation exceed ...
jsbox's user avatar
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Goodness-of-fit for Lomax distribution

I have some data n > 3000 (Third column) that I believe based on my physical theory should follow a Lomax ...
Reza Afra's user avatar
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How to choose the wanted root of the maximum likelihood function when there are multiple roots?

I need to estimate a parameter of a distribution but I don't have an explicit estimator. I decided to do a partition of the interval range for the parameter and use the newton-raphson method to find ...
Rui Gonçalves's user avatar
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CDF of max of $n$ cauchy variates

Suppose $X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_n$ are iid copies of a standard cauchy variate with pdf $$ f(x)=\frac{1}{\pi(1+x^2)},0<x< \infty. $$ Define: $$ Y=1+ \underset{1 \leq i \leq n}\max X_i.$$ I want to ...
AgnostMystic's user avatar
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How to empirically check a PDF

Intro Let $Y$ be a random variable whose PDF is $p_Y(\cdot)$. Let's say that $Y$ is a function $g(\cdot)$ of another random variable $X$ whose PDF $p_X(\cdot)$ is given. Then, you do your calculation ...
matteogost's user avatar
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Why does First-Visit Monte Carlo Prediction (Policy Evaluation) converge?

In Barto and Sutton's "Introduction to Reinforcement Learning" book, in Section 5.1 (Monte Carlo Prediction), they describe the First-visit (and every-visit) Monte Carlo (MC) methods for ...
gwtw14's user avatar
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Calculating confidence Interval for a return time curve, via non-parametric bootstrapping

I have some precipitation data (yearly extremes), which I have fit with a Gumbel distribution (CDF), from which I have calculated a return time distribution. I want to calculate the 95% confidence ...
Anna's user avatar
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How to handle physically meaningless values in sampling?

I'm working on stochastic optimization for optimal energy dispatch, where the uncertainty of photovoltaic power output should be considered with monte carlo sampling and scenario reduction technique. ...
407Peezy's user avatar
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Evaluate integral using R [closed]

I need to evaluate $\displaystyle{\int_{1}^{1}\int_{1}^{1}\int_{1}^{1}(y)e^{x+}}dxdz}$ using in R. Here is my attempt: ...
pejel1967's user avatar
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Generate a point cloud distributed according to a Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution with prescribed marginals

Let $p$ be a probability density on $\Omega\in\mathcal B(\mathbb R^d)$ for some $d\in\mathbb N$ (I'm primarily interested in $\Omega=[0,1)^d$). We can approximate $p$ by $$A_x(y):=\sum_{i=1}^k\varphi_{...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Monte Carlo Dropout as surrogate model for Bayesian Optimization

I am interested in using Monte Carlo Dropout as a surrogate model for Bayesian optimization. I noticed that the paper states: The use of dropout (and its variants) in NNs can be interpreted as a ...
Eismont's user avatar
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Is the variance of the maximum of a set of variables higher than the variance of the other variables?

Does the maximum of a set of random variables have high variance compared to the other variables in the set? If so, can someone give an intuitive explanation of why? Some details about the motivation: ...
user294869's user avatar
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Suppose $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to [0, 1]$ is known, how to sample $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $f(x)$ follows uniform distribution? [closed]

Suppose $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ is known, where evaluation and gradient computation is easy. How can I sample $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $f_x \in \mathbb{R}$ follows uniform distribution? ...
orematasaburo's user avatar
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Is there a variant of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with proposal and/or acceptance function depending on the history?

Is there a version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm where either the proposal kernel; or the acceptance function might depend on the whole history (or at least a part of it) of the chain so far? ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Robustness of Quantile Regression

Is the 99th Quantile Regression model a robust model? From my understanding, Quantile Regression is supposed to be robust in nature, but removing some outliers using IQR, the results obtained by 99th ...
Him's user avatar
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How to sample from a predictive distribution of a transformed quantity

Typically, it's easy to simulate from the predictive distribution for next observation, say $\tilde{y}$, after obatining the posterior distribution for $\theta$. We may first simulate a large number ...
kat's user avatar
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Estimating fit parameter variance when the true distribution is unknown and systemic errors exist

I have a novel model for the errors that affect many types of qubits (quantum bits) and want to show my theory is correct. Visually it is great, but that is not quantitative. I'm a theorist, while my ...
ABW's user avatar
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Is there any intuitive explanation for MoM in estimating parameters?

I found from some literature that when we use the method of moments to fit the Gumbel distribution, the estimated (On page 24) A comparison of the variance formulas in (1.66) with the CramBr-Rao ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Is there a variant of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm where the acceptance probabiltiy can depend on all states generated so far?

I wasn't able to find anything on google, but is there a variant of the Metroplis-Hastings algorithm where the acceptance probability (not the proposal kernel) in the $i$th iteration might depend on ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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What is the expression for covariance in the context of Monte-Carlo estimator? [duplicate]

I am trying to calculate the variance: $$ \langle(\bar{O}-<O>)^2\rangle $$ of the Monte-Carlo estimator $$ \bar{O}=\frac{1}{M}\sum_{m=1}^M{O_m} $$ For uncorrelated samples. In order to do so, I ...
Nitzan R's user avatar
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What is a mathematic rigorous definition of "blue noise"?

Let $d\in\mathbb N$, $I$ be a finite nonempty set, $(x_i)_{i\in I}\subseteq[0,1)^d$, $(w_i)_{i\in I}\subseteq[0,\infty)$ with $\sum_{i\in I}w_i=1$ and $$\sigma:=\sum_{i\in I}w_i\delta_{x_i}.$$ I ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Is it possible to calculate the SD of observations for a RR based solely on the confidence interval and mean?

Set up: I have a epidemiological study with a dose-response curve with a series of relative risk estimates (risk ratio of mortality risk exposed compared to mortality risk unexposed) along a curve. ...
Matthew Raifman's user avatar
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Time complexity of Metropolis-Hastings and potential speed-up?

The MH algorithm essentially involves generating a sample destination state from a proposal distribution, computing the acceptance probability as a function of that sample, and checking whether a ...
Tanishq Kumar's user avatar
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How can the author get the following conclusion from the QQ plot?

In this paper:, the authors have two actual datasets (e.g., 59 observations showing continuous annual flood data) and the authors want ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Help analysing Mean Residual Life Plot for GPD

I'm trying to fit a GPD for a set of time dependant data. I have two columns, data which is a value on the negative real line where values closest to zero are considered extremes, and time. Using only ...
Norbert Wesolowski's user avatar
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Is there a Quasi-Monte Carlo variant of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm?

If we run the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for a target distribution $\mu$ with proposals from a quasi-Monte Carlo sequence $(y_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ (such as a Sobol sequence) and the generated chain ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Fitting Gumbel distribution based the maximal observation

Assume that we only consider $$G(x)=\exp(-\exp(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}))$$ is the Gumbel distribution. Question: Suppose we have a set of maximum values $\{Y_i\}_{i=1}^m$, why can the article directly (...
Hermi's user avatar
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Generate data from posterior predictive distribution [closed]

I am new to Bayesian. I want to draw data from the posterior predictive distribution p(y|D). Do we need to find the CDF of the posterior predictive distribution and use the monte Carlo method or is ...
Mmmm's user avatar
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How many Monte Carlo simulations must I run to get a 95\% confidence interval for some error $E$

Suppose I want to use Monte Carlo to compute some probability $p$. A single MC simulation will run for $R$ iterations and calculate $p$ as the fraction of 'successes'. Say I want to compute $p$ within ...
Hullo's user avatar
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Linearity of maximum function in expectation

I was solving an exercise for a probability theory course and stumbled upon the following problem. Given a continuous random variable $X$, and $\max(a,b) = a$ if $a > b$ and $b$ otherwise, is $$ E[\...
Mikhail's user avatar
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The Monte Carlo of the mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimates

I try to get mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimators in R (using Monte Carlo). I can write the calculation for the MLE that is repeated once, but I need to repeat the Monte Carlo ...
Hermi's user avatar
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How do I use MLE for non-iid actual data?

In this paper, the author try to fit the Gumbel distribution based on the r largest value of each year using the maximal likelihood estimators: the likelihood function for r largest values $X_{n1},\...
Hermi's user avatar
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