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Sample size for each trial vs Number of trials conducted for Monte Carlo Simulation

I am running some Monte Carlo Simulations on Matlab. I am wondering if running more Monte Carlo Simulation trials and taking the average value of these trials is the same as running a single trial ...
Tan Yong Boon's user avatar
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Can we fit extreme value distribution by build-in package?

I try to find a package in R to fit Gumbel distribution by Block Maxima Approach using maximal likelihood function (see here) $$ G(x; \mu , \sigma)=\exp[-e^{-\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}}]. $$ The block ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Monte Carlo Power calculation for Survival analysis in R

for a project I have to analyze two survival analysis treatment groups using R. I want to calculate the power and type I error rate of a test with Monte Carlo simulation to set up a phase 3 medical ...
Evert Bronstring's user avatar
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Why do we have first/every-visit in MC but not last visit [closed]

I'm studying Reinforcement Learning and I just read about first-visit and every-visit Monte Carlo, however I don't get why we are not considering last-visit MC as a possible simulation. My "last ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Why does Gumbel distribution have two different expressions?

Let $X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n$ be iid random variables with distribution function $F(x)$ and $M_n:=\max\{X_1,\dots,X_n\}$. By the extreme value theorem, there exist two sequences of real numbers $a_n>0$ ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Extreme value theory for detrended series

I'm reading "An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values" by Stuart Coles, and using the pyextremes package for exploring the data which is time to return (in days). After ...
watss's user avatar
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How to evaluate the accuracy of probability of a large set of non-repeatable events?

Assuming there are a large set ($N>1000$) of independent events $E_i$ ($i=1,2,\dots,N$), each having $M$ different outcomes. For each event $E_i$, I have an estimated discrete probability $\hat P_j(...
Sato's user avatar
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Why my fitted genextreme distribution have no mean/variance?

I have the following code for estimating a generalized extreme value distribution from scipy. ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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When sampling a population for surveys we can often limit our sample size to hundreds, but when doing a Monte Carlo simulation we need way more. Why?

I’m a bit of a stats-noob, so I am not sure I will manage to formulate this question properly, but let me do my best. I‘m trying to develop an intuition for sample sizes and when they are sufficient ...
Tim Molendijk's user avatar
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Loop for sampling using dbinom() [closed]

In R: I have a sample (y) of length 1e4. ...
BrownKoi's user avatar
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Most probable value vs maximum of the distribution [closed]

Given a distribution p(x), there are two things that can be calculated. Value of x for which p(x) is maximum. Most probable value of x weighted over p(x). Would these two values of x be the same?
Khushal's user avatar
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Random sampling from a super level set

I have a random sampler from a region $X$. Suppose, I have a function $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$, where I can explicitly evaluate $f(x)$ and also obtain the gradient $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$ easily (...
orematasaburo's user avatar
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Confidence interval for evaluating an integral via Monte-Carlo sampling

I am trying to evaluate the following integral using Monte-Carlo: $$ \langle f \rangle = \int \mathrm{d}x~ \rho(x) f(x) $$ where $\rho(x)$ is a normalized positive function. The integration is ...
Yifan Lai's user avatar
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Uncertainty/Standard Deviation of Monte Carlo methods

I am using a Monte Carlo method to estimate the expected value of the results of certain simulations. Consider this simplified case: $X, Y$ are independent random variables and $g(X,Y)$ is a nonlinear ...
123prior's user avatar
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Which distribution is it?

I recently came across the following distribution $$ \Pr(X\le x)=e^{\tfrac{1}{a}-\tfrac{1}{x}}\left(\dfrac{a}{x}\right)^{\tfrac{1}{a}},\; 0\le x< a, $$ and the cdf is 0 for all $x\lt 0$ and 1 for ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Probability of sample minimum below a certain value

I have a list of 1000 songs with their bpm (beats per minute). If I were to sample 30 songs, is there a way to find the probability that the sample minimum is below a certain value like 100 bpm?
Kent Choo's user avatar
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How to set up a monte carlo simulation for time-series, cross-sectional / panel data in R

I am looking for tips, pointers, explainers, blog posts, and the like, on how to set up a monte carlo simulation for a time-series, cross-sectional / panel data generating process in R. I would like ...
nomad545's user avatar
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Why do we use the limiting distribution under the null hypothesis when computing power in Monte Carlo simulation?

I'm computing the power of a statistical test using Monte Carlo simulation. My test statistic is asymptotically $\chi^2$ under the null hypothesis. When I am computing the power for a given iteration ...
student_t's user avatar
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What does it mean to have a "transient state" or a "transient phase" in an Ising model?

I downloaded a simple implementation of the Ising model in C# from this link. I have understood more or less the entire code except the following routine: ...
user366312's user avatar
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Expectation of random sum of non-random numbers

I have a continuous random variable $\tau$ and I want to evaluate $$ E\left(\sum_{i=1}^{\lfloor \tau \rfloor} Y_i\right), $$ where $Y_i$ are known, non-random, and $\lfloor . \rfloor$ is the floor ...
Car Loz's user avatar
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How does one test the efficiency and completeness of an estimator using monte-carlo simulation?

How does one test the efficiency and completeness of an estimator using monte-carlo simulation? In particular, I want to use-montecarlo simuation to answer. Maybe the better question is how does one ...
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Why does this algorithm generate a standard normal distribution?

I have this algorithm which I encountered: (1) Generate $U_1$, $U_2$ independently from Uniform(0,1) (2) Set $Y_1 = -\log{U_1}, Y_2 = -\log{U_2}$. If $Y_2 > \frac{(1-Y_1)^2}{2}$, accept $(Y_1, Y_2)$...
arcancor's user avatar
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Monte Carlo method for confidence intervals

I would like to attempt a Monte Carlo procedure to filter composite anomalies at 90% confidence level from the rest of the composite anomalies. My data is a NetCDF of hourly surface temperature that I'...
aigoo's user avatar
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how to sample two random variables from different distributions and requiring one is always larger than the other

I know one way is to sample A and B independently and then reject the samples where A<B. But I wonder if there is an easier method?
Nicolas Fabre's user avatar
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How to use MC simulation to calculate Supremum ADF test critical values

I am replicating some techniques from Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos López de Prado. In Chap 17, I am doing the Supremum ADF test and Quantile ADF test. It seems that they do not ...
dragondragon's user avatar
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Violation of IID in Peaks over Threshold

I'm using the peaks over threshold method to answer a researchquestion. I'm working with time-series data and the observations are not entirely independent. I know that there is some methods you could ...
alaj1716's user avatar
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How do I start and go about analyzing the variability of extreme rainfalls in a region?

I have a gridded dataset of monthly precipitation and would like to analyze the variability of extreme rainfall. However, aside from looking at the overview of basic statistics (mean, standard ...
aigoo's user avatar
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Huge bias in IV during Monte Carlo Simulations

I am trying to see how IV performs with Monte Carlo Simulations. My model is: $y = X \beta + p \alpha + \xi + \epsilon $. In this model $ \xi $ is not observed and $p$ is correlated with $\xi$. So I ...
Nebi Şimşek's user avatar
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Using p-values as an effect size measure [closed]

In the following circumstance, I believe it is valid to use p-values as a measure of effect size: am I wrong? I have a set of objects which have a single 'observed distance' from a given spatial ...
user265883's user avatar
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Why not just run a Markov chain to get stationary probabilities?

I'm reading Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems which contains some analysis of Markov chains. In particular, it emphasises various analytical methods for finding the stationary ...
kqr's user avatar
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How to ge the Monte Carlo standard deviation of the empirical standard deviation?

The authors get the Monte Carlo standard deviation of the empirical standard deviation as follows. My question is how to get the MCSE of the EmpSE? For bias, the MCSE of $\frac{1}{n}\sum \hat{\theta}...
Hermi's user avatar
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Why does the Monte Carlo estimate not depend on the dimension

The Monte Carlo Estimator for some event probability (e.g., for the "failure probability") is defined as follows: $$ \hat\mu = 1/N \sum_{i=1}^N I(\boldsymbol{x}_i), $$ where $\boldsymbol{x}...
David Braun's user avatar
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How to verify the convergence rate in Monte Carlo simulation?

Given a iid random samples $X\sim N(\theta,1)$, we have a unknown parameter $\theta$ and its estimator $T_n=T_n(X_1,\dots,X_n)$. If we have strictly proved that the convergence rate is $$ |T_n-\theta|...
Hermi's user avatar
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No Variance in Monte Carlo Simulation

I wanted to do a Monte Carlo simulation for some of the electoral districts in my state in the upcoming US midterms. My methodology essentially was as follows: I have a list of populations and vote ...
evamvid's user avatar
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Metropolis - Hastings algorithm on a set of countable sequences

I want to simulate $\sigma$ from a measure $\pi(\sigma)$ through the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, where $\sigma$ is a sequence of 0's and 1's on $S = \{0, 1\}^n$, the set of all sequences of 0's ...
Occhima's user avatar
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Question Concerning the Invariance of a Log-Transformed Normal Random Variable under Reciprocal Transformations

So I just started looking through through E.J. Gumbel's "Statistics of Extremes" (1958) and I came across a rather strange problem that I had never seen before. The problem is phrased as ...
Kevin Thompson's user avatar
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Standard errors of Monte Carlo plus linear combination

I'm using Monte Carlo to estimate some quantity $V(x)$. To get an approximation of $V'(x)$ I would use the following $$ V'(x)\approx\frac{V(x+h)-V(x-h)}{2h} $$ so I can simply evaluate it with two ...
apocalypsis's user avatar
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Monte-carlo simulation and extrapolation

I am reviewing some work and the proposed solution seems to me not to be reliable. But I fail to find any references or even consistently formulate why I think this approach does not work. Assume you ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Latent variables for spatio-temporal Extreme Value in R [closed]

Latent variables models are often used for spatial extremes modeling see e.g., Davison, Padoan and Ribatet. A typical application use block maxima such as annual maxima of temperature, assumed to ...
Yves's user avatar
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Sampling according to a product of a known density and a probability function

Given a known density $p(x)$, I'd like to generate samples according to $q(x) \propto p(x) f(x)$, where $f(x)$ is some probability function, $\forall x f(x) \in [0, 1]$, e.g., a sigmoid function. One ...
kykim's user avatar
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Monte Carlo Simulation of AR(1) in R but Demeaned

Suppose that I want to run $i=100$ simulations of the following AR(1) model over 10 time periods: $ X_{t,i} = 0.5(X_{t-1,i}-\bar{X}_{t-1})+e_{t,i} $ Here $ \bar{X}_t$ refers to the mean across the $i=...
DarkenExcalibur's user avatar
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Comparison of frequentist methods (say, averaged over Monte Carlo simulations) and Bayesian method

I have read a lot of questions with answers like this one, How do Bayesians verify their methods using Monte Carlo simulation methods?, which stated that Monte Carlo methods are not suitable for ...
S S's user avatar
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Find extreme values in relative frequencies

I have the relative frequencies of elements in roughly 450 samples (with varying sample sizes). These elements are organisms in fecal samples. I am interested in finding extreme values of these ...
Gideon4324's user avatar
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Distribution/estimation of maximum change of a stationary time series

Any help on this would be much appreciated. Let $x_{t} = b x_{t-1} + u_{t}$, where $u_{t} \sim N(0,1)$ and $\lvert{b}\rvert < 1$. What can we say about the distribution of $y_{t} = \max(x_{t+2},x_{...
rjann's user avatar
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What is the probability of acceptance for this algorithm?

What is the distribution of $Y$ from using the Rejection Sampling algorithm? Repeat Sample $X$ with distribution function $F_X = (1-(1+x^\alpha)^{-1})1_{x\ge 0}(x)$ Until $X>x_0$, where $x_0$ is a ...
CCZ23's user avatar
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What is an efficient algorithm for finding the minimum of a parabola-shaped function? [closed]

I have a continuous function f(x) that is bounded on the interval (0, N), where N is a large positive integer (~10,000,000). The function is shaped like an upwards-facing parabola, however, it is ...
Bob Grant's user avatar
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Weighing Maximum Likelihood Estimations

I'm trying to arrive at a time series of optimized parameter values $Z_t$ that maximizes the likelihood of occurrence of a specific time series $Y_t$. There is a subsample within the sample that ...
user360023's user avatar
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How to calculate the accuracy of a yes/no Monte Carlo simulation such as "throwing stones in a pond"? [duplicate]

I have a simulation that returns "yes" or "no" for each iteration, and I measure the average number of "hits" over many iterations to estimate the likelihood of "yes&...
endolith's user avatar
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Limit distribution of the joint distribution of maximum and minimum of a sequence of random variables

Assume we have a sequence $\mathsf{X}_1,\mathsf{X}_2,\mathsf{X}_3,...$ of iid random variables. Then the Fisher-Tippet-Gnedenko theorem shows that $$ \mathbb{P}\left(\frac{\max\{\mathsf{X}_1,\mathsf{X}...
Nikolaj Pedersen's user avatar
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Estimate at which point a linear model hits a certain value (including probabilities)

I have a simple 1D set of datapoints with a trend, I want to estimate at which point $X_t$ (i.e., at which point in the future) the model will hit a certain threshold $Y_t$: I can fit a trendline to ...
Raphael Roth's user avatar

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