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Name of academic field studying geometric structure of data sets [closed]

I have questions about the geometric structure of data sets, esp. as it relates to the relationships between predictors. Is there a name for this field?
Chris Science's user avatar
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Applying Tangent Lines to Log-Scaled Data for Outlier Detection: Seeking Statistical Theories and Models

I've analyzed the view counts for a YouTube channel's videos (just for example), sorting them by views (on the left) and drawing a tangent line to approximate the central trend on a logarithmic scale (...
Andrew Anderson's user avatar
0 votes
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How to graphically represent a Probit regression after weighting using propensity scores in R?

So I have a Probit model that uses weights w, which I got from propensity scores, but I can't find any information on how to represent the Weighted Probit regression. All the information I could find ...
Google Account's user avatar
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Applying PCA to Time-Series Emotional Data: Validity and Interpretation Concerns

I'm currently exploring the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to time-series data representing various "facial emotional expression" states (e.g., anger, happiness, sadness, ...
AltunE's user avatar
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Does it make sense to fit linear regression on single-case studies?

Just on principle, do you think it would make sense to make linear regression models for each individual in a study and treat replicates as data points? I don't mean reporting p-values or anything ...
maglorismyspiritanimal's user avatar
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Check linearity Residual vs Fitted Chart

I have a question about one of the simple linear regression test graphs. Looking at the graph it apparently appears to be linear but this curve is causing me a lot of doubt, I did another test that I ...
user avatar
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Visualization of data when more than two fields should be represented (two of them time related)

I have some data with some relations which I would want to visualize. Background The data I have has the following fields: Current value: CV Value in 50 seconds: V50 Predicted Future (50s) Feature: ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
3 votes
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Effects package for plotting mixed models - what does it do?

I am trying to plot fixed effects of $X_1$ and $X_2$ from my lmer model. I'm having trouble understanding the theory behind it: ...
Questioning's user avatar
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GARCH diagnostics via standardized residuals: interpreting my findings

I have fit a GARCH(1,) model in Python, assuming the residuals are $t$ distributed. I am checking the standardized residuals. ARCH and Ljung-Box tests don't reject the null hypothesis. However, I am ...
Mattia's user avatar
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2 votes
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My dataset includes multiple variable and all of these variables have sub-variables. How to visualise & test which segment is significant?

So, I have survey responses from users. Just to make it clear, if you select an issue like Poor UI then you are prompted with 4-5 specific issues about the UI to select from. Poor UI is the main ...
doodle2611's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Bell shape of student in a class has a height mean of 68 inches with 16% of them taller than 71 inches. What % of students are taller than 65 inches?

The distribution of height of students in a class has a bell shape. Moreover: the average height is 68 inches and 16% of students were taller than 71 inches What percentage of students in this class ...
Suburban13's user avatar
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Is it possible changing y axis of dendrogram from height to similarity?

I made dendrogram based on species data of different sites using ward's method Chord transformation was applied and the (dis)similarity was calculated by vegan package Here is my question : Can I ...
JIN's user avatar
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What is MA-contour plots? [closed]

I recently read a paper describe their result with MA-contour plots, I did some searches, but most of the information I could get was about the results of ...
zhang's user avatar
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How to visualize trends

I am working on a paper where we plotted BMI trends as a function of age in the population. We plotted trends for six databases, then we plotted for each sex, then for race, in three categories. I ...
Stefano Staurini's user avatar
12 votes
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Are directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) only used for visualization?

I see people using these DAGs a lot in articles (e.g. this vignette). Are these kinds graphs only serving purposes of aesthetics and visualizations representations? Or do these graphs actually have ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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How to identify the middle of the first near-zero trough in a graph?

I have audio files and timestamped fragment transcriptions that I have force-aligned with third party software. Unfortunately the software places the end of each fragment right before the start of the ...
c0bra's user avatar
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Visually represent two-dimensional decomposition

Lets say i have the decompositions of a financial result into 21 portfolios and 11 asset classes below. I can decompose the result into either portfolios or asset classes easily by using a waterfall ...
htd's user avatar
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Interpreting a basic scatter plot [duplicate]

I am trying to interpret this pretty basic scatter plot but am new to this so I don't want to get it wrong. Is it fair to say that there appears to be a moderate positive relationship between the two ...
mlee's user avatar
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2 answers

What to plot when main effect significant but interaction insignificant?

This may be a silly question but: Given a regression model that includes both main effects and an interaction term (Score of participants predicted by their attitude and motivation): ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
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Contour plots limitations for stats models

My team prefers to present the models by using contour plots. Although I understand that they are looking nice I don't like them because they don't present the model's uncertainty but only the mean. ...
Lefty's user avatar
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Plots to judge data that is a bit asymmetric

I have data that goes from negative to positive. When plotted in an histogram it looks like this The data is the "error". If I have another set of data I want to learn how to judge which ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Histograms and other plots to judge and analyze data

I have a variable that changes over time. Let's call this variable "the error". I use a histogram to graph how many of intervals of error has occurred. For example Here you can see that a ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
0 votes
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Plotting random effects in mixed-effects model

I have tried reading the documentation in sjPlot but couldn't figure it out. In a multilevel / hierarchical / mixed-effect model, ran with lme4 in R, the summary() output give an estimated variance ...
Luminosa's user avatar
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Are there any theoretic or computational criteria to apply log transformation on a sample dataset?

I am developing an R shiny app that contains more than 1,000 variables as choices for the user. It plots a choropleth map and an histogram. However for many of those, the visual information is ...
Fernanda Rahal's user avatar
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How to analyze multivariate data that comes from a 2D design space?

I'm analyzing a set of biological samples. Each sample is linked to a specific carbon and nitrogen concentration, representing the 2D (experimental) design space I referenced in the title. I've ...
rgvalenciaalbornoz's user avatar
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How to rescale these variables for comparison?

I have three variables I am comparing: two have scores which can range from 0 to 3 and one has scores which can range from 6 to 30. I want to present these variables together to allow comparison ...
Efflim's user avatar
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What's the relationship between this two-way hierarchical table and the stacked barchart?

I have the first impression the hierarchical two way table, it throws out the gasoline, it creates a new category called "other food at home" How to reconcile the numbers under Food at Home ...
user avatar
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What should we consider when visually evaluating non-stationary data before making assertions?

I often see charts displaying multiple time series plotted together and they are often accompanied by explanations relating one series to the other. For example, in the below chart, one might say less ...
user220790b's user avatar
2 votes
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Proportional hazard assumption: graphical approach vs subsampling

Hopefully someone can guide me on the following. I have a large dataset (> 151k firms with multiple observations per firm). My dataset looks at firm failure using counting process style and my ...
Laura Hill's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there any stat libraries that show normal distributions across values of the theta

I'm looking at the sensitivity of a hall-effect sensor and trying to characterize its abilities visually. Most sensor ranges or power ratios are dependent on the direction of the sensor and also a ...
BSD's user avatar
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How to efficiently present results in the form of tables/graphs for this idea?

My idea is as follows. The setting is that we have a population taking a survey after a social experiment. All of the test subjects are assumed to have interactions with each other in one way or ...
DiMario's user avatar
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What would be the optimal model for continous data across 5 time points?

We are searching for the best model to represent continuous data of gene expression logFC (Y-axis) across 5 time points (X-axis), where the trend line would follow the mean expression on each day. ...
Roy Moscona's user avatar
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How can to visualize/plot correlation matrix as a distance matrix of points in space?

It seems to me that the various options for visualizing the correlation matrix in R are quite unintuitive for laymen. They focus on the graphical representation of the correlation matrix as different ...
kwadratens's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it acceptable to take the mean of a bunch of median values?

I use a Bayesian latent variable model to construct a time series cross-sectional measure of corruption for all countries in the world from 1960 to 2010. For each country-year observation, I obtain a ...
w5698's user avatar
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When to put error bars on distribution density for an ordered categorical variable?

I have seen various articles putting error bars on distribution density of either ordered categorical variables or categorical variables. $Q:$ When is it appropriate to put SE error bar on estimated ...
user45765's user avatar
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Which OLS Regression Results are worth putting into an article? Does my example look right?

Yesterday, I set up a topic outlining the problem I am currently working on. After receiving many interesting responses, I added linear regression to my results, following this suggestion. My research ...
crtnnn's user avatar
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Visualising log odds from logistic regression model in R

I'm working on a logistic regression analysis using R and aiming to visualize the effects of the predictor "age" on the binary dependent variable "domestic violence." My dataset ...
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Correlation / Regression: Best way to analyse factors that influence purchase intention

I am working on my dissertation and am stuck with the data analysis section. Topic: Luxury Fashion Influencers on Instagram: The impact of source and content factors on Gen Y and Z followers' purchase ...
Bianca Ferreira's user avatar
5 votes
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What is a visual representation of an ordinal logistic fitted model

Naturally, the above image is a graphical representation of a sigmoid function fit for a logistic regression I'm trying to understand the equivalent of an ordered logit. Below is an image that, to the ...
bluegopher's user avatar
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Time Series plot in R [closed]

The following R codes produce one graph for time series, while the next chunks of codes produce 8 graphs. Why? ...
user149054's user avatar
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truncated Manhattan plot

I am trying to plot my p-values and make Manhattan plots, using the mhtplot.trunc from the gap library. Reason for using this package is that my p-values are too low to be plot in R (below e-308), and ...
narm's user avatar
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Assessing model performance [closed]

Suppose there are $n=100000$ locations. At each location,there are observations of dependent variable $Y$ for 30 years. That is, we have time series data and this data have $100000$ rows and $30$ ...
user149054's user avatar
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Creating Cumulative Uplift Curve in Time Series CV with Rolling Windows

I'm training a binary classifier using time series cross-validation and a rolling window approach, resulting in $k$ test sets. I want to construct a cumulative uplift curve to evaluate the model. I've ...
Amit S's user avatar
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Is this data visualization of heat and cold deaths misleading?

Some people are claiming the graph below is climate-change propaganda because of the different scales for cold vs heat, but it seems to me that using the same scale would make the heat data unreadable....
Kent Skinner's user avatar
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Cullen and Frey graph can't recognize exponential distribution

I am trying to familiarize myself with the Cullen and Frey plot. So, I generated 1000 exponentially distributed numbers using the command: x <- rexp(1000, 2) ...
Kώστας Κούδας's user avatar
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Choice of continuous value colormap for scatter plots?

What kinds of colormaps are best for displaying continuous values in scatter plots (notably due to the background color of the scatter plot)? So far, I've been using perceptually uniform sequential ...
golmschenk's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the best way to visualise such data?

So I have 4 algorithms about inserting an element at a position X in some data structure. I did some performance testing for each one of those algorithms. Here are my parameters that I vary. The size ...
user avatar
12 votes
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Resources about making data visualization more accessible to blind people or people with other visual impairments?

I was wondering if there were good resources or references to improve the accessibility of various kinds of data visualization (plots, charts, networks, tables, maps, etc.), for blind people or people ...
J-J-J's user avatar
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How to account for cluster autocorrelation and spatio-temporal autocorrelation of data?

I would like to design an experiment to measure the behavior response of (non-human) individuals clustered in a group of five individuals. Multiple clusters will be measured independently. Each ...
juanca91's user avatar
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How to fix this plot of histogram and pdf in R?

I am studying statistics and am working with R for the first time. I have some data that I am trying to represent it graphically. I have plotted a histogram and am trying to model it with gamma ...
Jesus's user avatar
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