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Does a boxplot assume interval data?

Does a boxplot assume interval data? If not, is it then fine to use a box plot to represent Likert-scale (ordinal) data?
Ronald's user avatar
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Distributional visualization of small discrete values

I have barely under 40 small integer counts per measurement type from a study subject. The counts start from zero, and the distributions are highly positively skewed. See the annexed image. Without ...
Imsa's user avatar
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SPSS: related-samples friedman's two-way analysis of variance by ranks extra bar in graph [closed]

I'm new here, and somewhat of a lay-user in terms of statistics, and hoping this question will be at the appropriate place. I'm running the mentioned analysis in SPSS on 3 iterations of an experiment ...
Ishkur's user avatar
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Regression table for fixest and plm models?

I am working with fixest and plm models. I usally use fixest's etable for fixest objects and stargazer for plm. The problem is ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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How to aggregate daily sales data to weekly for thousands of products? [closed]

I have a dataset with daily sales and prices of three thousand products for 5 years and three stores. I want to visualize price and sales trends during weeks of a year. I was thinking of creating a ...
Tim George's user avatar
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Approach for characterizing 'shape' of plotted time-series data

I have a collection of time-series data aggregated at 1 second intervals over several days. I'm attempting to formalize different 'regimes' that may exist/appear via shape of the plotted data. For ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is it (always) better to build a model prior to viewing the data?

When it comes to data exploration, aside from checking for outliers (human error), correlated covariates, and missing values, is there a downside to viewing relationships between a response variable ...
Nate's user avatar
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T-SNE on OCTMNIST gives bad results no matter the parameters [closed]

I am trying to implement T-SNE on OCTMNIST. No matter how I try to change the parameters however I never get a good result. This is my code ...
average_discrete_math_enjoyer's user avatar
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covariate balance loveplot and distance

What is the distance parameter that is plotted on the love.plot ? I am not able to find any reference or explanation for this in the cobalt package. Any help understanding this value "distance&...
Science11's user avatar
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data science for economics textbook suggestion

I'm looking for a textbook for data science course in graduate economics degree program. It has to be based on Python and have a lot of examples. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Naturally, the grad ...
1 vote
2 answers

Best way to display two variables changing over the span of a number of years?

I'm trying to display both the median rent in a city as well as its population on the y axis in relationship to the year in the x axis. On first instinct I'd go with a bubble chart, where the y axis ...
user444772's user avatar
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Figure that shows both mean, standard deviation, and standard error?

I’m novice working with a set of behavior data (e.g. duration) that’s non-normal due to A LOT of variability. The data also has a lot of zeroes, which is why I plan to present it using means as ...
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Why does a random term in a large GAMM model make the curves spiky and wiggly?

I am creating several GAMM models with similar structures to dynamically model an acoustic parameter across realizations from multiple subjects, who are included as random smooths in my models. In the ...
Jul2415's user avatar
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3 answers

Opinion / input on visualization needed

I am about to submit my first paper and have such a graph (in the paper as a $2\times 2$ plot). The plot gives quite a lot. I have a model with two varying parameters, alpha and beta, and am examining ...
manofthousandnames's user avatar
4 votes
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Clarifying the default "standard error" for error bars in Microsoft Excel/Powerpoint plots (calculated without N or SD) [closed]

I have noticed that Excel allows you to toggle "error bars" for any given plot and one of the options is to have the error bars denote standard errors. This is peculiar since if you do a ...
JElder's user avatar
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Where is the inflection point here in this elbow chart?

Where do you think is the inflection point on this chart?
pdxtrader8888's user avatar
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Confidence bands for binary time series data

Context: I have binary data $x_{it}\in\{0,1\}$ where $i\in\{1,...,N\}$ indexes trials and $t\in\{1,...,T\}$ indexes time (independent across trials; not independent across time). It's from a ...
cluelessmathematician's user avatar
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Discrepancy Between KS Test Results and CDF Visualizations in Neuronal Correlation Analysis

Discrepancy Between KS Test Results and CDF Visualizations in Neuronal Correlation Analysis I am analyzing Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) values computed pairwise for a set of neurons measured ...
Anna's user avatar
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Interaction Plotting

How to draw an interaction diagram like the ones in the research articles. I am trying to plot an interaction diagram of a continuous predictor variable and a binary interaction variable on a ...
Anu's user avatar
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How is a PR curve plotted?

Whilst reading Machine Learning by Zhi-Hua Zhou (pg 34-35), I was a little confused on the method used to plot a PR curve and was hoping you could help me become a little less confused. In the book it ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
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Non-overlapping, non-stacked area plots or non-branching, non-constant quantity flow diagrams

Considering visualization for data over a small number of timepoints and a large number of series, in this case: ...
Fritz's user avatar
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a discrepancy between the arima model and plot

I ran the arima model and estimated the fitted values. My constant value in the arima model is 153. Since the time variable (t_centered) was centered at zero, the constant indicates a predicted ...
user434357's user avatar
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How Can I Simplify a Radial Graph Network While Preserving Key Information?

I have created a radial graph network to visualize connections between brain regions. Each region is represented by a circle, with unique colors used for the regions. The circle border indicates group/...
LCheng's user avatar
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On choice of y-axis range for visualization

Let's say that a disease has low prevalence. The prevalence is the proportion which should range from 0% to 100%. I want to visualize the trend of prevalence over the time. (Let's assume that ...
user45765's user avatar
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Bishop Gaussian Basis

In Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop he says in Section 3.3.2 titled Predictive distribution If we used localised basis functions such as Gaussians, then in regions away ...
Rahul Yadav's user avatar
12 votes
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Visual assessment of scatterplots acceptable?

I have a fairly basic question about analyzing a dataset of measurements taken on a number of fish, which I’m doing as part of a student project. So I have measurements of four species of fish of ...
roland222x's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

In what instances are 3-D charts appropriate?

All the data analysis-related texts I have read over the years recommend against using three-dimensional charts in almost all cases. To quote one of them, "Never use a 3-D chart when a two-...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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How to derive points for each variable in nomogram by hand?

I'm dealing with nomograms at this time, but I don't really understand how to derive the exact points for each variable by hand (or in a mathematically way). To be concrete, I brought a simple example:...
user avatar
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How to visualise the value of one predictor in a multiple linear regression

I'm looking for confirmation on whether the approach I have is statistically correct / straightforward, and if there might be any references supporting this line of thinking on how to visualise ...
Cam_stats's user avatar
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Interpreting random effect in GAM output: gaussian quantiles

Model runs are fine. Interpreting effects is easier for factors. What is not straight forward are the outputs/plots for variables with factor levels assigned a random effect. The plots I am trying to ...
frog_dan's user avatar
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Discrepancy in MSE Cell Frequencies and Entropy Estimation for Various Estimators

I've been trying to replicate the results from the paper "Entropy Inference and the James-Stein Estimator, With Application to Nonlinear Gene Association Networks" in R. The goal is to ...
Martin Miccoli's user avatar
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Is It Okay to Scale up Principal Component Analysis Loadings to Fill the Plotting Region When Plotting Principal Component Analysis Scores [duplicate]

I have the following plot, where I've plotted principal component analysis scores. I overlaid the loadings in the plotting region, but they're all very short and you can't see the loadings nor their ...
David Moore's user avatar
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How to tell if an interaction term should be included based on residual plot?

Applied Linear Regression Models says: Also, residuals should be plotted against interaction terms for potential interaction effects not included in the regression model, such as against $X_1X_2$ , $...
Nate's user avatar
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How to plot posterior marginal means for categorical variables?

I ran this model. Each categorical variable has three levels. How can I plot the results such as posterior marginal means for each six levels by country? ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Best Approach to Smooth ETA Transitions in Delivery Prediction Models

I'm working on displaying the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for an item delivery using a predictive model that evolves over time. The issue I'm facing involves smoothing the transition between ...
Chiara's user avatar
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Plotting/modelling a histogram with large bins of small values

I'm wondering some best practices or approaches for data where, for example, as in the below image the low value bins are most common, but you are interested in the whole distribution. Here is a ...
WBM's user avatar
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Relative vs. absolute error bars in log-scaled plots

There's conflicting info from seemingly knowledgeable sources about the correct way to show error bars on a log-scaled plot. $log_{10}(x \pm \Delta x)$ shows the absolute error. On the one hand, it's ...
ZachB's user avatar
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Any tips to differentiate zero and non-zero values on a map with a continuous color scale?

This is more a theoretical/best practices question than a practical one, but imagine I have to make a map with points representing cities, and some variable is tied to the points color. The value ...
Throe's user avatar
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3 answers

I think standard deviation of y is related to size of x. How do I create a model for this / test this?

I have a sample of data $(x_i, y_i)$. I hypothesize that $y_i$ is not dependent on $x_i$, but the standard deviation of $y_i$ depends on $x_i$ More concretely, say I assume $\textrm{Var}(y_i | x_i) = ...
Lost1's user avatar
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seeking suggestions for visualizing relationships between extracted topics and ratings in R

I have a set of product online reviews data. The dataset contains review text and 1-5 star ratings. I've extracted 5 prevalence topics using R stm package. They are price, design, packaging, promotion ...
James's user avatar
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Plot Hazard ratio, 95% CI with a continous variable

Can R generate some figure like this? x-axis=age(continous), y-axis = hazard ratio for each count? Our dataset: mydata, event=death, time to event=years, var=age, group=treatment(1) vs control(0)
bigbigtree's user avatar
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False Negative vs False Positive for Multiclass classification

Suppose I have three classes 1,2,3. And there's evaluation like below, where second element is false prediction where model predict class 3 while ground truth is 2. ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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How can i make a simple visualization of my result from a two way fixed effects regression model?

I am trying to understand the effect of the variable x1 on the dependent variable y1, and for that i have panel data. I decided to use a two way fixed effects model to estimate the effect of variable ...
user413005's user avatar
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Representing growth in learning outcomes

The average score of my class of students at the beginning of the year was 50/100 and at the end of the year, it was 80/100. The percentage growth is 60%. Can I write there is 1.6x growth in average ...
Poulo's user avatar
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How to work out the expected rate of success when there is a guaranteed success on the nth attempt?

I'm looking to work out how to find the expected success rate when given the rate of success but, also after n-1 failed attempts, there the success rate is 100% for the nth attempt. Intuitively I ...
BLey99's user avatar
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How to express the uncertainty in the OR of a right-tailed Fisher's exact test?

Many OR (odds ratio) visualizations show 95% confidence intervals expressing uncertainty like on the left panel in figure below. However, in genomic overrepresentation analysis right tailed Fisher ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Best solution was not repeated - no reliable result for metaMDS?

I have abundance data of spiders that I captured in different forest stands and I want to perform an NMDS. It generally works, although the stress value is relatively high. However, I get the message ...
Jenny s.'s user avatar
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Parallel Mediation Model Diagram

I am building a parallel mediation model diagram but am not sure what one of the numbers signifies despite 30 minutes of Goolging. The number in question is what's in the parenthesis for the c' path —...
W Hampton's user avatar
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I want to plot the decision boundaries of an SVM model with more than 2 variables

I understand that that is impossible to visualize, so I went in and PCA-transformed the variables. The problem is that I still need more than 2 principal components to get "good" ...
maglorismyspiritanimal's user avatar
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Intro to Stats- professor's mistake in an exercise on types of diagrams?

The Question Parking at a university has become a problem. University administrators are interested in determining the average time it takes students to find a parking spot. An administrator ...
nickalh's user avatar
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