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117 votes
4 answers

What is rank deficiency, and how to deal with it?

Fitting a logistic regression using lme4 ends with Error in mer_finalize(ans) : Downdated X'X is not positive definite. A likely cause of this error is ...
Jack Tanner's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

How to use ordinal logistic regression with random effects?

In my study I will be measuring workload with several metrics. With heart-rate variability (HRV), electrodermal activity (EDA) and with a subjective scale (IWS). After normalization the IWS has three ...
Robin Kramer-ten Have's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

How to apply binomial GLMM (glmer) to percentages rather than yes-no counts?

I have a repeated-measures experiment where the dependent variable is a percentage, and I have multiple factors as independent variables. I'd like to use glmer from ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How to fit a mixed model with response variable between 0 and 1?

I am trying to use lme4::glmer() to fit a binomial generalized mixed model (GLMM) with dependent variable that is not binary, but a continuous variable between zero ...
amoeba's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Calculating ICC for random-effects logistic regression

I'm running a logistic regression model in the form: lmer(response~1+(1|site), family=binomial, REML = FALSE) Normally I would calculate the ICC from the ...
Megan's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to deal with quasi-complete separation in a logistic GLMM?

Update: Since I now know that my problem is called quasi-complete separation I updated the question to reflect this (thanks to Aaron). I have a dataset from an experiment in which 29 human ...
Henrik's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What interpretation do the parameters of a generalised linear model with effect coding have?

lord.garbage's user avatar
8 votes
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Suspiciously high shrinkage in random effects logistic regression

Consider the following simple example: ...
Tamas Ferenci's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Modelling a binary outcome when census interval varies

For a current piece of work I’m trying to model the probability of tree death for beech trees in a woodland in the UK. I have records of whether trees were alive or dead for 3 different census periods ...
Phil_Martin's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Specifying model in glmer() - interaction terms

I am running a generalised mixed effects model, of family logistic regression, using function glmer(). I am predicting likelihood of response (0/1) and my fixed effects to explore in my final model ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

GLMM and two slopes

My outcome variable is binomial, and I have 11 independent variables and a time variable. The time variable has different slopes, so I fixed it to time-before and <...
Indigofera suffruticosa's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Bootstrap for random effects logistic regression to get CI for difference in proportions

Let's say I have two observations of a binary variable per patient on two different treatments for a sensible number of patients, some variable like age, and I'm fitting a model like this in R: ...
Björn's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Obtaining adjusted (predicted) proportions with lme4 - using the glmer-function

I aim to estimate the annual proportion of patients (% of patients) that are smokers in a population whose age and sex must be taken into account. In other words, I want to calculate the adjusted ...
Adam Robinsson's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to set up an intercept-only mixed logistic regression in order to test for difference from 50% chance level?

In my experiment, subjects repeatedly had to make a binary choice between A and B, and I want to test if subjects (as a group) differed from 50% chance in preferring A over B. Is there a way to test ...
PanPsych's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to get around the glmer warning : “Downdated VtV is not positive definite”

I hope that I'm not asking a silly question but I looked at similar issues (including opened issues on github #173 and #396) and couldn't find a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance for the ...
ecjb's user avatar
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5 votes
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Repeated measures with lmer and logistic regression

I have a question about the lmer() function and repeated measures design with R. In my study, each participant sees 60 trials, ...
Andrew's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

lme4_fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 1 column / coefficient

I have a dataset consisting of the following: one column language containing five different languages. Two other columns ...
Aloush87's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Casewise diagnostics and testing assumptions for a mixed effect logistic regression in R

I am modelling a binary outcome (Buried), that has two predictors: Offset (a 3 level factor) and width (continuous predictor). In addition, multiple data points came from the same unit -- a chamber, ...
JeanDrayton's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Mixed effect logistic regression in R: choosing random effects

I conducted an experiment which measured a binary response for each subject. The subjects were in 1 of 3 groups. There were two other fixed factors, each of which were continuums (cont1, cont2) ...
babylinguist's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to build a Mixed Effects Logistic regression Model?

I am new to data analysis and now working on a Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Model. Currently, I have the following data frame (model_data): ...
Josh's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Difference between multilevel logistic regression and a logistic regression with lower levels aggregated

I have a question about the differences between two forms of logistic regression. Let's say that I have data that is collected with some nesting. For concreteness, we'll say that I've got data across ...
triddle's user avatar
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4 votes
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Simulating and estimating generalized mixed effects models: how to avoid convergence problems?

Basic generalized mixed effects I am simulating data from a generalized mixed effects model $$ P(y_{it}=1\mid x_{it})=h(\delta_0+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma x_{it}) $$ where the dependent variable is ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
4 votes
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How to handle mixed-models with low sample size as well as low frequency of categorical level of interest?

Overview I am working on analyzing data from an observational study, details of which is as follows: 18 subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D) + 14 healthy controls were recruited for a four-week long ...
Ashirwad's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to compare whether the odds of success of different levels of a predictor are different from 0

I hope I am able to word my question clearly. Suppose I have a model below: glmer(Y~X + (1|subject), family="binomial", data=dat) The intercept is the log odds ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Testing glmer model assumptions (optionally in R)

I have collected binary data within subjects (multiple trials per subject) and have fit a generalized mixed effect regression to these data. My model has the following structure: fit <- glmer(Y ~ ...
user321797's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What methods are appropriate for testing correlations between binomial count (but not presence/absence) data?

Is it appropriate to analyze the relationship between a proportional explanatory variable and a proportional response variable (as cbind(option 1, option 2), or as a proportion with weights) using ...
rstewa03's user avatar
4 votes
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Degrees of Freedom Calculation in Linear Mixed Model

How are degrees of freedom calculated for a linear mixed effects model? I was recently running a linear mixed effects model that contained 1 independent variable with 3 levels (1,2, and 3). The random ...
Buck2079's user avatar
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0 answers

Mixed-effects logistic regression

I'm new to data analysis and I'm trying to perform a mixed-effect logistic regression. My data look like this: ...
Florent Wyckmans's user avatar
4 votes
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Intraclass correlation with binary dependent variable

I want to compute an intraclass correlation in a multilevel regression model with a binary dependent variable (i.e., using logit). When a continuous DV is used, the ICC is the proportion of variance ...
Aaron Weidman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Confidence intervals in probabilities for mixed effects logistic regression

A while back I was helped to get correct confidence intervals for predicted probabilities in a logistic regression model: Correct interpretation of confidence interval for logistic regression? Now, I ...
user2237931's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Estimates radically change when including Random Slopes in Multiple Logistic Regression

I am examining the fixed effects of two within-subject experimental manipulations (i.e., Ambiguity 0 = No / 1 = Yes, and Uncertainty 0 = No / 1 = Yes) on a dichotomized variable (i.e., Punishment, 0 ...
dtoribio's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Logit link in GLM and inverse logit

I am calculating a generalized linear mixed model (GLM) with a two-column (n successes/failures) binomial response using the the lme4 package in ...
Johannes's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Interpreting intercept with centered predictors in logistic mixed model

I am running a logistic mixed model in lme4. The model is as follows ...
SilvaC's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

The results of logistic regression with glmer and glm are quite different

I'm trying to analyze the longitudinal data of clinical trial. The variables are event: Dichotomous (1, 0) variable indicating whether event occured. ...
ESKim's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to specify random effects in logisitc mixed effects regression with multiple observations per subject but only 1 outcome per ~50 DV measurements?

I have a dataframe that looks something like this: Each subject got somewhere between 40-120 lesions in a given procedure, and I want to know which dependent variable was associated with "injury&...
myfatson's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Interpreting a binned residual plot for logistic regression

I have the following mixed effect logistic regression: ball3=glmer(Buried~Offset+Width_mm+(1|Chamber), family=binomial, data=ballData) And I would like to ...
JeanDrayton's user avatar
3 votes
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Regression of a ratio of two continuous variables (i.e. regressing continuous proportions)

I have data of the following form: ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
3 votes
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Identifying outliers in logistic regression model

I'm looking to identify outliers in a logistic regression model, e.g. ...
Sarah Smith's user avatar
3 votes
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Can a random effects intercept variable be highly but coincidentally correlated to a response variable?

Issue- I'm creating a logistic mixed model where the response variable (if a plot falls within an active bird lek area) is highly related to a term I may include as a random effects term (grazing ...
Mina's user avatar
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Estimation Procedure of Multilevel Logistic Regression

I know the estimation procedure for logistic regression is the iterative weighted least squares method. In the book An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models written by Dobson & Barnett, in ...
ABC's user avatar
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Best way to account for time lags in logistic regression (GLM or GLMM)

I am trying to determine the best, most conservative way to account of time lags in a logistic regression type analysis (a generalized linear model with or without mixed effects). I am working with ...
MCNC's user avatar
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Interpreting Coefficients from Logistic Mixed Effects Model [closed]

I am trying to use glmer to create logistic mixed effects models (LMEMs) and then run a model comparison between them. Respondents can click "Yes" (coded as 1) or "No" (0), which is used as the DV. ...
Chris NH Street's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to predict ln(odds) with rcs term in mixed effects logistic model?

I am using "lme4" package to fit mixed-effects nonlinear logistic model to access the association of Y and X. As the response variable of my data is binary and nlmer function requires ...
Linyuan Qin's user avatar
2 votes
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Problem fitting glmer model with factor and numeric predictors

I'm trying to fit logistic regression with formula like this: ...
makak's user avatar
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What post-hoc test should be used for a glmer model with a binary response, and a continuous and categorical predictor?

I'm a bit of a newbie with stats and R, so need a bit of direction to find a suitable post-hoc test for my glmer model. I'm trying to find if presence is affected by environmental factors for each ...
Madi 's user avatar
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How to extract predicted probabilities from glmer results for a logistic mixed effects model

I have two groups that I follow over 4 time points (Baseline, Three months, Six months, and Year). The outcome is some binary variable, lets say presence or absence of cancer. ...
Mircea_cel_Batran's user avatar
2 votes
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Feasibility of running mixed-effects poisson/logistic regression with correlation structure such as AR(1), Toeplitz

I'm not aware of any R package that lets me use specify the covariance pattern model such as in the package nlme and run the mixed effects poisson/logistic ...
user avatar
2 votes
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How to account for temporal autocorrelation in mixed effects logistic regression?

Apologies if this has been asked before-I've looked around but haven't found any questions regarding my exact situation. I am conducting a study aimed at determining the climate sensitivity of a bird ...
C.H.'s user avatar
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Use predicted values with or without random part to plot Residuals with binnedplot of a logistic regression in glmer (lme4 package) in R?

Which binnedplot of the glmer should I use to check the model? The residuals against the predicted values without random part(REform=NA) or residuals against the predicted values with random part(...
user41906's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Factorial regression without significant interaction - can I consider contrasts significant?

First, I'm really sorry if this is a duplicate, I just couldn't find a definite answer. I'm not used to analyzing categorical variables so I'm having trouble with something that is probably very basic....
Sointu's user avatar
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